I've Found Heaven On Earth

Well, I'm pleased for you! You've showed all the sceptics that you really did find "heaven on earth!" :drool:
I didn't post as I didn't want to sound hounding, With everyone begging for you to go so they could see it was enough for you to cope with without me nagging too!!!(although I was very tempted :lol: ) I will nag for more photos when you go next time though. It is breathtaking! The view is stunning also. I bet you hate it when you have to leave. -_-
Well good luck for when you next go up there, hope you find a way of catching the fish easily so you can take some stunning photos, or as someone else posted, get snorkelling hahaha. :fun: Well I would be worried about those massive koi swimming about in there with you, as big as they are!
I only wish there were places I know of here, as stunning as that, but I can only hope for an old man to come strolling up to me and tell me of some "heaven on earth" place. Mind you, it would kinda freak me out still! :lol: It's not everyday you are told of some magical place where you only normally see in your dreams :wub:
Their all amazing fish! Thanks for taking the time to share your find with us, we do appreciate all the effort you've put in for us all.
Take care!! :good:
would love to see some more pics and i agree, this should be pinned so we can be updated all the time on our own TFF pond :hyper:
wow i am truely amazed, have followed this topic from the begining but not posted, great pics, another who would love to see the oscar if you can find it again :lol:
Thats fantastic.
Who owns the pond? as in is it on someones land or like national park land?
Have you seen anyone else there at all?
Someone must have dumped them fish in there.
Dammit...why am i only commenting now. If i'd had known this topic was as good as it is i would have said something earlier. I went through all the pages from the beginning so that i didnt miss any pictures, and i'll be honest...i was a bit skeptical. I wasnt saying that it was a load of crap...but just that i doubt it was as amazing as you made out.

I was wrong.

Very wrong.

I completely agree with you about keeping to location to yourself. Must be an amazing experience to see.

Thanks for the photos etc. :good:

Scunny :p
WoW! :drool: I must admit I was a non believer too but glad to be proven wrong. What a find and thanks for sharing it! If you ever bump into that old man again, thank him as well!!!! :nod:
wow man.... WOW!

That Last Fish in the Second post... I want it ... now... seriously.... what a beauty... If you have spare tanks, go back and get a few more of thoes and BREED THEM and make millions.....

I would be scared of putting my feet in there for fear of losing a toe to that MOSNTER koi... that thing could feed a family for a week! lol

I thought it was a beauty also, any idea what it is??? Funny thing about you talking about losing a toe, some of the fish actually nibble on your toes!!! It is a weird feeling... but doubt I'll lose any digits :)

i think its a gold severum i had two in my tank :) pop it into google n let me no wot u think? they are usally yellow/white!

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