So after a year of not updating my journal and basically being inactive on the forum (again), I'M BACK!
This time though, I actually kept up with my tank and took care of my fish
Anyway, I've decided it's re-scape time and possibly time for some extra stock so I need your help once again!
Here's how the tank currently looks:
Pretty dirty, yes but not out of hand (although the java moss is)
So yeah, you can see why I want to re-scape!
Here's another look at the mass of moss that I probably need to cut down on:
Magic, eh?
It's likely that I'll be selling some in the classifieds section in the coming days/weeks so keep your eyes peeled!
There's actually two pieces of bogwood under the moss... along with a tiny rock which it started on
Also, why not have a few photos of the only remaining gold gourami:
Where's the other one you ask...
If you look a little earlier in my journal you will see that the idiot woman at the garden center gave me two males and unfortunately, I was unable to find a new home (or tank) for one so Mr Grumpy Gorami seen above won, shall we say
So yeah, that's where I am at the minute!
Now it's time to decide:
What plants to try next?
Should I try CO2?
What stock shall I think about, if any? (current can be seen in signature)
What am I going to do when I go to university in September? - NOT A CLUE!
Oh, and how am I going to lay out the tank, bearing in mind my BN LOVES the wood as it is...