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me too^ this year we've had to read a 800 page government book in it's entirety and take notes on each chapter. then have a quiz on each chapter (25 chapters) and a test every 5 chapters. our semester final was on chapters 1-10 and well have the AP exam soon which is just a test on the book that doesn't count for anything except if we get college credit or not and then our final on chapters 1-25. not a fun month ahead but almost there. the AP exam, 3 EOCTs, 6 finals and whatever else the teachers wanna do :(
Lots of teacher bashing going on here.
Sorry MoF.  When you sign up for an AP class, that's sort of what you are signing up for.  I don't know about other AP courses, but the ones I have taught (AP Physics B and AP Physics C) will give you at least one, possibly two semesters of credit if you score sufficiently.  And that's between 15-30 semester weeks of study at the university level. 
That frees you up to take other courses, or gives you a boost towards graduation. 
Incidentally, I would advise that you take the credit as 'elective' credit if at all possible, if the AP course is directly tied to your major.  Take the university courses in your major and earn the 'A' in that course.  The 'A' in the freshman course weighs just as heavily as an 'A' in a senior level course when they calculate your GPA within your major, which discounts your elective (or sometimes referred to as 'fluff' courses).  And carrying an 'A' from your freshmen courses will only help your GPA within your major, whereas using the AP credit wouldn't count at all and would increase the weight of each other course.   (All this is assuming you earn the 'A' in the freshmen level course... but if you can't, then you need to take the course anyway, since it will be expected you know all that stuff in the subsequent courses anyway.  A guy refresher and gives you a taste for what college is like before you get into the 'hard stuff'.)
I got an 83 in the class first semester and have an 85 at the moment in there
Man of fish said:
I got an 83 in the class first semester and have an 85 at the moment in there
The college cares more about what you get on the exam.  Get a '5' and you are golden.
my teacher told me I'm most likely in line for a 4 unless I study hard
Man of fish said:
my teacher told me I'm most likely in line for a 4 unless I study hard
If the teacher has aligned their grading policy with the AP scoring, I'd agree with them. My grading was setup pretty close. An A matched up to a 5, a B to a 4, and so on...

It didn't always work, but was within one score up or down. I did have a C student get a 5 once, but he was extremely bright, but extremely lazy. He was lazy all year, and turned it on at the last minute to score a 5 at the end.

There's no reason not to be shooting for a 5 though.
eaglesaquarium said:
It didn't always work, but was within one score up or down. I did have a C student get a 5 once, but he was extremely bright, but extremely lazy. He was lazy all year, and turned it on at the last minute to score a 5 at the end.
That's exactly what happened to me.  I had the worst physics teacher, nobody could understand a word he said.  I gave up and spent all lesson reading a book at the back of the class.  He didn't care, he gave up on me too.  Then I did a bit of reading up before the exam and scored an A grade.  Surprised me as much as it did him.
daizeUK said:
It didn't always work, but was within one score up or down. I did have a C student get a 5 once, but he was extremely bright, but extremely lazy. He was lazy all year, and turned it on at the last minute to score a 5 at the end.
That's exactly what happened to me.  I had the worst physics teacher, nobody could understand a word he said.  I gave up and spent all lesson reading a book at the back of the class.  He didn't care, he gave up on me too.  Then I did a bit of reading up before the exam and scored an A grade.  Surprised me as much as it did him.
Are you comparing me to the worst physics teacher?! :eek: 
To give a bit more of backstory... I didn't give up on this kid. I spent 30 weeks trying to convince him to do his homework and achieve his potential.  I knew all along this kid could get a 5, were he willing to put in the work. 
Lol no I wasn't comparing you at all, Eagle.  I wish I'd had a physics teacher who had inspired me.  I find physics such a fascinating subject now, but one bad teacher killed any prospect of it being a career choice for me.
eaglesaquarium said:

It didn't always work, but was within one score up or down. I did have a C student get a 5 once, but he was extremely bright, but extremely lazy. He was lazy all year, and turned it on at the last minute to score a 5 at the end.
That's exactly what happened to me.  I had the worst physics teacher, nobody could understand a word he said.  I gave up and spent all lesson reading a book at the back of the class.  He didn't care, he gave up on me too.  Then I did a bit of reading up before the exam and scored an A grade.  Surprised me as much as it did him.
Are you comparing me to the worst physics teacher?!

To give a bit more of backstory... I didn't give up on this kid. I spent 30 weeks trying to convince him to do his homework and achieve his potential.  I knew all along this kid could get a 5, were he willing to put in the work. 

I didn't realise you'd ever taught me......
It worries me when I find my 3yo's washbasket full while my 6yo's washbasket is empty.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the younger one is merrily pulling all his clean clothes out of the drawers and dumping the ones he doesn't want to wear straight into the washbasket, while the older one isn't even bothering to change his pants each day.
daizeUK said:
It worries me when I find my 3yo's washbasket full while my 6yo's washbasket is empty.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the younger one is merrily pulling all his clean clothes out of the drawers and dumping the ones he doesn't want to wear straight into the washbasket, while the older one isn't even bothering to change his pants each day.
Our 6yo doesn't get a choice - he has to put his pants in the wash every evening. My missus is brilliant, she has this knack of knowing exactly how many pants and socks she is supposed to have and alarm bells ring if she has too many or not enough.
(English -> American Dictionary:- Pants = underwear for males, not trousers)
We brought home a book of poems from my 3yo's nursery to read at bedtime.  It includes an old Cumbrian method of counting sheep (up to twenty).  It goes like this:
Yan, tan, tether, mether, pimp,
sether, lether, hother, dother, dick,
Yan dick, tan dick, tether dick, mether dick, bumfit,
Yan bumfit, Tan bumfit, Tether bumfit, Mether bumfit, gigot.
I get as far as bumfit and they're shrieking with laughter.  I'm just glad they don't recognise some of the other words
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