Jungle Scape

Mine got destroyed too, what is it with that plant lol.. Looks great! Well done
I like this
.Nice to see someone else with a decent amount of silvertips. They seem to have a bit of a bad rep on here.
The red looking plant in picture 4... I had some of that and my Angels destroyed it :(! Looks nice! Drop me a PM when your overgrown ;) :lol:

Mine got destroyed too, what is it with that plant lol.. Looks great! Well done
Well, so far none of the fish have tried to eat it... but then the biggest fish in there are adult silvertips so...

And yes, Scott if I end up thinning out at any point you can have first dibs ;) won't be for a while yet as they are still settling in.

I like this
.Nice to see someone else with a decent amount of silvertips. They seem to have a bit of a bad rep on here.
Really? I like them...they are a far cry from the other fish I had. While I liked the cardinals they were very boring to watch, never did anything! My old rummys and harlequins were always out and about, but that was it. These harlequins are the same, but the silvertips are something else! They're almost always on the move, and so far (bearing in mind it's only been a couple of weeks) they haven't gone more than 3 days without spawning. I need to get more, not because I am particularly desperate for a huge shoal (I'd quite like something different) but because I think they will benefit from it. They really need twice what I have at the moment... I think I may need a bigger tank lol.

Edited to add: To be fair, I could understand why some people don't like them. They're a bit like tiger barbs. If you put them in an already very peaceful tank I could see them causing mayhem, they're fast and nippy and have some kind of arrogance overload. But in a fast tank with other fast fish (thinking danios, other fast tetras etc) I think they're good. I think they really need a bigger tank...
Looking good Cazzie. :good: I also like Silvertips, these are going to be my shoaling species in my new project when it gets going. Unless i wimp out and go with Rosy Tetra's instead. Was very sad to read of your tragedy, but these things happen to all of us, and are sent to try us. Glad you didn't give up altogether!
Looking good Cazzie. :good: I also like Silvertips, these are going to be my shoaling species in my new project when it gets going. Unless i wimp out and go with Rosy Tetra's instead. Was very sad to read of your tragedy, but these things happen to all of us, and are sent to try us. Glad you didn't give up altogether!
Thanks minnnt :) I very nearly did. But the man-wife convinced me that I'd regret it if I did...and he's right, I would've. :wub:
Manwife. haha. Very glad you didn't pack up! :nod: Would be a worse place without you and your coffee leafed anubias! :p
lol, I haven't bought it yet :p but I shall dedicate it to you when I do! :lol: ;)

Due another update I think, Hygrophilia polysperma has grown a good 2 inches, crypts are verrrryyyy sllllooowwly sprouting new leaves, will take a FTS this evening to compare to the last one before I place the plant order next week :)
If you want some more anubias, i've got a bit of Anubias Nana Golden left over that you can have gratis, just remember me when your stems take off.It looks better in groups, but i've got one left over.
Oh that would be lovely! Thank-you! :D I am actually buying one in my plant order next week so it won't get lonely ;) they are beautiful. I love anubias :wub: I want one the size of that monster one Aaron had in his riparium! :hyper: :drool:

I'll bob you a pm :)
It just so happens I'm selling an Anubias thats about 7-8 inches long at the rhizome.
Is it on wood already Steve? I've a bit of wood that'd fit it on, but no use really for another piece of wood...

Is it barteri?
Yeah it's on wood but not glued it will come off easily. I think it's nana.

In fact I have more anubias than I can put in my propogator at the moment so your welcome to the lot if ya need it got another 4 plants just resting on wood at the moment.
Let me have a look at my wood and speak to a mate who also has a tank and I'll get back to you about the little ones, but the big one sounds good :)
Plant order placed! :hyper:

1x Anubias barteri var. nana golden
1x Anubias barteri var. coffeefolia
1x Anubias hastifolia
2x Hygrophila difformis
2x Microsorum pteropus
1x Bolbitis heudelotii
3x Micranthemum micranthemoids
2x Cryptocoryne tropica

and some trace mix, because I'm nearly out.

2x Anubias barteri var. nana pitite from LTP (along with some rather gorgeous redmoor for my biotope :drool: )
1x Anubias barteri var. nana golden from Stu40
2x Anubias barteri, possibly var. nana from ps3steveo

Edited to add, also:
Cryptocoryne tropica and possibly also wendtii from ianho

I'm so excited! :hyper:

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