Jeffery's 100 Us Gallon Planted Aquarium

Alright, I just wanted to make sure. I got worried when I noticed a brown spot on one piece of my HC, I guess that is just normal for it being freshly planted?
that will be diatoms (brown algae) it is common in new set ups because the bacteria has established full and the system is balnced yet, it can last a few months.
Ahh ok, I have never had an algae problem in any of my tanks and have never kept live plants besides elodea for my old sevs to eat and some amazon sword.

Is there anything I need to do to my tank besides ferts and co2. I have my co2 at about 10-15 bps and am using EI for ferts. For my ferts I am doing 1/2 tsp of CSM+B 3x weekly, 1/2 tsp of KH2PO4 3 x weekly, and 1 1/2 tsp of KNO3 3x weekly.

I will put some more photos up Monday after I do my water change, and then some more when my other plants come in Wednesday or Thursday.
Ok will do. I was down there looking at the HC and the piece in the back right corner has spread a little bit. I was quite surprised to see that it only being in there for 4 days that it has spread about 1/4 of an inch.

My fissidens has grown a little too. It is growing upwards so I am thinking to train it to grow over the wood length wise I need to trim it down to keep it from growing upwards, correct me if I am wrong.
I haven't did my water change yet, I am waiting to do that until later tonight after the baby is asleep. Even though no w/c I still took some photos. There has been a little growth but nothing very significant besides in the fissidens. Without further ado:




You can notice some good growth here since when I first put them in.








The HC hasn't had as much growth as the fissidens but it still has had some. I am thinking here in about 3 or 4 days I need to do some trimming, I am going to take Aaron's advice and give it a few more days to take good root.

Overall I am satisfied with the progression I have had thus far.
Well, the plants may not ship out today. The guy said the weather is not good in Oregon. Fingers crossed!
Plants shipped out yesterday, they should be in tomorrow at around 10:30 in the am. When I get them planted I will post photos.

EDIT: Good news, fissidens is peraling!

They are small, but you can make them out. I am a bit gitty after seeing this.
Yeah, they did. I am going to put some photos up later on today when I get home. After I put the plants in I looked at it and thought that I need a taller plant in the back maybe some Cyperus Helferi and then maybe a red or purple colored plant like Red Temple or Red Neseae. B. Japonica does have a goldish red tint to it if it is kept in good light, which 2 wpg should be enough for some have leaves that turn goldish red. As well, I am wanting to get some stones to put in there, but I can't find any good stones at the landscaping stores around. I really dont want to use slate.

So with that said, the photos that I will post up later on will not be how it will look in 2 weeks. I will have some new plants. But, I would like for people to give some suggestions to new plants to add.
Yeah, they did. I am going to put some photos up later on today when I get home. After I put the plants in I looked at it and thought that I need a taller plant in the back maybe some Cyperus Helferi and then maybe a red or purple colored plant like Red Temple or Red Neseae. B. Japonica does have a goldish red tint to it if it is kept in good light, which 2 wpg should be enough for some have leaves that turn goldish red. As well, I am wanting to get some stones to put in there, but I can't find any good stones at the landscaping stores around. I really dont want to use slate.

So with that said, the photos that I will post up later on will not be how it will look in 2 weeks. I will have some new plants. But, I would like for people to give some suggestions to new plants to add.

I think you should add a banana tree :shifty:

"Plays with his macho man doll, eagerly awaiting the pictures"
But I don't like bananna plants

EDIT: New plants ordered today: Cyperus Helferi, Ludwigia Ovalis, Eusteralis stellata.
Also ordered 15 amano shirmp and 1 farowella cat.
B. Japonica does have a goldish red tint to it if it is kept in good light, which 2 wpg should be enough for some have leaves that turn goldish red

actually this is unconfirmed, some say high light, but if you look at the rio 125 George did, he had over 3WPG but it didnt turn red, but in his 120cm cuspidated jungle, the Blyxa turned Red/ gold. Nobody figured out why and it still remains a mystery today. Some say it is a high amount of iron, but he was only dosing TPN+ (the same as the other tank!)

try here for some rocks:;cPath=11_239

especially from the list starting at dragon stone - zebra stone. They are all a nice rocks, mini landscape rocks is used a lot in aquascaping.

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