My cycling update thread...

And about as far from biology has you can get! :p
(I prefer planted cycling).
When will you get it through your thick skull that not everyone can do fast growing plants forever! I decided not to do in substrate plants. And I prefer this method. But if I could do in substrate plants to cycle then I would
When will you get it through your thick skull that not everyone can do fast growing plants forever! I decided not to do in substrate plants. And I prefer this method. But if I could do in substrate plants to cycle then I would
I would think that with my academic qualifications alone, my skull is far from thick.
YOU asked for my help and I declined to give it, giving a good reason for not doing so and suggested that asking me about this method of cycling would be a pointless exercise..
As per, you assume, quite wrongly, that plants have to be planted in substrate to facilitate cycling. They don't.

I'll also make the point that almost every single time someone presents us with a problem in their fish tanks, plants feature heavily in the solution and, when I asked who had planted tanks, the vast majority admitted to doing so.
I'll assume that there's good reason for this.
I remind members to be respectful to other members please. Let's keep the forum friendly and helpful for all members.
@Rocky998 , what does the cycling sticky indicate that you should do at this juncture?

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