How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

5 x zebra danios
4 x silver hatchets
2 x white cloud minnows
1 x chinese algae eater
should be 1 x betta, but Bob died today:-(

Running Total: 8252
2 albino kribs
1 angel
40 fry
5 black skirted tetras
2 danio's
5 mollies
3 platy's
2 convict's ( around 1 inch)
4 ghost shrimp
1 guppy

That is 65 fishies!

Running Total: 8332
My fish
6xlemon tetras
6xlamp-eye tetras
3xpanda corys
2xclown loaches
2xgold mystery snails
1xpowder blue dwarf gourami
1xbolivian ram

my fish:26

running total:8000 somthin
My fish
6xlemon tetras
6xlamp-eye tetras
3xpanda corys
2xclown loaches
2xgold mystery snails
1xpowder blue dwarf gourami
1xbolivian ram

my fish:26

running total:8000 somthin

Running total: 8356.

Sorry, snails don't count. If they do, then:

Running total: 8358
My fish
2x Dwarf Gourami
3x Dwarf neon rainbow
3x Zebra Loach
5x Neon Tetras
6x White Cloud Minnow
5x Golden Honey Gourami
3x Khuli Loach
3x Oto Cat
1x Dwarf Puffer
4x Dwarf Corydoras
1x Betta
1x Normans Lampeye

=37 Fishys o_O haha i didnt know i had that many...but i guess when u add em all.

I'm guessing shrimp dont count cuz thats another 20+

Running total (without shrimp or snails) = 8394
okay math time... :lol:
This is the fish i will have in under one month (in the middle of purchasing them).

10 Golden Minnows
10 Black neons
8 Adolfi Corys
6 Rosy Barbs
1 Snowball Pleco (LDA33)
2 Platys
2 Herliquin Rosy Barbs
2 Colombian tetras
10 Endlers

Running total=8445
Might as well add mine -

3 x Platy
3 x Guppy
12 x Neon Tetra
5 x Diamond Tetra
2 x Pleco
2 x Oranda

My total - 27

Running total - 8478
Running total - 8478

ok....big tank, um, 10? ish...coldies 3, small tank 7 so 20 total. I think. Hard to know in the big tank, we often spot people we thought had gone.

I will not include the pond fish I have no idea how many babies we have out there.

Running total - 8498
4x Guppy
2x Balloon Molly
1x Featherfin Cat
1x Albino Bristlenose

my total 8... i couldnt see having more than like 15 fish dunno how one guy had like 1000

running total: 8506
4x Guppy
2x Balloon Molly
1x Featherfin Cat
1x Albino Bristlenose

my total 8... i couldnt see having more than like 15 fish dunno how one guy had like 1000

running total: 8506

4 platy
4 daino
1 betta
2 Otto
2 Gourami
1 Oscar
3 ?? lol forgot

total 16
Running total: 8522

Most reactions
