Moved On
B. Japonica does have a goldish red tint to it if it is kept in good light, which 2 wpg should be enough for some have leaves that turn goldish red
actually this is unconfirmed, some say high light, but if you look at the rio 125 George did, he had over 3WPG but it didnt turn red, but in his 120cm cuspidated jungle, the Blyxa turned Red/ gold. Nobody figured out why and it still remains a mystery today. Some say it is a high amount of iron, but he was only dosing TPN+ (the same as the other tank!)
try here for some rocks:
especially from the list starting at dragon stone - zebra stone. They are all a nice rocks, mini landscape rocks is used a lot in aquascaping.
I am not in the UK so I probably wont be able to order from there, unless they ship internationally.