Josh's Marine Adventure!

Yep I know Penarth

Sure it is there where there is a little hospital by the sea, not sure if its just for cancer patients, my uncle was in there when I was a kid, it was a beautiful place.

I learned to drive in and around Cardiff 14 years ago, drove alot round there and out towards Pontypridd. My family all originated around Roath Park, Cousin now lives on Newport Road (the one thats coming to stay). Still got family near Ely and some out at Pontypridd.

Surname by the way is Williams - What a surprise, good common welsh name that.
Ah yeah, that's a marie curie cancer home, brilliant position to be in! Overlooking the sea :)

Missus has family in and around ponty area actually, small world aint it :blink: not supprised about the surname :p just faffing about with this refugium lol, think this surrounds deffo gunna come off soon!!
It was definately a beautiful position, my uncles bed overlooked the sea. Didn't know it was Marie Curie though.

Certainly no surprise in Wales to have Williams as a surname, my grandad forgot his brothers address once when we were in Cardiff, he rang directory inquiries and asked for John Williams number, they laughed at him (and he grew up there) :rofl:

Which part of the surround are struggling with??
It's a plastic surround that runs around the top, its just a pain, if I put the fuge on it it's sitting real high which I'm not sure I'm happy with :S

Not going to use the supplied bio balls I dont think, may look into having some LR rubble in the first comparment and skimmer, miracle mud, cheato and maybe the heater in the main part, sound about right?

LOL at directory enquiries call :lol:
May be worth trying to modify that slightly.

Plans for the compartments sounds good, I did not use bioballs either, stored them in a carrier bag under the 4ft tank.

I need to swap the skimmer into the smaller compartment and swap my heater into the large one. I tried using carbon and phosphate remover in the small compartment but it was not getting enough flow. Moved it back to a small internal in the main tank (need to sort this out at some point, I clean it once a week so its not a nitrate trap ) and will swap skimmer into small comp.

Don't forget the Pictures :snap: :snap:
Ok So I'm long overdue an update with pics attached, so todays that's what I'm gunna do :) Ok, where to start?
Well I got my refugium without fully understanding how it works, so when it turned up with no instructions things became a little hazy to say the least!! This is what I was greeted with;


I was thinking at first the pump would draw water in and that there'd be another to pump out, kinda similar to a sump, realised then that I need to use my own 12mm tube which I luckily had some from a siphon tube and place the pump inside the aquarium to pump water IN then it overflows out into the tank!

Next I had to chop the surround off on one end to get it to fit flush to the glass rather than creating a mini waterfall!! so here it is fitted, I'd then had a message off seller telling me to check their website for 'instructions' they were a bit confusing still, they also said theres no need to wash the included miracle I placed it in the bottom unwashed and filled with SW i'd made earlier...nice brown water with froth on the top :huh: emptied it out and cleaned and recleaned the sand, attempt 2 was much better :good:

here it is fitted;


Sadly there wasnt room at back of tank (doh!) so the side it had to be!

It's now running with skimmer in, didnt take pic :( and that's it, I need to get some chaeto and LR rubble I think (i have an external for rowa and floss Tina :good: )

Moonlight pics :)


See the orange glow in centre ish of the pic? there's patches that glow bright orange under moonlights all over my LR, any idea what it is?


Mr Shrimp :)

yet to get a decent pic of the clowns, I'll try again today!
2 orange blurs :p

One of my unidentified hermits


Trying to climb the silicone, he got kinda stuck like this for a few mins :p

Hope you enjoyed the update, I'll get a FTS today when the lights come on :good: these were all taken on my phone btw as I keep forgetting to knick the gf's camera :(
Really really like the look of a Banggai Cardinalfish! Would it be alright in there you think? Can't see any reason as to why not atm :)
The glowing may be something growing on the rock, watch and you will see.

I should have told you that youpump and and it overflows out, sorry.

You will need the gf's camera to get a decent pic of the clowns, the wiggle too much for a phone.

Bangai Cardinalfish will be ok, here is the thing though, Seffie calls them boring because they don't move much, they seem to hover. If thats what you want perfect, if you want more movement look elsewhere. They breed really easily though so depends on what you want. The other thing is if you do get one or two, make sure they are Tank Bred, there populations are decimated in the wild.

Other thing - looking good :good:
banaii cardinals are nice fish, just be warry that you may find you shrimp in its mouth depending on the size of the cardinal when introduced...find the smallest one you can, have you seen pyjama cardinals? theyre quite nice, might buy one myself :good:

are you using a phone for the pics of the clowns or a compact digital? if its a compact digital i would up the ISO to 400/600 and see if that gets rid of the blurred-ness, having it any higher will bring a bit of noise into the pic (techinical term for a rainy picture kind of)
The glowing may be something growing on the rock, watch and you will see.

I should have told you that youpump and and it overflows out, sorry.

You will need the gf's camera to get a decent pic of the clowns, the wiggle too much for a phone.

Bangai Cardinalfish will be ok, here is the thing though, Seffie calls them boring because they don't move much, they seem to hover. If thats what you want perfect, if you want more movement look elsewhere. They breed really easily though so depends on what you want. The other thing is if you do get one or two, make sure they are Tank Bred, there populations are decimated in the wild.

Other thing - looking good :good:
yeah il take a look @ it again tonight :) dont be sorry lol, gotta find stuff out for yourself sometimes :D

Hmm I'll go watch one in LFS, the clowns have a lot of action all about the tank so maybe him/her would be nice, i spotted on @ lfs before and for some reason assumed he wouldnt be suitable, very very striking colours :drool: if I do get one i'll deffo make sure its tank bred :good:

Truck, I didn't take much time to try and get pic of the clowns, my phones a nokia n96 so camera aint bad, I can adjust ISO etc on it, ofc i'll get proper one when i finally remember lol :p

My cleaner shrimp has just moulted too :good:
If your gf's camera has a shutter priority mode, go with that, that is what I use for fast fish, as well as what Truck said about increasing the ISO to 400. You may need a flash with it as the shutter is very quick in SP mode therefore it does not get much light.

Moulting is good, my first blood shrimp has moulted twice now :good:

I must admit, I do like the Bangaii Cardinal, it may be a choice for our extra fish if water tests ok in the next month or two. At least it is always visible.
Im not sure if it does, but I'l check later :) clowns are also seriously camera shy still! I moved my xenia today, although I've read it likes high flow, it didnt enjoy getting blasted by flow from my koralia! its slightly nearer the back now and looking loads better!! :)

Not going to add any more fish now until payday in a couple of weeks, I have however bought a zoa collony off ebay for £12.51, they're £34 @ MA! Thatl be here tuesday :good:
I bought my Zoas off ebay too, they are extortionate prices at MA. I don't buy any Marine stuff from the one by me.

Xenias just seem to like a gentle swaying, I have mine in a reasonable current area but the current is blocked by a coral that likes it a little more powerful.

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