Maybe a bit creepy!

I think with the younger generation these days it’s a lot harder. Kids are crueler these days and the amount of mental health issues with this generation is through the roof. I got 2 young girls and they are stunning to say the least (call me bias I’m okay with that). My eldest girl got bullied several times really bad in primary school to the point that I spoke to the principal and said if you don’t deal with it, I will take matters into my own hands. One of the times was was a little girl who kept telling my daughter that she was fat and ugly and I had my daughter coming home from school and asking my hubby and I if we through she was ugly and fat and started watching what she ate... she was 7 yrs old at the time. I absolutely lost it when I figured out what was going on! We have always told our girls how beautiful they are and how much we love them on a daily basis and that has always built their confidence (probably a little to much but I’m okay with that too). Anyways,
I totally agree ♡♡
I think with the younger generation these days it’s a lot harder. Kids are crueler these days and the amount of mental health issues with this generation is through the roof. I got 2 young girls and they are stunning to say the least (call me bias I’m okay with that). My eldest girl got bullied several times really bad in primary school to the point that I spoke to the principal and said if you don’t deal with it, I will take matters into my own hands. One of the times was was a little girl who kept telling my daughter that she was fat and ugly and I had my daughter coming home from school and asking my hubby and I if we through she was ugly and fat and started watching what she ate... she was 7 yrs old at the time. I absolutely lost it when I figured out what was going on! We have always told our girls how beautiful they are and how much we love them on a daily basis and that has always built their confidence (probably a little to much but I’m okay with that too). Anyways,
I can totally relate!!! I have two daughters... 15.. and 11... and they are both beautiful (of course I am bias!! LOL).. but they both get bullied... It is awful!! My older daughter even had a group of girls tell her that she should just kill herself!! Can you Imagine!?!?! :mad: I called the school needless to say and demanded that something be done about it!! My oldest daughter has gone to counseling due to the issues at school... It is ridiculous!! Anyway she is absolutely beautiful, and so talented musically, but she has NOT CLUE how pretty and talented she is because she is constantly being beaten down by the "popular girls"..... I constantly tell her how beautiful she is.. But I am her Mother, so what do I know!!! LOL...
I can totally relate!!! I have two daughters... 15.. and 11... and they are both beautiful (of course I am bias!! LOL).. but they both get bullied... It is awful!! My older daughter even had a group of girls tell her that she should just kill herself!! Can you Imagine!?!?! :mad: I called the school needless to say and demanded that something be done about it!! My oldest daughter has gone to counseling due to the issues at school... It is ridiculous!! Anyway she is absolutely beautiful, and so talented musically, but she has NOT CLUE how pretty and talented she is because she is constantly being beaten down by the "popular girls"..... I constantly tell her how beautiful she is.. But I am her Mother, so what do I know!!! LOL...
Bullies are terrible. I've dealt with my fair share. I do have a lot of self esteem issues from it so I get where you're coming from. Its terribke
Bullies are terrible. I've dealt with my fair share. I do have a lot of self esteem issues from it so I get where you're coming from. Its terribke
Please know that what they say does not matter! Know that it will get better eventually, and in the meantime, you are special no matter what they say!! My mother told me once, that only people who have self esteem issues themselves criticize others in order to make themselves feel better about themselves... No one who who doesn't doubt themselves picks on others...
Please know that what they say does not matter! Know that it will get better eventually, and in the meantime, you are special no matter what they say!! My mother told me once, that only people who have self esteem issues themselves criticize others in order to make themselves feel better about themselves... No one who who doesn't doubt themselves picks on others...
I totally agree! I know a lot better now and dont usually listen to them anymore. There is one girl who ive been talking to online that I just cant convince her that shes not ugly and the bullies are wrong
I totally agree! I know a lot better now and dont usually listen to them anymore. There is one girl who ive been talking to online that I just cant convince her that shes not ugly and the bullies are wrong
Just keep trying... sometimes it takes someone hearing something MANY times before they feel like they can trust what someone is telling them...
I can totally relate!!! I have two daughters... 15.. and 11... and they are both beautiful (of course I am bias!! LOL).. but they both get bullied... It is awful!! My older daughter even had a group of girls tell her that she should just kill herself!! Can you Imagine!?!?! :mad: I called the school needless to say and demanded that something be done about it!! My oldest daughter has gone to counseling due to the issues at school... It is ridiculous!! Anyway she is absolutely beautiful, and so talented musically, but she has NOT CLUE how pretty and talented she is because she is constantly being beaten down by the "popular girls"..... I constantly tell her how beautiful she is.. But I am her Mother, so what do I know!!! LOL...

This makes me so mad... how kids can be this cruel it baffles me!!! Broke my heart reading your story. I found one of the kids that bullied my girl was getting bullied at home from his dad, that broke my heart but it showed that he used that towards others in a way that he only knew. I have always said to my girls if I ever and I mean EVER hear or find you bullying someone look out. I have taught them that everyone me is different but still have feelings and to think about how they would feel if that was them. My girls no not to stare at special needs wools well it in public or even someone that looks different. I think these days it’s all about morals and how you raise them
This makes me so mad... how kids can be this cruel it baffles me!!! Broke my heart reading your story. I found one of the kids that bullied my girl was getting bullied at home from his dad, that broke my heart but it showed that he used that towards others in a way that he only knew. I have always said to my girls if I ever and I mean EVER hear or find you bullying someone look out. I have taught them that everyone me is different but still have feelings and to think about how they would feel if that was them. My girls no not to stare at special needs wools well it in public or even someone that looks different. I think these days it’s all about morals and how you raise them
I know!!!... I have had multiple conversations with my girls and made it very clear to them that bullying is completely unacceptable... I tell my girls what my mother always told me while I was growing up: "Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself". It is an age old axiom that just doesn't seem to be being taught to young children these days... I have tried to teach my girls to always have compassion for others. It is just hard for me to understand how some children are not getting taught this lesson at home. Unfortunately you know that the children that are bullying others are not being taught how they should treat others at home, and are possibly even being bullied at home.... It is so sad... I have taught my girls that not only should they not bully others, but that if they ever see it happening to others, that it is their RESPONSIBILITY to NOT LET it happen... I have taught them that they should stick up verbally for anyone that they observe being bullied and to be the better person... to be the one that takes a stand and does the right thing... the one that does not turn a blind eye to what is going on... I am not sure if what I have taught them will really make a difference or if they will really do what I taught them, but at least I know I tired...
When my daughters were in high school they were bullied too. There was a school liaison officer who tried hard to police this behavior but there was only so much he could do with the large number of students he had to deal with. I taught my daughters self defense which helped with some of the physical pushing and shoving-that pretty much stopped but the verbal abuse was harder to control. They formed a group with other girls that had been bullied and looked out for each other. They are still friends years later
When my daughters were in high school they were bullied too. There was a school liaison officer who tried hard to police this behavior but there was only so much he could do with the large number of students he had to deal with. I taught my daughters self defense which helped with some of the physical pushing and shoving-that pretty much stopped but the verbal abuse was harder to control. They formed a group with other girls that had been bullied and looked out for each other. They are still friends years later
Words can cut deeper than anything physical
When my daughters were in high school they were bullied too. There was a school liaison officer who tried hard to police this behavior but there was only so much he could do with the large number of students he had to deal with. I taught my daughters self defense which helped with some of the physical pushing and shoving-that pretty much stopped but the verbal abuse was harder to control. They formed a group with other girls that had been bullied and looked out for each other. They are still friends years later
I think that verbal abuse is far more damaging than any physical bullying can be :( It destroys children's psyches.. A physical "wound" heals much quicker than a psychological one...
I can totally relate!!! I have two daughters... 15.. and 11... and they are both beautiful (of course I am bias!! LOL).. but they both get bullied... It is awful!! My older daughter even had a group of girls tell her that she should just kill herself!! Can you Imagine!?!?! :mad: I called the school needless to say and demanded that something be done about it!! My oldest daughter has gone to counseling due to the issues at school... It is ridiculous!! Anyway she is absolutely beautiful, and so talented musically, but she has NOT CLUE how pretty and talented she is because she is constantly being beaten down by the "popular girls"..... I constantly tell her how beautiful she is.. But I am her Mother, so what do I know!!! LOL...
Tell me about it. I get beaten down by the group of "cool guys" at my home school group. Its even a Christian homeschool group! Its crazy, kids are so mean.

But, when I'm bullied, I let them know I don't like it and I keep my cool. They just usually laugh and walk away. I have had problems with this one guy. He is about to cross the line and test me. He has already pushed/shoved me, called me bad names, insulted my sister, etc. (Real childish, right?)

I tell the teacher, but she doesn't care. No one cares anymore.

My dad says that if he touches me or my sister/brother, its go time. He said because he was the one that made the first move, he was the one to blame when the dust settles. We have even talked to the leader of my home school group. She said whoever started it will be expelled. So if he does touch me, I have a green light. (To beat him to a fine pulp)

I think its funny, because he thinks he could probably beat me in a fight, but I took 5 years of karate and 1 year of hardcore jujitsu. I will wallop this guy if he touches me or my brother/sister.

His sister is also mean to my sister, and his sisters best friend is a passive aggressionist. It will get ugly if he keeps this up, when we start back up...
I think that verbal abuse is far more damaging than any physical bullying can be :( It destroys children's psyches.. A physical "wound" heals much quicker than a psychological one...
Totally agree, My wife still talks about being verbally picked on in school. We moved so much that I was always the "new" kid in school and had to deal with many bullies. This went on every year from 2nd grade to high school. One of the good things my father taught me was how defend myself. I never went looking for a fight, win or lose I never had to fight that same bully again. I was not a very big kid and I think the bullies thought I would be an easy target. I ended up having other kids that were bullied hang around me. I was only 120 pounds and 5 foot 8 inches when I went into the Army.
Tell me about it. I get beaten down by the group of "cool guys" at my home school group. Its even a Christian homeschool group! Its crazy, kids are so mean.

But, when I'm bullied, I let them know I don't like it and I keep my cool. They just usually laugh and walk away. I have had problems with this one guy. He is about to cross the line and test me. He has already pushed/shoved me, called me bad names, insulted my sister, etc. (Real childish, right?)

I tell the teacher, but she doesn't care. No one cares anymore.

My dad says that if he touches me or my sister/brother, its go time. He said because he was the one that made the first move, he was the one to blame when the dust settles. We have even talked to the leader of my home school group. She said whoever started it will be expelled. So if he does touch me, I have a green light. (To beat him to a fine pulp)

I think its funny, because he thinks he could probably beat me in a fight, but I took 5 years of karate and 1 year of hardcore jujitsu. I will wallop this guy if he touches me or my brother/sister.

His sister is also mean to my sister, and his sisters best friend is a passive aggressionist. It will get ugly if he keeps this up, when we start back up...
I understand your anger and contempt... It is completely justified... and I totally understand you father's stand on the issue... It is also "justified"... But, if I can be a "voice of reason"... If you can entertain that idea for a moment?... Sometimes taking the "high road" actually means "turning a cheek" to what is happening... So, what I mean by that is this... Being the "better person" often means doing the opposite of what your emotions want you to do... Sometimes turning away from conflict makes you the stronger individual and the one who is truly doing the right thing... Now, I am not saying that you shouldn't voice your opinion on the matter... By all means... Say your piece!!!... But getting physically involved is not always a solution... This is my opinion, and you will do what you feel is right... but, it is always my opinion that the stronger individual is the one who finds the strength to avoid a fight, and to walk away... To speak their mind.. and then walk away...That is the true Hero in my opinion...;)
Okay everyone. I found the best photo filter online. This is me :rofl: I'm dying it's too funny


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