I've Found Heaven On Earth

I JUST GOT BACK!!! It was AWESOME!!! I am loading the pics right on to my comp, so it will be a few more minutes to sift through them, upload them to photobucket etc etc.
THERE IS A GOD.......!!!!

any new catches this time round??

It was so cool!!! I tried with net and bread, but like last time it was near impossible. I hope this doesn't offend anyone but this time I brought my fly rod and it worked great!!! I caught about 8-9 fish, mostly africans I think. I don't know what they are. It was a LOT harder than I thought to take pictures of the fish while balancing on a log and trying to feed them bagels but I manged to get a few. I did see a new fish... It was a flipping oscar!!! I am not jokin, and huge too. It must have gotten too big for someones tank, and someone tossed him in there.

Here are the first few pics.


This pic just shows my fish food nets and piece of aquarium decor I brought. I couldn't get them in every pic but like I said, I was already having problems just getting pictures from the log I was standing on.


Wife holding sign with koi and other fish in background. Normally it is easier to see the fish but it was way windy.


Fish I caught with fly rod:


More pics are coming, and I am working on the video
Here you can see the koi and some of the africans


This one is pretty good, you can see various africans and a few convicts


More fish with the fly rod:




hmmm... doesn't look like Korea to me...

Lol, it sure as heck isn't korea.
Well what do ya think everyone??

Here's some more:

A guppy I caught near the shore, looks like an endler's??

More overhead fish shots



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