Jeffery's 100 Us Gallon Planted Aquarium

B. Japonica does have a goldish red tint to it if it is kept in good light, which 2 wpg should be enough for some have leaves that turn goldish red

actually this is unconfirmed, some say high light, but if you look at the rio 125 George did, he had over 3WPG but it didnt turn red, but in his 120cm cuspidated jungle, the Blyxa turned Red/ gold. Nobody figured out why and it still remains a mystery today. Some say it is a high amount of iron, but he was only dosing TPN+ (the same as the other tank!)

try here for some rocks:


especially from the list starting at dragon stone - zebra stone. They are all a nice rocks, mini landscape rocks is used a lot in aquascaping.

I am not in the UK so I probably wont be able to order from there, unless they ship internationally.
Here are the photos with the Blyxa Japonica. They are not planted in their permanent place, I ordered more plants today so when those come in I will move everything around.



thought it would be nice to add a fish photo in instead of just plants, it is my gbr



I think everything is coming together nicely. I still need to get some stones. I may order from the site Aaron told me about.
It came attached to the metal plate, so I figured that that could keep it in place and the fissidens just grow onto the wood from there. I guess I need to remove from the metal plate and attach it to the wood huh?
I was thinking in the next few weeks the fissidens will have grown enough to cover the plate up. I will give it a little longer and if it hasn't grown over it in about 3-4 weeks, then I will remove it and tie down to the wood.
Ok, so I recieved an e-mail today from Nick at Arizona Aquatic Gardens saying my credit card has been decline. Which in fact I put in the wrong expiration date. HA! But anyways, I decided to cancel that order and went back to my normal supplier, Aqua Botanic, and order some plants.
Here is a list:
Cyperus Helferi
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Myriophyllum Tuberculatum
Red Nesaea
Rotala Indica

These should ship out bye next Tuesday and be in 2 days after they ship.
LOL, I am broke after this. Have no more spending money, all I have left now is baby money and date night money.
Oh yeah ace, me and you date night tonight. Stocking plan as in fish, or plants?
Fissidens Fontanus
Blyxa Japonica
Cyperus Helferi
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Myriophyllum Tuberculatum
Red Nesaea
Rotala Indica
Oh yeah ace, me and you date night tonight. Stocking plan as in fish, or plants?
Fissidens Fontanus
Blyxa Japonica
Cyperus Helferi
Ludwigia Cuba
Ludwigia Ovalis
Myriophyllum Tuberculatum
Red Nesaea
Rotala Indica

Fish, I know nothing of plants (waits for the plant people to attack)
Right now I have about 37 neon tetras, 5 boesemani rainbows, and 2 gbr's. I plan on getting about 20 cory cats of some type; I know a guy who has a royal farlowella and I am trying to talk him into selling it to me, so far no luck as royal farlowellas are very rare in the trade. If I can't get the farlowella then I want some sort of catfish along with some otos. Along with all those I plant on getting about 30 amano shrimp.

EDIT: I am not 100% on the stocking, I do know the neons are for sure, probably some more. The GBRs and rainbows are in question, I am wanting some sort of apisto, definitely corys and shrimp.

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