Maybe a bit creepy!

When I went into Army basic training they cut my hair off and left only peach fuzz. I remember looking into the mirror with the other guys and laughing at ourselves and each other. It was all you could do but laugh, I then decided I would grow a mustache to make up for my lost of hair and have had it ever since.
That is awful IMHO.
Hey, when I go to basic, I'm going to cut all of my hair off. (Or cut it super short)

Nothing to maintain, easy to care for, etc.
Hey, when I go to basic, I'm going to cut all of my hair off. (Or cut it super short)

Nothing to maintain, easy to care for, etc.
Easy for you!
No you don't!! My hair is naturally curly ...but more like frizzy!! I hate it... But then again, I think we all want want what we don't have...
I agree. It's funny how for special occasions girls with straight hair curl it and those with curly hair straighten it

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