
nice Steve!

@ Dr Rob, thread/hair etc etc is all about the C02...or lack of it. :good:
Cheers guys, weird tho that my tank has stable CO2 and plenty of it, yet there is one bit of moss that has it and its the same piece from my last scape that had it lol. Anyway I pulled it off completely this morning only leaving a few strands of the moss left so with any luck hopefully it wont grow back. :)
Aware of that Ian, the thread/hair I have/had has always been a flow issue (it's pretty much my way of seeing where flow is bad in the tank, generally because somethings sucker has fallen off), except when my CO2 cylinder ran out when I was away for a few days. The trouble is the moss grows well, slows the flow down, and grows hair algae unless it's plastered hard to the wood, buffeting it hard seems to be my best way of clearing it, but I mean really hard. I think it can create it's own little cocoon of low flow/CO2 once the two get properly mixed up.

I guess I'll have to go down the same route and start back from the clean bits, was just wondering if he'd succeeded in clearing the moss.
I usually go at it with a toothbrush, almost comb the moss, you do end up loosing some but it still does a good job, I don't think you will ever get rid of all though unless you remove and start over with the good bits.

Steve - Beautiful tank mate, really like it.
Quick vid of an UP inline atomizer working on the CO2. Look closely and when it kicks in you can see the mist coming out, although you might wanna maximise it lol. :)

Great new pics mate tank looking healthy as! have some serious algae issues in my tank, how I miss the days of pearling!! hopefully be back on track soon!!
I also miss the pearling days Jay, haven't seen any in ages. Bleh Algae!
I'm missing a key attribute needed for this hobby . Patience.
I like to mess and tweak things too much, which isn't exactly productive when it comes to pearling!
Tanks like steves give me enough inspiration to keep at it!
Ahhh thanks dude, always stick at it mate, even a shoddy looking scape can take shape if you leave the plants to it over time, my shed tank is overgrown now after leaving it alone for long enough and looks quite nice now, to tell the truth I forgot all about it lol. Only thing I will say with little tweaks is, I've learned over the years if you are waiting for a plant to carpet then sometimes less can be more, some plants need time to root and attach and from me sticking my arm in the tank I've ended up with complete carpets floating lol.
Just takes a little patience to see how things pan out. :)
Ok, Staurogyne is nearly a full carpet, had a few fern leaves die back after sprouting plantlets but all is good, this is after a massive trim so will do another update once the moss all fills back in. :)

Pic and vid, if you look closely you can see the pearling shooting up to the surface, sorry about the quality need a good camera. :)

New shots & vids 012 by ps3steveo, on Flickr

looks good mate... i wander what you did with all the off cuts :shifty: lol
The carpet looks good!
Might give that a go once I get bored with glosso. It seems to fill out very well too, there's a long thin tank at green machine using that as a carpet and it looks amazing really thick and healthy.

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