That's a bit of hyperbole, I have enough left for about 30L of water. But I'd planned to do large water changes on main tanks and potentially QT tanks, depending on how they test.
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
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What declorinator do you use? It's interesting to see what everyone uses
I found Prime a bit dear for my wallet. I used to use Tetra on my old Danio tank and it worked very well. Im on Fluval Aqua plus now. I Got a 2L for £20 mid 2022 and now coming to the end of that and bought another at Christmas.I usually always have a bottle of Seachem Prime in the cupboard, just in case. But also use the Tetra tapsafe one for when I'm using a lot, and reserve Prime for potential emergencies.
I'm trying to slim down on costs for this hobby now. I probably have £60-£90's worth of equipment, sponges, hoses, filters, heaters, etc in storage now. I think Gumtree might be getting a few new adsBut went through a very, very broke period, and only had the two tanks running for ages, so it was really lasting since I had Prime and that huge container of Tetra Tapsafe. Too scatterbrained, it's probably on a list somewhere I've overlooked.
I found Prime a bit dear for my wallet. I used to use Tetra on my old Danio tank and it worked very well. Im on Fluval Aqua plus now. I Got a 2L for £20 mid 2022 and now coming to the end of that and bought another at Christmas.
I'm trying to slim down on costs for this hobby now. I probably have £60-£90's worth of equipment, sponges, hoses, filters, heaters, etc in storage now. I think Gumtree might be getting a few new ads. It's probably better to have more than just enough in the case of this hobby.
I hadn’t heard of hoplos until now, they look so cute! It’s like a loach-shaped catfish. What tank are you planning to put him in?
My vote personally is for the rainbows, they’re really cool fish. And it seems like you keep coming back to them! I’d love to keep some someday. My LFS had a TON in stock last time I went, in almost every tank. I wonder if someone did a massive special order or something.
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This was a section of their largest tank that usually holds angels.
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These ones especially were really pretty in person. Idk what species that is but they had really prominent reds and blues.
Regarding apistos, I’m currently shopping for one, and they’re really cool fish! But unfortunately at least in my experience, it’s really hard to pick and choose species; most stores I’ve visited *occasionally* get Cacatuoides; I finally found someone that could get me an Agassizii but any other species the shop owners acted like I was asking for a unicorn.
Ooooooo! I love house plants especially ones I can use in aquariums! I’ve found peace lilys do best in my tanks out of 5 species I’ve tested so far. Think I’ve already mentioned @Magnum Man in a previous thread.. but wow those root systems in those tanks and the Tilapia tubs hydroponic veggiesOh, and there was a shop just a little up the road from the pub (and opposite the cashpoint I had to go and visit) that had a load of lovely outdoor and houseplants. For decently cheap prices... so I also got four new houseplants...
I almost never go out, let alone spent and treat myself like that, so today was a special occasion.
Setting up tanks again, getting back into keeping different fish and wanting to set them up well, and looking after the houseplants too and seeing them thrive - it helps fight depression/grief, and is giving me something focus on and enjoy, get into that zen zone we all know.
And also pushing me to crack on with this redecorating, so I can set up the big tanks.
I already have two L181 plecs, bought in 2020 with the hope I might wind up with a M/F pair, but wound up both being females (were also sold as L183's, which is why I named them Ziggy and Stardust! So their names didn't make sense when they matured into the colours for L181 Peppermint plecs, but oh well, names have stuck now).
I know their breeder on FB, I could buy a mature male for £70 but that was beyond my budget at the time. Could have straight swapped a female for a male, but I'm attached to my two girls now, know their favourite foods and hiding places etc, so I didn't want to let one go.
Might be tempted by a group of L181 juveniles I could raise myself up came up for a reasonable price, I might do that, since odds of getting at least one male would be high.
But I'm also not stuck on L181's, if another really appeals and doesn't turn monster sized! Or again, might stick with trying to breed Pseudos, otos, or apistos or something first! Or while plecs are slowly maturing. I just have a lot of options, interest in a lot of different species, and limited opportunities to find other local hobbyists that breed!![]()
What's going at the moment/coming up? Tanks aren't show off ready yet (I know they don't have to be, but I want them to be! lol), but might be by the time the next contest comes up for their size!Be sure you enter your new tanks in the TOTM contest and your new fish in the FOTM contests![]()