I've Found Heaven On Earth

Ok Everyone! I just got back from church, I need to eat, load up my stuff and I wil be on my way in an hour or so, I am not sure how long it will take but I am hoping to have pics up in 7 hours, I will try to get them up as fast as I can. I am making a sign w/ my username and will put a net or something in most or all of the pics. Thanks for the ideas. I will try to get movie footage up also.

And timmy, I appreciate the apology. I can understand if you were having a bad day or week. And about what you said about trying to convince the doubters, I am just defending my point of view... that's just how I am. What is there to lose when everyone sees the pics?

Less than a day now folks, and there will be pics!!!
if he is Directly on time... (7hr.) that's 5 hours from now.... and I believe he mentioned it took about 2 hours to get there... so I'd say he is probably arriving now if he left soon after posting...
Surely anyone could do a thread such as this themselves, with pics no problem...
Ah well, he should have taken the paper...
Surely anyone could do a thread such as this themselves, with pics no problem...
Ah well, he should have taken the paper...

He is taking something, he says he'll put a net in every picture and have a piece of paper with his username on it in at least one photo.
If he left at 2:20, he would be there @ 4:20 (my time), lets say he's there for two hours and comes back in two hours, seven hours total, and 8:20 when he gets here. i think.
its almost 6:00 p.m. here in CT so cant wait for pics! good luck :good:
I must say i dont think this is unfeasible, although being a scientist I do not fully believe until i have proof. That being said it is not on any of our parts to not believe you as we have no evidence to the contrary.

Timmy, one thing i noticed: for someone who supposedly follows biotype strictly you are cruel: 1 Gold Nugget Sailfin Plec (L001/L022). It certainly doesnt come from lake Malawi and you keep it in that tank. Who is cruel? I dont think it is appropriate for you to be so critical, this person has stumbled on something that could be quite amazing, and we should be patient until we see proof. He has done the right thing asking for help with identifying, and from the sound of it has researched what he needs to do to keep these fish. This is meant to be a friendly forum, not a sea of flaming: you should be ashamed.

Goodluck Chuka.

oo oo i wish i had picked up on that lol i didnt bother looking at his list to see if he was in fact throwing stones while living in a glass house :p (i hope everyone knows what i mean by that comment :))

you have knocked the nail on the head xebadir. this should be a friendly place and when someone who is still learning asks a question, no matter what they have done, they should be guided as to what theyve done wrong and not abused like has happened here.

i have just read timmys apology - nice one timmy :cool: has made me respect you a little for doing that...only a little though lol
Does the USA not have national newspapers........
I thought, for example, new york was quite big?
Like beyond the point of locating a pond based on the little info provided so far?

iif he wants to keep the location secret for whatever reason then that should be respected. doesnt mean he is hiding anything it just means he really doesnt want to give the location away. respect this guys wishes and stop harassing him about it. i have a place in my local area that i like to go to cause i always have some kind of paranormal experience there (but skeptical on that too but i enjoy researching it all lol) anyhoo, i keep its location to myself as i like this spot to get away and be alone and have something that no one else knows about. i can never prove what happens there as no one is ever with me but i dont care, cause I know!!!
/sits drumming finger on F5

I actually pressed F5 and realized it was the refresh hotkey... nice how you learn something new everyday :p.


Haha did the same, i think it all seems a bit 'fishy' har har har im so funny. No but really i can believe anything, once it actually rained frogs (google it) wouldnt believe it right? cant wait for pics though!
iif he wants to keep the location secret for whatever reason then that should be respected. doesnt mean he is hiding anything it just means he really doesnt want to give the location away. respect this guys wishes and stop harassing him about it. i have a place in my local area that i like to go to cause i always have some kind of paranormal experience there (but skeptical on that too but i enjoy researching it all lol) anyhoo, i keep its location to myself as i like this spot to get away and be alone and have something that no one else knows about. i can never prove what happens there as no one is ever with me but i dont care, cause I know!!!
Erm... Not harassing him in the slightest, you post... you get replies... (or so i thought)
Point i'm making is even IF he lived in new york, and took a new york times (which 100% guarantees the sceptics to accept his photos) i VERY much doubt people are going to be able to find it based on that one simple fact....
Ho-hum, surely all forms of opinion are welcome?

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