Lfs Outrage! A Big Rant And I Need Help!

Do you think I should add the links to their sites as references? Should I email them and ask?? I want to make an impact and any knowledgeable breeder who would be willing to help would be awesome.

Thanks, Emelee

i am sure you should add the email link!!! Victoria will flip on them!! :p

and remember i want a copy of this letter! lol
i don't mean to be rude, being new here and all, but that chain frankly, just doesn't give two craps about any animal they have... but aside from that, ever place i go has beta in the little cups... i got one in my tank just because i feel bad for them, but i don't think witting letter and making all this fuss is going to help a single thing... especially w/ that chain. they are known in my area for having diseased dogs and birds and after i saw it first hand i never went back... don't waste your time writing and fussing on about it... it will fall on def ears... that don't really care. a shame to. im in no way an animal rights whack-o or activist, but it does bother me to see those fish in such small cups. normally i would applaud your efforts, but w/ this chain, they will laugh and throw any and all complaints in the trash... :rolleyes:
not true!! OP dont listen to his post!!

i know for sure that some people in those stores are like us and have to care about fish enough to take proper care of them!! so dont discourage! encourage!! it is worth a try!!

we just might get through to them or it may take a year before any change but it never hurts to try!!
i don't mean to be rude, being new here and all, but that chain frankly, just doesn't give two craps about any animal they have... but aside from that, ever place i go has beta in the little cups... i got one in my tank just because i feel bad for them, but i don't think witting letter and making all this fuss is going to help a single thing... especially w/ that chain. they are known in my area for having diseased dogs and birds and after i saw it first hand i never went back... don't waste your time writing and fussing on about it... it will fall on def ears... that don't really care. a shame to. im in no way an animal rights whack-o or activist, but it does bother me to see those fish in such small cups. normally i would applaud your efforts, but w/ this chain, they will laugh and throw any and all complaints in the trash... :rolleyes:

I'm not trying to change everything they do, Duff83, I can handle the betta being in small cups but they MUST have oxygen to breathe. Obviously I wish that they would care as much about their fish as I do about mine but I understand this will not happen. I just want the fish to have as healthy as a life as possible before going to their forever homes. I'm by far not an animal activist, this is the first time I've ever done something like this but I can not and WILL not abide animal cruelty that can be so easily remedied.

Hopefully I can make some difference, even if just for this store only I would feel like I've done something! Who knows, if enough people back me up then something could happen...
i don't mean to be rude, being new here and all, but that chain frankly, just doesn't give two craps about any animal they have... but aside from that, ever place i go has beta in the little cups... i got one in my tank just because i feel bad for them, but i don't think witting letter and making all this fuss is going to help a single thing... especially w/ that chain. they are known in my area for having diseased dogs and birds and after i saw it first hand i never went back... don't waste your time writing and fussing on about it... it will fall on def ears... that don't really care. a shame to. im in no way an animal rights whack-o or activist, but it does bother me to see those fish in such small cups. normally i would applaud your efforts, but w/ this chain, they will laugh and throw any and all complaints in the trash... :rolleyes:

I'm not trying to change everything they do, Duff83, I can handle the betta being in small cups but they MUST have oxygen to breathe. Obviously I wish that they would care as much about their fish as I do about mine but I understand this will not happen. I just want the fish to have as healthy as a life as possible before going to their forever homes. I'm by far not an animal activist, this is the first time I've ever done something like this but I can not and WILL not abide animal cruelty that can be so easily remedied.

Hopefully I can make some difference, even if just for this store only I would feel like I've done something! Who knows, if enough people back me up then something could happen...
i hear ya emel, its just my experiance w/ that chain, that they dont give a damn about anything but making a buck... weather thy are killing the fish or not... more come in and its stupid. they need oxygen and those idiots could care less... thats what i was trying to say. here in the detroit area, no one in that store cares about the animals, they are just there to work. its pathetic.
The thing is, they are a franchise, different organizational structure than a chain. A chain has a store manager, who answers to a district manager, who answers to corporate. The store manager, district manager, none of them have had to invest any money in the location to get it or keep it running.

A franchise has an owner, when all is said & done they have invested around $230,000 to get their Petland store open. They have much more say about how the individual shop is run, and you have a better chance of making any headway with a situation such as this. They also reap the profits or eat the losses of their shop, very similar to an independent shop.

They have invested quite a sum of money to get the nation wide exposure, while having the freedom to work their shop as an independent. If you expect to accomplish anything you have to remain as emotionless as they are about their product, while hammering home the money aspect. Carry yourself as a businessman when dealing with a business owner and you will go much further in achieving your goal. Act like a reactionary petition signer, and you will get blown off, they are good at what they do, as they do it for a living, and have the backing of the franchise as far as how to handle the situation of a disgruntled customer.

Schedule a sit down meeting with the owner. Have solid facts on the breeding of bettas, as well as the care required, ready to present. Explain that you like their shop, want to see them make a profit, and don't want to see any risk of them going out of business, being your favorite shop. Afterward, write down the conversation, what was discussed & covered as well as decided, as soon as possible. This documentation may be of use in the future, should they decide to go back on what was discussed.

Most people deal with shops from the consumer end, I deal with them most often from the supplier end. This gives you a totally different perspective, puts you on more equal ground with the owner, with access to information not available to the retail customer. You can take what I'm telling you & use it, or toss it, I'm just trying to point you in the most effective direction.
Definitely don't give up on that store!
I keep contacting Superpets about the one close to us. Their fish section has just gone from good to absolutely horrific. We were once in there and in every single tank, over half the fish were dead or dying.
Don't even get me started on the bettas!
Which reminds me... I have to contact them again about their treatment of their bettas.

Just don't give up.... your letters and whatever else may fall on deaf ears now, but hopefully one day, someone who cares will come across what you say and change things for the better.
Well I'm not going to give up on this so I need breeders who will allow me to give their email and links to their websites as references. I think I will get more headway if I talk to the local district owner, although I think the guy only owns this one store... Either way that would be more incentive to keep his business going I would think.

So if anyone on here who has their own breeders page or has knowledge of betta would you give me permission to use your link to your web pages and possibly a mode of contact such as email. I highly doubt they will contact you but it will give a level of organization and knowledge on the subject when I present it to them.

While it is sad to say, at this time especially, Petland has MUCH bigger issues than the way they keep their bettas. I live where the corporate office is (we also have a store). They are under some MAJOR lawsuits for their practice of "supposedly" buying puppy mill dogs and selling diseased dogs. Just google them and you will see the big amount of trouble they are in now. When I see problems like this or information posted in the stores about bettas "preferring" the cups, I leave a typed letter by the bettas with the proper information. That way, while you may not change their practices you may inform the customers of their ill advised practice and misinformation.
Well I'm not going to give up on this so I need breeders who will allow me to give their email and links to their websites as references. I think I will get more headway if I talk to the local district owner, although I think the guy only owns this one store... Either way that would be more incentive to keep his business going I would think.

So if anyone on here who has their own breeders page or has knowledge of betta would you give me permission to use your link to your web pages and possibly a mode of contact such as email. I highly doubt they will contact you but it will give a level of organization and knowledge on the subject when I present it to them.


pm netty from these forums she most likely will help!!

pm modaz!!

pm bronzecat!!

this is victorias [email protected]
This is probably a very silly question, but can you not contact your equivalent of RSPCA. Maybe I am naive, but I am sure they are duty bound to investigate any allegations of cruelty?? just a thought. Yes, they are fish, but ALL animals need to be housed in suitable conditions with food, air, space, adequate heating etc. etc. depending on their requirements.

Good luck though.
Hey Christi_22, I looked for the equivalent of the RSPCA for the USA and tried contacting them but they were closed by the time I got home. I think they might be too busy for fish but I did find a promising sight called Pet-Abuse.com which goes after pet stores. When I get my letter and pictures organized I will send them a copy of the letter and they should follow up to make sure something happens. I think they are more public with their cases. It seems like a great place to get involved with since they even go after aquatic animal abusers!

If I can get my pictures off my cell phone I could show you the horrible conditions I found the betta in today, their water was so low they did not even need to swim up for air. At least a few of the cups had slits in the top from some type of knife to give a few betta air. Better than nothing but I'm hoping for more!
All right, here's the rough draft of my letter. I know it's sloppy and any pointers would be welcome. I want to get the most attention so I drew not so much on my experience as what kind of profit the store could make. Thanks for reading!!

To those it may concern:
Dear Sirs and Madams,

On April 19, 2009 I visited the local Petland branch in Springfield, Missouri 65804 and was horrified to find the betta fish kept in small containers and lids with no holes to allow oxygen to enter (see attached pictures).
Betta fish are labyrinth fish meaning they require oxygen from the atmosphere and come to the surface of the water to breathe. Not only were the containers small enough for the fish to be unable to swim; they only had about ¼ to ½ inch space for their oxygen. With this little amount of space their supply will soon run out and the fish will therefore suffocate to death. Although betta fish can indeed survive in such small spaces it does not mean that they should. It is understandable that not every fish can be given a large amount of space especially since male betta are aggressive and will fight each other if kept in the same container together, but perhaps keeping them in small compartments within the larger tanks will not only give them more space to move and breathe but make them more attractive to consumers who will see them in a more natural and healthy environment. Female betta can all be kept in a large community tank together therefore making a beautiful display with their pretty colors and lively antics that no person could resist wanting to take some home.

The entire reason I own fish today was because of a feisty male betta named Pepé that I purchased years ago. I had no idea how to take care of a fish at the time and kept it in a about a half gallon jar. This fish was lively and beautiful and the only reason I bought him was because he was active and attractive at the store. Because I cared about my fish I began to research on the internet to find out how to take care of these fish. Several sights I would recommend would be; www.bettafish.com/, or www.aquariumguys.com/betta-fish-care-article.html , or care.betta-fish.com.ar/ as well as many others. All recommended at least a ½ gallon or higher, I bought a 29 gallon tank instead. Because of one betta that started my aquarium hobby I have spent at least $2000 in the last five years and currently own five tanks. This is product your company could be selling and money you could be making because your betta drew someone’s attention just like Pepé did to me.

Every company wants to make a profit and yours will be losing profit by keeping the aquatic section less than attractive. No one wants to buy a betta that looks like it could die at any second because of filthy water and small quarters. Customers can not even see the true beauty of these little fish because they cannot turn around in their own cups! Any online search will bring up breeder’s sights with fabulous betta that anyone would be thrilled to own. These people care about their betta and breed them to better the species. Any one of them would be happy to give advice because they love their product (the betta fish) and it shows. Such forums and breeder’s sights include; www.bettatalk.com/ , www.fishforums.net/index.php? , www.betta-paradise.co.uk/ , www.bettysplendens.com , and www.bubblenest.com/betta/list.php?5 .

Think how many more people would buy fish from you and then get hooked on them buying more aquariums and heaters and filters to make their fish happy. It would be better for business and MUCH better for the betta fish if miniscule changes could be made to make your store look more beautiful. If stores such as Pet Warehouse, Pet-Co, and even Wal-Mart’s aquatic section can do it so can Petland.

Thank you for taking the time.


Emelee Liggett

but add in bettysplendens.com on the breeder sites!!!

they are stunning!!! lol Victoria has many things on her site including links to even more betta sites!

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