Jimbooo's Jungle Journal (rekord 60 - 12g)

lol, mine wasn't ready either so i used tank pics from a few months ago. sod it it's still mine if not current. i hope thats okay.

i doubt i'll win anything, i've never entered any comps before just having a play to see what feedback i get.
Hi Jimbooo,

Any news on the competition? I cant stand the suspense..........
ha ha nor can i. the site says "comp closed, no more entries" and the message on the APC forum says some time in January. there haven't been any updates for a while though i really want to know what they think.

shouldn't be too long now. does anyone else know anything about the release date for results?
update time.

the glosso went a little wild this time and spread everywhere. it looked too messy so i pulled it all up and started again. after the rio180 stripdown i needed to get this back on track as it looked like the poor relation.

i also removed two nutrafins from the 180 so added an extra one on here to help keep the co2 level more constant. i'm using a weaker mixture over 2 bottles (filled 3 days apart). still haven't changed the tubes though.

so here's the result. again like the 180 i'm trying to propogate the stems on the right. i know they look odd now but should come together when they fill out and spread.



a friend couldn't keep his harlequins and longer so i happily took them in

some of the better pictures of my guppies




and the 2 nutrafin ladders


all comments welcome
right a month on and time for an update.

the riccia in here is the only clump i have left after my co2 problems led to an algae explosion in the other tank (180)

after just writing a mamouth pm helping someone set up a tank i cant think what to write so i'll just post the pics and a quick video





(just eaten, hence the belly!!)

very nice jimbooo - what was that small leafed plant i remember you having a few months ago? was it baby tears? you said it pearled like mad - all i remmeber was it being quite short and had tiny leaves.
Simon, it's tropica link

great idea, bringing it round the front. i've had a fiddle this weekend and moved it across the forground.

Sime - yes it was baby tears Tropica link just got a bit tired after all the pruning, binned it a few months ago.

well i must say i've had a rather busy weekend. i decided to get rid of my last clump of riccia in this tank. i have tried to revive it after my cobweb algae troubles but it's too fine. what ever you do a week later you have a big furry ball again so decided to loose it.

i did a big cleanup in the tank, 50% water change and washed all the plants to get rid of any trapped debris. then i had a thought. seeing as the cube tank has a gazillion baby guppy fry in it i am having a few issues keeping the java moss carpet clear. as that is the only demanding thing in there in terms of light (it's 2 foot deep, wouldn't normally be so demanding) i thought about moving one of the twin 15W ballasts off the cube and onto the rekord 60. well after 2 hours of brain straining i managed to fit them in so i now have the following in a 12G (30cm deep)

15W Arcadia Freshwater 7500K
15W Arcadia Freshwater 7500K
15W zoo med Flourasun 6500K
15W Dennerle Special Plant 3000K

so thats 60W in 12G ie 5WPG

i have 2 nutrafins on there now giving out a bubble every 2 secs each and reverted to full EI (minus phosphate as i have high Tap reading and lots of fish)

this will go one way or the other. beautiful very rapid growth huge nutrient uptake planted tank or really bad algae infested sess pit.

it'll be fun finding out anyway. pics soon i promise

(if i suddenly vanish from the board my tubes have dropped off my bodge job lid and i've been killed in a big electrical fire...... do as i say...not as i do... lol)
(if i suddenly vanish from the board my tubes have dropped off my bodge job lid and i've been killed in a big electrical fire...... do as i say...not as i do... lol)

Lol :lol: please don't Im sure your tanks would be missed on here. That said if you do can I have first call on your pressurised CO2? :p Cheers


PS looking forward to seeing the revised tank :)
no pressurised co2 at present i'm afraid, i'm in the middle of refund/reorder. you can have my 3 nutrafins though and the misses would appreciate someone taking all the tanks away LOL.

i'm glad my tanks would be missed, it's a shame i wouldn't be though boo hoo.
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, just let me know when you do and I'll pop over and pick up the nutrafin units and poss one of the tanks while im there :p


PS I'm fairly sure people would miss you too ;)
this will go one way or the other. beautiful very rapid growth huge nutrient uptake planted tank or really bad algae infested sess pit.

Lol i know where your coming from there, i had 72w over my 60L and as soon as you let your guard down the algae monster slaps yer round the head with a wet haddock.
Back down to 45w now and its a tad more manageable.
Cant wait to see how it turns out m8
Very pretty tank, Jimbooo. How many fish do you have in there? I see glowlights, white clouds, rasboras, guppies, and a loach. Cute loach, by the way.

Thanks again. I registered for a free account where you had your video. Now all I have to do is figure out how to upload my videos from my video camera to my computer. All in good time.
right then, as promised pictures of the tank with 5 WPG.

before anyone asks, here is a picture of the lid with 4 15W tubes fitted. the back one is the original tube in the juwel lid, the bottom 2 are attached to one reflector (just fits, punch a hole in both edges of the reflector and fit tube holders with arcadia nut/bolt) the other tube wires are threaded under the original tube holder and kind of hang there. it's quite secure but sits about 1.5cm above the water. it is a bit scary i must admit but nothing ventured....nothing gained.


well here's the new layout, not a huge difference apart from the forground Hemianthus micranthemoides. all that came from the 2 clumps on the right side in the last post. i thought i'd try it out in the absence of riccia, i got fed up looking at so much gravel. hopefully the 5WPG will produce some good growth.


comparisson pic with 2.5WPG

one thing i have noticed since changing the lighting is that my oxygen levels have increaced. both guppies always swim at the surface. they used to ocasionally dive to the gravel for a bit of food but would go straight back up after. now they swim at the bottom all day long!! i guess the plants are using twice the amount of CO2 with twice the light.

they are getting a bit fed up at the moment, female withdrawl symptoms i suppose.



i traded in the white clouds last weekend for some more harlequins. i now have 12 and they shoal beautifully together. i'm thinking of moving the glowlights to make room for more



and the glowlights so they dont feel left out


hope you like, feel free to comment if you think it could look better. i am planning to move some of the red stem plants over to the right in the gap next to the filter box. and move the small java fern in the middle over to the left to fill the gap and hide the ladders

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