Lfs Outrage! A Big Rant And I Need Help!

No, it's too bad the headquarters of the company did not respond. I think I've been banned from that particular store for taking those pictures so I haven't gone back in. I'm going to get a friend to stop by one of these days to see if anything has even changed. I'm hoping for the best though!

Keep us posted!
If I owned a pet store, the only thing that I'd use fish bowls for is for having the Bettas on display instead of those rank, tiny little cups.
Wal-Mart does better than these guys!

(Although, when I went there yesterday, like 40% of their fish were dead)
I was almost tempted to take a beautiful betta from there and keep it in my spare 1g until I got a bigger one.
you cant do that, what they are doing is sick and cruel!

thank god you wanna make a change!
I agree, I might use fish bowls to keep betta because they'd have a little room to swim around than a cup. I'd definitely keep all the females in big tanks so people could see they aren't "ugly" like everyone thinks. Females can be just as pretty as males IMO and are very active. They seem to die first in those little cups... :(

Thanks for the replies!
tell them that the rspca has a list of all there current stock (so he doesnt throw them away) and that they will be doing a suprise visit within the next month and that they will give him a 5000 pound /doller fine iff they are in those cups, as you have sent them pics and are going to take action

then hell/ shell get tanks and put em in and probably will keep them there
tell them that the rspca has a list of all there current stock (so he doesnt throw them away) and that they will be doing a suprise visit within the next month and that they will give him a 5000 pound /doller fine iff they are in those cups, as you have sent them pics and are going to take action

then hell/ shell get tanks and put em in and probably will keep them there

I didn't know they would charge them so much!! I think it's a good idea to look into if they haven't made any changes yet to their poor betta. Thanks! :good:
i dont think they do charge that much just scare the sh$* out of him thats what id do
i hate seeing them kept in these conditions, luckily my locals keep them in tanks, i admit sometimes with nippers but most of the time there pretty good.

would be nice to see an improvement in the way these beautiful lil guys and girls are treated :wub:
No, it's too bad the headquarters of the company did not respond. I think I've been banned from that particular store for taking those pictures so I haven't gone back in. I'm going to get a friend to stop by one of these days to see if anything has even changed. I'm hoping for the best though!

banned because you have proof of the horrid treatment?

or because you arent allowed to take pictures of any of the fish? like if they had a beautiful guppy you took a picture of would you be banned? :shifty:
Thats bad, my LFS shop told me that they buy thier betta's from a warehouse, where there kept in them little yogurt pots :l

I can imagine it being just like that. They didnt tell me much, jus slipped into the convo when i went in to discuss them buying my fry, probally why they were so keen... there betta do look pretty poor. not much of a tail, all battered.

the shop keep them in tanks, but i dred to see the place they came from.
That is awful,here in the UK ive yet to see a betta in a cup (our animal rights laws are pretty good) but 2 days ago i went to a different branch of Pets@home than i normally go to. At my local Pets@home the bettas are actually pretty well housed in divided tanks and the advise they give isnt too bad ( not always acurate but better than most). So naturally i thought why not check out the larger branch as im currently in need for supplies for my new betta tank anyway. Upon arriving at the aquatics section i was horrifyed. They were housing one male VT in a 30 litre tank with about 80 neon tetras. it looked so scared and hid at the back with his wonderful blue fins nipped and sore. Another was housed with yet more tetras and the one i was growing quite attatched to was hiding desperately behind a filter in a tank full of variouse tetras.
I think the worst i have seen was at pet warehouse. One poor beautiful VT was so injured by its tank mates that it just lay on the bottom of the tank on its side gasping for air. I welled up with tears and told my partner i wanted to leave ,on my way out noticing some weather loaches being kept in some of the most vile tank water ive ever seen and spotting a heater that had detatched from the side of the tank full of freshwater crabs and loaches and was burning the inhabitants.
This cant go on its cruel and disgusting. I personally support you fully with your efforts.
Thanks everyone! All the other stores have better conditions (although not by much) but I was so happy when I saw a Pet Warehouse that had their betta in condos within the big tanks. I made sure to tell the manager what a great job their store was doing for the fish and encouraged them that those type of conditions are what customers look for when buying healthy fish.

If you know stores near you that have horrible treatment, write them a letter and also send a copy to the headquarters!! Then do follow up visits if you aren't banned from the store... :blush: Just make sure you have good facts so the people/managers don't eat you up when you complain to them. If you have good information they can't say much against you!!
I work at a lfs and my boss lets me put the bettas in with the ottos and corries. the bettas we have are all in atleast a 10 gallon tank with some small peaceful fish.
Oh I wish I had the money to open my own fish shop. But then again I wouldn't want to put up with customers lol.....

I'd invest in nice long tanks and divide them up for bettas. Show people how to properly take care of their fish. Have fact sheets on every single fish in the store, on cycling, tank maintenance, etc etc.... sigh. A gal can dream!
Oh, Yay! Good for you, making them change! So brave of you to stand up to them.
I was getting so mad reading this!!!!
Do you know how many stories I've read about depressed bettas suddenly regaining color and happiness once put in better conditions?

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