My Complete Roma 125 Journal.


I've just taken a photo as promised to show you my somehow succeeding planted tanks after a day of being planted. I really expected everything to die overnight! :lol:

Anyway, here it is:
I guess you could class this as a journal post...

So erm, I've not really been paying attention to my tank and most of my plants have died along with most of my fish. I know, I'm ashamed of myself. I'm going to get it cleaned tomorrow and try to get myself back in to it all :rolleyes:
You did all that, posting a highly detailed journal and then just left it to go to turd? :unsure:
Yeahh :look:
Going to clean it up today now instead. Get this thing restarted! :fun:
Sorry, that was a little harsh. I know how if you go over the top without much experience it can do your head in so you give up. Reading through it seems you started a little too high tech with all the ferts etc! Keep it simple this time then it won't be as taxing. I'm not a massive plant fan but find they do well enough with regular water changes and a bit of Seachem Flourish and Flourish Excel. Besides, this isn't tropical plant forums...
Sorry, that was a little harsh. I know how if you go over the top without much experience it can do your head in so you give up. Reading through it seems you started a little too high tech with all the ferts etc! Keep it simple this time then it won't be as taxing. I'm not a massive plant fan but find they do well enough with regular water changes and a bit of Seachem Flourish and Flourish Excel. Besides, this isn't tropical plant forums...

That's typical me though, jumping in to everything head first as if I've been doing it for years. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't :lol:

I don't really need to go over the top with plants this time as the java moss and java ferns I have are doing so well they've almost taken over :lol:

I'm dreading cleaning this filter, I might have to post some photos to show the colour of it :unsure:
Right, I've cleaned the tank for almost 2 hours now and decided to call it a day. I didn't want to empty more than half the water as I still have a few super fish that have survived including my bristlenose plec.

I'm going to have another shot at cleaning tomorrow and test the pH of my tap water later tonight (seeing as I've forgotten it) to see what fish I can get interested in to get me started again. Going to be good, no cycle necessary because of my super fish! :hyper:
How long are we talking since any water changes/maintenance of any kind?
About 3 months unfortunately.

Just had another quick clean whilst changing about a quarter of the water and it's looking a lot clearer now! I also tested the pH of my tap water which seems to be around 7.5 so I need to start with my research :fun:

I've just been looking at the photos of my tank a few months before it was left to go to pot and a photo I have just taken and there really is a difference. I really do still have a lot of cleaning to do!



My finger is out now though, as I have said before. I AM determined! :fun:

right, I've decided the right hand side of my tank is too boring and it needs some plants so the plan is to get some more jungle vallis (more as in the last lot died). While I'm at it, I think I'm going to buy some pygmy chain sword and some EasyCarbo to add alongside my own ferts.

Here's what I have in mind...

I'm also going to the garden centre either tomorrow or Thursday to get some more Cardinals and some sort of dwarf gouramis to try out again. I might also squeeze some cheeky corys in if my mum allows, considering they didn't last very long last time...

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