My New Marine Tank Log.

theres also no point saying all this now when hes already bought it is there, might as well help with the transformer part since thats whats been bought.

im not entirely good with skimmers, dont own one and get confused by electronics like transformers, but im sure someone with something USEFUL to say will come along instead of questioning why u got it :p
i suppose thats a valid point :)

lessons been learnt though, you dont progress without mistakes n all that! just need to ensure can help joedapro get it working well so it wasnt a too big mistake to make.
theres also no point saying all this now when hes already bought it is there

Yes, just incase anyone else is considering doing the same thing...
I beg to differ, by pointing out there are cheaper and better alternatives to what is (in the US) a very good skimmer, it will help prevent anyone else making the mistake.

Obviouosly the point shouldn't be laboured at the expense of the OP.
Ok another question, Ive had my tank up and running for 2 weeks now, the water levels are fine, but ive only got 40kg of live rock in my 130 litre tank, do i need more live rock before i can introduce CUC
Ok another question, Ive had my tank up and running for 2 weeks now, the water levels are fine, but ive only got 40kg of live rock in my 130 litre tank, do i need more live rock before i can introduce CUC

40 kgs is a good amount of lr for 130 litre, i have 27 kgs in my 310 litre and my levels are fine even with 2 fishes in albeit im gonna add more soon. there are alot of rule of thumbs about the amount of lr per litre. you sound like you have plenty thb. and whats the out come on the maxijet you made a decision yet?
Ive bought a Transformer, should be here in a day or two, cost me £6 inc p&p
What does it matter how high the bubble box thing is?
this is my tank atm, Yes i know the polystyrene elevating the lid looks a bodge job, but i have to to fit in the Aquac on, ill be getting some MH lights Mounted on wall soon so the lid will go.
Tough to say but it looks like its sitting a little high. You can try it, and if its not the right height you either won't get skimmate or you'll get lots of bubbles in the tank :)
Sitting a little high? thats as low as the bubble box bit goes :|

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