Lfs Outrage! A Big Rant And I Need Help!

Added the pictures to my first post! Horrible!

sickening!! absolutely disgusting!! i actually would think about buying the blue one with white spotted fins in this picture if it was in better shape!! and taken care of properly!! soo sickening!! some water is even green??!!!?? gross!! :sick:
wow, that is pretty bad. the water quality is what bothers me the most. i understand that pet shops cannot afford to house them in what members here deem 'appropriate' tanks, but to keep them in dirty water is just ####. i'd probably have made a comment too.
I have to say that's among the worst I have seen... I have only seen worse than that once, and the fish were actually in those cheap drinking cups that you buy for parties, hold about 200mL of water.
Ugghhh! The treatment of fish in petstores is disgusting! :sick: At all the petstores near my house, (Petland, Petcetera, Best West...) all of the fish there are completely diseased! They cram 30 goldfish into a 10 gallon tank, and they keep their bettas in tiny containers, like shown in your pictures! I once saved a betta frim Petcetera, and he is now happy in a 30 gallon tank. Technically though, I was supporting fish farms when I bought him...

Anyhow, I completely agree with you -- that is no way to treat a fish. If the manager doesn't do anything about it at all, take it into your own hands -- I'm serious. Take some water from the other tanks and add it to the betta's water. That can help the bettas with the water level, but unless you are willing to bring in your own tanks or breeder nets, that's the best you can do, especially with the manager on your tail.

I hate petstore cruelty, and it's not just with fish. I think everyone should stop buying live animals from petstores, unless they are willing to get there animals from a different place, other than fish farms and puppy/kitten mills, and actually start taking care of them. Though, I shouldn't be talking, because I buy all my fish from those ugly, filthy petstores. (Not that I want to...)

I hope you can solve this betta problem, and I wish you luck -- every Petland I've been to has bettas in those filthy conditions. :sick:
Good luck! :good:
Sorry for a double post but I just spoke with the manager on the phone and explained to him the situation I found the Betta. Instead of being polite he completely snapped at me saying he had done his job for 2 years and had never had a fish die. This is an outright lie because I saw at least 3 dead angelfish, several gouramis, and unknown others such as goldfish and platys. Maybe he was referring to the Betta? He did not specify. He was also sarcastic and said he would poke holes in all the Betta cups to make me happy and said BETTAS PREFER SMALL CUPS BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM FEEL SECURE!!! Unbelievable. I'm just worried that my letter will have no effect on the corporation. Sigh.
Yeah 2 years is alot of experience! (sarcasm)
Thank you all for your support. Earlier today I sent out letters to the headquarters as well as the actual store including the pictures that I took. I hope they take them seriously enough for at least some change. I just can't believe the manager actually thinks this is proper fish care! I hope something is done but I won't hold my breath, people seem to think fish are expendable and just don't care that much about them. :(

Maybe I'll get some response and hopefully it will be positive!! Fingers crossed!
Those photos are saddening :( I gave my aquairum guys advice the other day on how they wer ehousing their male VT on the desk in a small bowl with two females!!! :crazy: They were even trying to spawn. Their fins were all terrible and nipped and Bob the Betta looked cramped in the bowl. he next day when i went back he was back in his big tank and the girls were being treated for dmaged fins. They didnt actually realise you cant house them together permanently unless spawning lol.

You could start a Face Book group about the condition of these fish and the stores lack of care etc. Name and Shame. There are thousands of other facebook groups that do the same. You just have t be carefull not to be to derogatory.

I rescued my Nightlight VT because his water was green and had floating green lumpy algea in it....hes a happy camper now in his tank and clean water :D
Those pictures on the firts post actually made me cry. Is this in America or England?
Sorry for a double post but I just spoke with the manager on the phone and explained to him the situation I found the Betta. Instead of being polite he completely snapped at me saying he had done his job for 2 years and had never had a fish die. This is an outright lie because I saw at least 3 dead angelfish, several gouramis, and unknown others such as goldfish and platys. Maybe he was referring to the Betta? He did not specify. He was also sarcastic and said he would poke holes in all the Betta cups to make me happy and said BETTAS PREFER SMALL CUPS BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM FEEL SECURE!!! Unbelievable. I'm just worried that my letter will have no effect on the corporation. Sigh.
Yeah 2 years is alot of experience! (sarcasm)

i agree 100% with you
Thats one of the worst cases Ive ever seen, appauling :sick: good for you taking the time to complain and make a stand
You could start a Face Book group about the condition of these fish and the stores lack of care etc. Name and Shame. There are thousands of other facebook groups that do the same. You just have t be carefull not to be to derogatory.

I rescued my Nightlight VT because his water was green and had floating green lumpy algea in it....hes a happy camper now in his tank and clean water :D

That would be a good idea about the facebook group. Maybe if lots of people joined something could actually be done about the way people treat their fish in the stores. There could be a general letter that could be sent to people and also advice on how to explain to these pet stores how to treat their betta (of course it would be very polite so they would listen). Hmm...

Oh, and aimsley_87 this is in America.

Have you received any replies or interest in response to your letters? Have you checked out Petland's betta cups to see if they have made any changes?

I'm so glad you followed through with your plans. :good: Those pictures are awful!!
No, it's too bad the headquarters of the company did not respond. I think I've been banned from that particular store for taking those pictures so I haven't gone back in. I'm going to get a friend to stop by one of these days to see if anything has even changed. I'm hoping for the best though!

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