If I hadn't been so angry, I would have been rolling! As it was, I was only chuckling. I have many terms of endearment that would chap people's hides if I called them by them and they didn't know me, though - you have to be careful, especially online. (why does that last sentence make me feel like someone's mom? )shrks1fan said:Lol, I saw that too about the "nutcase" comment, but apparently that is his favorite word. I was checking the auctions he's done and in one that I saw he refers to the future bidders as "nutcases", so I guess it's a term of endearment, we should be honored, hahahahahaha
It wasn't deleted - I still see it there. It's not the last one, but it says last reply or something like that if you look at the top index. You can always edit it if you want to.nibbles said:weird.. i dont even see my message there.. it wasnt too nice, maybe it was deleted..
lets hope so .. or im gonna look like a moron saying things to lotsoffish like they are felicity