
How big is your tank I have some spare?
Ahhhh that's a pain, thought ohhh 10G perfect, US, not so perfect :( sorry :(
lol Thanks anyway. Its better this way. I would have ended up copying your tanks subconsciously and then calling it my own :lol:
All tanks being closed, recently got knocked on a CO2 kit by another forum member, didn't buy any liquid carbon, so now my tanks and plants are slaughtered with algae and the plants are all dying, giving up.
Are you drunk? :lol:

Oh shoot, You weren't. I was hoping you were on some drunken ramble after a party or something. Well Your substrate and wood will still be good. Will you begin again?
:pepsi: not :beer:

Just kidding lol Good luck with the battle. I did a huge clean yesterday in battle of diatoms. Uglyyyyyyy.
Thanks mate, get some Purigen dude, works great for Diatoms.
On a budget :( Still fixing the sick fishes. I'll get some soon. How much should I get for my 2 externals?
Get about 250ml, separate in two bags and chuck one in each filter.
Thanks. Had been planning on some eventually, but I'll make it my next purchase... :good:
Algae is clearing now, daily scrubbing and a higher dose of Carbon are helping. Ordered Rotala Wallichi, Rotala Rotundifolia and Limnophila Aromatica to replace the Heterathera Zosterifolia, it grows to quick for me. Trimming twice a week is getting stupid and its getting so large and bushy that it stops the bottom leaves getting light so then it starts to not look so pretty. Also after getting dudd eggs from ebay for my Killi's I've ordered 12 Celestial Pearl Danios, love them and was gutted when a carbon overdose killed my last lot.

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