The potter's is swimming all around the tank investigating the rock and sand. Picking at stuff. I've caught her looking at my Paly. She swam right up to it, barely an inch from it and I swear she was inspecting it.
She even ate some pellet food tonight!! Seems these fish do well as long as they have hiding room, are eating well and have tank mates that aren't to aggressive.
Kj, would you do me a favour and add the picture of your lovely wrasse to 'the fish of the week' thread for wrasses - and if there is any chance you would write a little bit that would be great
well seffie I added it. Problem is I haven't experienced much with it It's still hiding in the sand. I was going to add it later after I've observed it for a while.
I'm wondering if my tank is large enough to sustain one. I am pondering adding another power head lower in the tank to prevent junk from settling on the sand.