Kari's First Marine Tank Journal

Tank and fish looking good :good:

I wouldn't clean the back, mine in covered in Coraline and it looks great, its starts off white then goes the lovely purple colour, yours will eventually do the same :drool:
Oh it looks great Kari! :D

I'd leave the tank back if it were me...it'll get covered in coraline in no time and look great :D
Sorry for not updating my journal, i've not added anything to the tank since my last postings, have been letting the tank settle & mature a little.

Lots of coraline algae starting to grow everywhere, loads of copedods & larger little creatures in their hundreds, we seem to find something new everyday in there now, yesterday we found a cute little slug (did I just call a slug cute?? lol) about 12mm in length, munching some of the algae on the glass, I also found a little baby crab last night, a peachy white colour & very sweet.

Couple of random pics coming up:

The little baby crab is on the middle rock, to the left of the star coral head, not easy to see, he is so tiny, also, I have quite a few of these leaves sprouting out of this piece of rock, any ideas? Good or bad?

And here is a close up of my little turbo snail, he is a real hardworker & is keeping the tank nice & clean almost by himself, the other snail is very lazy.

Other news, unfortunately our second clown fish didnt survive its first few days in the tank :( I dont think I will replace him, our little Nemo seems really happy in his own, he feeds from my fingers & I love watching him at night playing in the current from the powerheads, you can almost hear him shouting 'weeeeeeeeeeeeee' as he pulls his fins in to ride the current.

Two of our blue leg hermits have changed to larger shells & our little Mr Krabs has shed his shell. My toadstool coral is growing really well & my star coral seems to have more heads now than it started with, i'm really pleased with my little tank, everything seems really healthy & happy.

Thats about it for an update I think, i'm looking forward to going shopping at the weekend, but dont know what to buy yet, i'm considering some Zoa's, a couple more snails & a new fishie, any suggestions?? I am after a fish which will help to keep down the numbers of little crawling creatures which we seem to have hundreds of.
it seemes really hard to get a clown pair at first, i had one survive everything and lost a few of the 2nd ones. Then when one finally made it through the first week they were bullet proof. I wouldnt give up on it yet. They always looks so much more happy/natural when they have a friend
Lovely start..those clove polyp, anthelia, will be lovely when they spread across your rock and should start to pulse like xenia when their number increases. Good luck on your fishing trip at the weekend, looking forward to pics of your new purchases...
I've been shopping.......................................

I have 2 new additions to my tank today, my little LFS has some beautiful fishies in today & I came away with this little fella:


Isnt he pretty? He is still looking a little nervous, but he seems happy with the spot he has chosen.

Then I fell for this cutie:


Their colours are amazing :good:

Was a little disappointed with the coral selection, so we're off to Aquatics World in Coventry this afternoon to see what they have.

I have totally fallen in love with seahorses after my visit to the LFS, they had a stunning pair in there, orange & gold & the male was carrying :wub: oh I wish I could have brought them.

I am going to start researching now, my next project is definately seahorses :drool:
Those green clowns are lovely, they are on my list if only i could find one :crazy:

Happy hunting this afternoon

Seffie x

Thanks guys for the kind comments, I love my little Goby, he's a real sweetheart.

Ski, thanks for the timeout? Not sure I needed one, but anyway, yes, I know its a camel shrimp & am keeping an eye on him, they had kept him with soft coral in the LFS & he was fine, no guarantee he will be fine in mine, but as I have only the two freebie corals, for now i'm happy to have him here.

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