Jimbooo's Jungle Journal (rekord 60 - 12g)

Very nice mate.

You may want to shade the Anubias a bit more though. It will be an algae magnet in all that light.

You could probably get away with less photoperiod once your HM has established. This is a popular technique with high lighting/low light plants and algae prevention.

I've dropped mine to 9 hours straight now.
I really like this layout a lot Jim. I've developed a special thing for Anubias lately, and yours is looking lovely mate. Nice work
thanks guys, i have dropped the photoperiod to 8 hours for 2 tubes, 9 for 1 and 10 for the other. i am expecting algae on the anubias but it's too tall to shade in the rekord 60. i'll keep an eye on it and see what happens.

by the way 5WPG in the living room is a bit much LOL i now get a headache by 9pm from the intense glare.

quality ha ha.. the things we do for our hobby.
Looking Great Jimbooo :thumbs: and I love those beautiful guppies :wub:
Looking good jimbooo, i have 2 WPG over my Reckord 60 and its not enough, its enough to get algae if you dont look after it but not enough to keep the likes of Glosso growing compact, i might add another 15 watt tube or put a power compact over it. hehe, but i will watch you first and see if its a good idea :nod:
bloozoo2: thanks mate i love em too. they dont really go with the tank (artistically i mean) but it's in my living room and i love watching them fool around

Zig: yeah i know what you mean it's just a tad too low with 2WPG. adding one more tube is easy put 2 under 1 reflector. that would give 3.75WPG. if all goes pear shaped i'll loose one light and leave it at 3.75WPG

the obvious drawback of this is i now have about a 3mm gap to feed and dose through!! (see lid pic LOL)
I really like the new layout, Jimbooo. It looks great. :)
I've had a Rekord 70 in the past and know what the hood is like, so I thought I'd misread your post when you said you'd managed to squeeze 4 tubes in there..........then I saw the picture!!!!! :D

I reckon you could get another two in there :sick:
quick update. unfortunatly it didn't work but man can i grow algae well.

after 7 days the HM had about 4 inches of thread algae all over each plant, the red stem plants were covered in a really furry silky type algae (not thread) and the water level dropped by about 1.5 inched due to evaportion.

i was planning to take a picture of the devestation but i totally forgot and just dived in, pulled it all apart and changed to a playsand substrate last night.

guess what... the misses hates and i mean really really hates the sand. apparently it looks to plain and boring. i've never heard her so passionate about my layout.. damn it.. needless to say the boss has spoken... anyone want a bag of playsand lol..

the yoyo loaches love it though and although it'll last about 3 days until i'm forced to remove it at least i can say i've done a sand layout.

i'll do my best to take a picture before i pull it apart AGAIN...
guess what... the misses hates and i mean really really hates the sand. apparently it looks to plain and boring. i've never heard her so passionate about my layout.. damn it.. needless to say the boss has spoken... anyone want a bag of playsand lol..
Oh dear. Better sort that one out then. At least she's expressing an interest though - there must be something in the air. ;)
guess what... the misses hates and i mean really really hates the sand. apparently it looks to plain and boring. i've never heard her so passionate about my layout.. damn it.. needless to say the boss has spoken... anyone want a bag of playsand lol..
Oh dear. Better sort that one out then. At least she's expressing an interest though - there must be something in the air. ;)

Could you send some of that 'air' way may?!? I'll hook the misses up to a ventilator tonight.


yeah tell me about it. every other time i get no feedback at all. the one time i'm actually really excited at watching the fish exhibit natural behaviour she hates it.

it's your fault george, she's been spoilt with all the planted layouts you've helped me produce in the past. this ones more of a fish tank than a plant tank (only 2 java fern hedges and the anubias) much more open space.
ok, blinding news for this tank, the misses has caved in. after i agreed to sell the cube she has left the sand be. thank goodness as after a bit of aquascaping last night the tank is looking much better. i am planning to remove all the fish apart from the 2 yoyo's and replace with my best 10 guppy fry from the cube and 5 corys to play in the sand pit.

this is my first attempt at a sandy layout. i removed 80% of the gravel leaving only the chunk at the rear of the tank where the swords are rooted. i've used playsand from B&Q. £4.99 for a bag i could just about carry. this tank took about 10% of the sand in that bag so really really cheap to do.

what do you think. the plan is for this to be an easy maintenance tank to free up my time to concentrate on the rio180 setup. i've lowered the light again and gone back to 2x 15W tubes so 2.5WPG with 2 nutrafins. not sure on fert schedule yet, kind of seeing how it goes. the anubias has been chopped up and reattached hence the odd leaf arrangement. this will be pruned when the new growth starts to show.




one thing i have noticed is the glowlights have lost a lot of colour since adding the sand but these two males have been showing off a lot to the females. these pics dont really tell the tale but they were swimming in spiral formation over and over for about 40 mins last night with really really white fin tips and blood red colouration. i think theyre a bit frisky!!



so thats it, all up to date as of last night, as always any comments more than welcome
These juwel reord 60 are superb tanks, so easy to mess round with.

I like the new setup mate inpaticular the anbuila, is it 100% sand or is there something else under there, is there any plans for anything at the front.

What wattage do you have under the hood, are you still using co2, and what and how are you dosing your ferts.

Sorry for all the questions mate, i have a simalar tank, low light i adding minimal ferts, but was thinking of upping the stakes and using diy co2 and dosing more ferts to speed growth up a little.

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