How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

My Fish:

17 back neons
16 cardinal tetras
12 golden pristellas
12 guppies
9 von rios
8 black skirts
8 silver tipped tetras
6 cories (4 albino) 2 bronze
2 silver dollars
2 spotted silver dollars
2 bettas
4 plecos (3 sailfins) 1 albino
2 striped 1 spotted raphael catfish
1 bleeding heart tetra = 102

Running total = 14553
14553 +

250 endlers
33 bristlenose
2 yoyo loaches
8 khuli loaches
25 assorted cories
5 P. nicholsi
10 otos
2 angels
multiple shrimp
6 ruby greens

341 + 14553

8 Tiger Barbs
8 Khuli Loaches
5 Red Line Torpedo Barbs
1 Kribensis
1 Bristlenose Plec

Running Total = 14943
That makes 14,920

3 Knight Gobies
2 Fig 8
and a soon to be moved Mono

2 clowns
flame hawk
dracula goby


Four Tanks:

1 Siamese
2 Striped Raphael
2 Bronze Cory
2 Albino Cory
2 Peppered Cory
2 Upside-Down Catfish

4 Marble Mollys
4 Southern Platys
6 Pygmy Cory

4 Female Guppies
1 Male Guppy
6 Peppered Cory
1 Guppy Fry

4 Male Guppies
4 Guppy Fry


1 discus
1 common pleco
3 bristlenose pleco
1 betta
1 guppy
1 dwarg frog
1 killifish
14 mollies.....right this minute
6 barbs
1 tetra
1 ....I just can't remember the name

My totla is 31

Grand total is 15,006

Most reactions
