Josh's Marine Adventure!

Nice pics Josh, the GF's camera certainly worked. Refugium looking good, glad you moved that xenia, is it a pulsing one, the pulsing is great to watch.

It may be an idea if you want the fuge to go on the back to do that sooner rather than later as already said.

i would go MH will have lower running costs with the T5's and if your not wanting SPS corals and you only want a few low light LPS what you have at the moment should be fine providing you have 2 white tubes
Hmm electric bill...good point lol :p What are the low ligh LPS dude? Got the gf's cam at last so heres some more pics :)












The new zoas look happy now :) they're real hard to capture with the right colours though, they're actually very green or blue with a couple of pink too (glow bright yellow under moonlight)! so £64 worth or coral from MA cost me £30 posted off ebay lol!
For soft and LPS corals 4xt5s will give you plenty of light and a good deal less excess heat than MH. I'm currently using an arcadia overtank luminaire with 4xt5s and its a damn good light unit. Halides however being a single point of light do give you that nice ripple of light effect in your tank and deliver a lot of power but unless you want light hungry SPS and clams I would probably go T5.

Thanks for the reply johnny :good: so pretty much with MH i'm wasting power where a T5 could do a better job, suits me lol the T5 unit is cheaper :)

The only thing is, before the end of the year I want to upgrade to a 24x24x24 cube, I'd be shutting down the 125 in doing so and being able to transfer lights would save me in the long run!
Nice pics, can see more detail now.

With the pulsing on the xenia, it looks like the polyps are opening and closing, probably be slow to begin with, looks really good though.

Have you decided on the next fish then, is it to be the cardinal??

Hey and thanks :) :good:

Yeah it's a pulsing xenia, theyre going slowly at the moment like you said, will it speed up over time or something? Sorry no video a 30sec vid was something crazy like 60mb lol!!

Yeah I think a cardinal next for sure, unless I get tempted by something else @ LFS...hmmm!!

Popping out to a LFS I've not been to tomorrow afternoon, wish me luck lol :p
Good Luck.

Don't forget if there is something different that you like, look in books and preferably check on here before you buy. This ensures your selection does not become a mistake.

Have a good time :good:

All stats are fine tonight which is good, the addition of the frags hasn't created a spike :) My cleaner shrimps a git, he seems to enjoy looking at my largest zoa all opened out, walks to the side of it them pokes each polyp in the face making it close up then walks off again and repeats 2 mins later :lol: :lol:

I know this place I'm going tomorrow has a couple of 2" Banggai's at £29.99 each, that sound reasonable or over priced? The other fish I'd really like is a firefish...purple faced possibly, which would be better added first?

Thanks again :good:
I am not absolutely certain on the order but my gut instinct says Bangaii then firefish. Hopefully someone will jum in if I am wrong.

The Bangaii's are very placid I believe so this is what I based that choice on. Not sure on the price as I have not priced cardinals up. It will also depend on the size of the fish aswell.

Cleaner shrimp sounds like he has settled in, will probably ease off that once you have a few more corals in there.
Yeah they both seem to be relatively docile fish, so I guess it's not of great importance the order for them, I'll just get one or the other for now and stock up on corals for a while..I don't want to be fully stocked of fish straight away!!

Yeah I think he's settled in now for sure, scared me to death today lol, I went aip killing and he decided to clean my hand just as I was pushing the syringe, I jumped so bad :p

Decided on my upgrade tank for summer already :drinks:

Thanks Tina, be lost without your help lol :friends: :blush:
Yeah they both seem to be relatively docile fish, so I guess it's not of great importance the order for them, I'll just get one or the other for now and stock up on corals for a while..I don't want to be fully stocked of fish straight away!!

Yeah I think he's settled in now for sure, scared me to death today lol, I went aip killing and he decided to clean my hand just as I was pushing the syringe, I jumped so bad :p

Decided on my upgrade tank for summer already :drinks:

Thanks Tina, be lost without your help lol :friends: :blush:

That really is OK, I have been helped over the last few months, this is my chance to give a little of that back. I am no expert at all, I have however done a hell of a lot of reading and am happy to share what I have learnt as are so many others on here. People may not always agree totally but usually people will give their experiences so that you can then decide for yourself.

It is nice to give help to someone that listens aswell, so many people ask and then do the opposite, or you find they are asking after the event. So much easier to assist someone that does listen.

In Marines it also seems to me to be a constant learning curve, you always find there is something else you can learn or that some new product or research has opened up new doors. I really do look at at my 4ft freshwater now and think, how amazing could that look if it was marine.

I am due compensation and expenses from this accident at work, I am tempted to just get a large purpose built tank and sump once I have that rather then convert the 55g as I intended. Marines always seem to make you think 3 or 4 steps ahead. Look at us, not even mature nano's and we are looking at larger tanks already!!

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