I've Found Heaven On Earth

great pics, been following this thread but made a descision not to post until pics were put up. i'm a skeptic but i keep it to myself most of the time! lol

stunning place anyway, lovely fish, i'd be up there every weekend if i lived near :D
great pics, been following this thread but made a descision not to post until pics were put up. i'm a skeptic but i keep it to myself most of the time! lol

Same here, even though I'd heard of similar places before....

Great find - just hope one day that there's not a disease epidemic of some description that wipes 'em all out! I don't suppose there's a local authority that's maintaining the place and would therefore be there to assist if anything goes wrong.

More pics would be appreciated whenever you're there next - especially the oscar if you can snap it
Cool! Just goes to show what a goofy place humans have turned this planet into. Mind you, if the constant temperature is dependant on geothermal activity, it could last for another million years, or could disappear tomorrow - so make the best of it!

Sorry I doubted you.

Now...I just had a thought, do you know what would be really brilliant?!?!?!

Take some dive/snorkelling gear and an underwater camera! You can get disposable ones for like $10 too, I took one to Thailand when I went snorkelling. Man, if that were near me I'd be pinching my dad's dive gear and jumping straight in!

Any chance? ;)

I would also love to see any more pics that you have...
Amazing, but i don't want to sound mean or anything but it would be best for them to stay there they obv like it! lol i dunno just seems unfair to take them from their i know we keep fish in tanks which have been taken originally from the wild but they are bred for a aquarium but still amazing work :)

we need to remember that most fish at your lfs are wild caught fish :)
we need to remember that most fish at your lfs are wild caught fish :)

Currently not true.. unless your into Marines.

In excess of 90% of freshwater stock - coldwater and tropical is farm bred - while almost all marine lifestock is wild caught.
Ornatmental Aquatic Trade Association. Taken from the Fish Biology and Fish Health degree material which I'm studying.

But you are right in that at one point they must have been wild caught.
:X ooops
Words well and truly eaten.....
Well done mate, too good to be true....
but true nontheless!
Sorry for doubting you :good:
Amazing, but i don't want to sound mean or anything but it would be best for them to stay there they obv like it! lol i dunno just seems unfair to take them from their i know we keep fish in tanks which have been taken originally from the wild but they are bred for a aquarium but still amazing work :)

Well, I don't want to seem mean, but in all reality, it would be best for them to NOT stay where they are. Although from the sounds of it they are unlikely to leave the hot springs (the tropicals anyway, the koi may), introduced exotics have a way of taking over any piece of environment that they can get even the slightest of footholds in. It's quite likely that before the intrusion of these fish, the hot spring had other, NATURAL, inhabitants that were wiped out by the introduced species ability to outcompete them for food, territory, or (in the case of the africans) outright aggression, or were simply eaten by the koi and other larger predators.

It is a lovely place, and cool for what it is, but the fact of the matter remains that those fish don't really belong there. Better to see them there than ill treated in some uninformed fishkeeper's tank, but I can't say that I think they should stay there. Besides, from the looks of it, most of these fish are, or are descendants of fish who were, bred for the aquarium. They're no different than the fish in your lfs.

Chuka: For future reference, wet your hands before handling the fish (they look dry in those pics, though if i'm wrong, sorry) because dry hands can damage their slime coats pretty well and expose them more readily to disease. :good:
WOW, as i said i was skeptical but believed it was possible, you proved all the skeptics (including myself) well and truly wrong. That pond is truly amazing. :drool: :hyper: :good:
I fell asleep at my computer last night but i didnt doubt it for a second also what are the blue fish with the goldfish?
nice!! a place of natural habitat!

hopefully this will teach alot of people in this thread that have argued about it
Hehe its the great TFF pond lol. You should update this post occasionaly when you visit the pond, so we can see how the ponds doing :)

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