Maybe a bit creepy!

I understand where you're coming from. Liking anything and everything kills the effectiveness of said likes. When you're liked for simply saying "hello" it kind of defeats the purpose. I'd like to see the likes used for good solid advice, or for warmhearted welcomes, even for when something really does strike the right chord in you. I'd say a limiter would be cool so that everyone only gets "x" likes a day, but even then, I know I could easily exceed a limit because of the bountiful messages which has good information, or generally appeals to me.

Though, I can see the younger side too, alot of things nowadays revolve around likes, and views, it's the world we live in. It may seem pointless to the older gen, however thats what they're used to and I can't fault them for it.
They have admitted it’s a competition and ruins the entire reason for reactions. I wish we just didn’t score them. @dascrow, is there anyway to turn the reaction score calculator off?
I don't really see how *giving* likes is a contest. I like a lot of posts, if I like or agree with them, or laugh react if they make me laugh. I'm not competing with anyone to hand out the most likes, or liking things I think are stupid or wrong. Not playing favourites either, if someone I don't personally like gives good info, I like it. I enjoy if a post of mine gets a lots of likes, obviously, since it means people agree or found it useful or funny. But who cares about top scores or rankings? Every forum I've ever used has made a point of underlining that karma/rank/positive or negative ratings mean nothing, and don't have any real effect, so not to take them too seriously.

Right now the top people are Juice, NC and Viking. I don't think they're trying to manipulate anything?
But if giving too many likes is frowned upon, I will refrain.
Right now the top people are Juice, NC and Viking. I don't think they're trying to manipulate anything?
But if giving too many likes is frowned upon, I will refrain.
I agree. The top people now have all those likes because their information is good. You don’t get any prize.

@Deanasue, I was simply saying the reason why we have a “like” reaction, is so other members don’t have to reply with “Like”, just like @Flushable Pets did. (I’m not taking a shot at you man, just using you as an example.)

I honestly don’t care about reaction score anymore, and I wasn’t trying to get more likes on that post, so I could get to the top.

I didn’t realize that getting a lot of likes from the same person was incorrect/wrong. When I get a lot of likes on the same post, I feel happy that people found my information helpful.

I apologize for what I said @Deanasue, if it offended you...
I don't really see how *giving* likes is a contest. I like a lot of posts, if I like or agree with them, or laugh react if they make me laugh. I'm not competing with anyone to hand out the most likes, or liking things I think are stupid or wrong. Not playing favourites either, if someone I don't personally like gives good info, I like it. I enjoy if a post of mine gets a lots of likes, obviously, since it means people agree or found it useful or funny. But who cares about top scores or rankings? Every forum I've ever used has made a point of underlining that karma/rank/positive or negative ratings mean nothing, and don't have any real effect, so not to take them too seriously.

Right now the top people are Juice, NC and Viking. I don't think they're trying to manipulate anything?
But if giving too many likes is frowned upon, I will refrain.

I don't think it's frowned upon as a whole, like many things there are differences in opinion, I'm on the fence with it in all honesty. Like yourself I enjoy giving likes to posts I enjoy reading or getting information from, and naturally when I get likes for advice I've given I feel like I've done a good job and actually contributed to someones learning experience, or problem solving. Yet on the flipside I can understand how the likes may become meaningless, especially if it comes to the point of liking bad information, or null information.

I don't see no reason why you should refrain, liking things is your decision and your right on the forum. If it was a huge problem, I would see the likes being removed entirely from the forum. Also I don't think I've ever seen you like anything for the sake of it, that goes for the vast majority of members on this forum.

As long as good information is being upvoted, I don't see a problem with people liking other stuff in general chat etc etc
I'm sorry, I saw this one and couldn't resist, I can't even remember taking it haha!

I'll post a better one when I find one


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    what am I doing.png
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I'm sorry, I saw this one and couldn't resist, I can't even remember taking it haha!

I'll post a better one when I find one
I don't know why I assumed you were a woman, I'm sorry! I did the same with @ClownLurch :blush:

I'm not gonna ask why you are doing the pants on head thing, hiding quarantine hair maybe?
I don't know why I assumed you were a woman, I'm sorry! I did the same with @ClownLurch :blush:

I'm not gonna ask why you are doing the pants on head thing, hiding quarantine hair maybe?

I don't have any hair :-( I started going bald in my early 20's so I just shave constantly now otherwise I'd look like a monk. Haha, no problem, I could dig up older photos where I looked like a girl though :p
Right okay, I found a normal picture, also I'll include two from my younger days, which should be a laugh for you.

The shockingly blonde me was taken just before my basic training, as you can imagine I was quite the laughing stock and earned the nickname "Budgie" because "I like to flaunt my feathers", naturally they cut the finge off but kept the blonde part at the back and my sergeant told me if I was to be a good budgie I'd have to style it everyday lol.


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