My Complete Roma 125 Journal.

looking forward to seeing the first photo of the new tenants....what fish are going in first

I think the Cardinals are going to be first, I'm not too sure yet. Getting it planted is top of the list though. :)

I've been rather inactive over the past week as I have only had interest in my cycle hurrying up!
Anyhow, it has finally reached 0ppm nitrite within 24 hours so its time to buy my plants. :hyper:

Unfortunately, the website I am going to buy the plants from previously had a offer that was if you spent offer £40, you would get free postage and 10% off. The offer is now if you spend £50 you get free postage and if you spend £60 you get 10% off. I'm rather annoyed as it just means I will have to spend £20 more! :p
Just a tip to anyone wanting to cut a neat round hole in their tank lids, use a cutter like this one on a cordless drill (very slow speed).

Toolstation Link


This set is only basic, but as you are only cutting plastic will easily cut it, various sizes to match the dimensions of the pipe, and you don't end up with a round pipe and a square hole!
Good to know that your nitrite is now 0, hopefully mine will start to drop soon too :D
The square hole that I cut is fairly neat so I'm impressed with what I did. I expected it to look a mess! :p

I forgot to tell you, I spent £56.50 on plants, fertilizer ingredients and some pinsettes yesterday! How did I manage to forget that?

  • Anyway, here is what I bought:
  • 50g Potassium Sorbate
  • 250g Trace Elements
  • 50g Ascorbic Acid
  • Magnesium Sulphate 250g
  • Potassium Phosphate 250g
  • Potassium Nitrate 500g
  • 500ml Dosing bottle
  • TFF Fertiliser mix
  • 2 Bunches of Vallisneria Spiralis / Jungle Val
  • 1 Bunch of Aponogeton Crispus / Ruffled sword plant
  • Vesicularia Dubyana / Java Moss - On Rock
  • 1 Bunch of Microsorum Pteropus / Java Fern
  • 2 Bunches of Echinodorous Parviflorous / Black Amazon Sword
  • 1 Bunch of Echinodorous Tenellus / pygmy chain sword
  • 1 Bunch of Echinodorous quadricostatus / Chain sword
  • 300mm Pinsettes

To be honest I have no idea when they will be delivered as they have to be shipped to the UK, held in quarantine and then posted to me. I'm in no rush though so as long as the plants are in good condition I shall be happy! :good:
GREAT NEWS, my plants have arrived! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

I've just planted them but I can't take a picture of my tank until it gets dark, you will have to wait until later to see! :rolleyes:
Hey, what did you think of Seapets. I'm considering ordering a Aquaone Horizon 60, great price but with free postage I'm wondering how long it will actually take them to post out.
Seapets are more than excellent, I recieved my tank within a week.

And by the way, woops. I forgot to take a photo but I promise I will have one up tomorrow! :hyper:
GREAT NEWS, my plants have arrived! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

I've just planted them but I can't take a picture of my tank until it gets dark, you will have to wait until later to see! :rolleyes:

I'm guessing with that offer you mention in a few posts back you got your plants from planted tanks (same place as me) and my plants arrived today - 12pm to be precise lols!! :good: Although I'm not planting til friday as I still need to sort a few bits out.
Yeahh, they were from PlantedTanks

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