Bought 3 turbos today from Maidenhead

although, they're kinda not doing an awful lot, maybe they get to work @ night? Think I may need 2 or 3 more really

T5's installed, quite proud of myself making a hood that fits and everything lol, looks so much better in the tank now!
Ordered 6 red legs and 6 cerith too(arriving tomorrow AM), will get some nass in a few days aswell!
I'll go for my 2 clowns next week some time, apart from that I quite fancy a bicolour psyeod or something like that it's name was front half purple, back yellow! Seen some damsels in LFS too, brilliant blue they were with a yellow stripe down their back, I'll be sure to find there names out and check with you guys
At what point down the line could I begin to add corals? Is there any certain ones good to start out with? Mushrooms & zoas?
Edit: think I got the name wrong lol. just seen one in PFK, a royal gramma...totally wrong then