
Ooooo .... I like the way this is shaping up. That's a wonderful tree. Too bad it had to be sacrificed by the dog, but it will look wonderful in there. What type of tree is it?
The sippy cup to the left is especially smart. 
Ps3Steveo said:
Small update, got some hardscape in there, what you think? The tree is just there to give me an idea as there is a tree going in but this is one of my bonsai the dog ate.

New ish 084 by ps3steveo, on Flickr
you killing me softly :)What a layout.I want to see this complete ;)
the tree needs to be a little more to the left.
Its not staying in there, got another piece of wood more suited to the type of tree I want, it will be more left, will be on the line of the 1st 1/3 of the tank. :)
Yeah I'm hoping the CO2 and ferts will turn it into a huge bottle one day Techen ;).
aaaw very nice :) i like how this is looking so far very nice :D
ye is that, the bonzi tree you where on about when i came to pick up my lights? looks amazing tho
Yeah it was, the dog ate most of the branches off it tho, might use some other wood I have now.
aaw thats a shame, looks stunning tho, would look nice with a few more in there, could make it look like a dead dead tree :) with moss on the other bonzis :D
Well this has been planted today, only problem is I don't have a camera for a few days so pic's coming soon. :)
aaw nice i can't w8

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