When I was testing my water today, I found one of my hermits out of his shell, half eaten
Latest readings are as follows.
Saturday 10:00am PH 8.1 , Nitrate 5ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Ammonia 0.00ppm, Salinity 1022, Temp 24'c.
Saturday 12:00pm Added 5x hermits and 1x yellow tail blue damsel.
Sunday 12:00pm PH 8.0 , Nitrate 20ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Ammonia 0.25ppm, Salinity 1022, Temp 24'c.
Am I correct that the readings would increase as I increase the population.
Would the death of the hermit be due to the damsel ? The hermit remains have certainly been partially eaten.
Is a jump from 5ppm Nitrate to 20ppm Nitrate safe for the other hermits/damsel ?