How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

I have

3 Dalmation Mollys
4 Cardinal Tetra
2 Zebra Danio
2 Pearl Danio
2 Goldon Loach

so thats 13

Running Total: 9185
2 x Yellow Wrasse
1 x Ocellaris Clown

6 x Khuli
1 x JD
1 x common plec
7 x Giant Danio

My Total: 18

Running Total: 9203
2 killifish
6 bettas
1 bumblebee goby
8 rasboras
1 hillstream loach
1 bolivian ram
8 cory
16 platy

Total= 9273
5 Tiger Barbs
2 Mollies
1 Red Tailed Black Shark
6 Black Neon Tetra's
2 Bristlenose Catfish
2 Croaking Catfish

Total 12

I Know this thread hasnt been added to recently but i wanted my fish to count! :rolleyes: :good:

2 danios
6 Neon Tetra

total fish 8 (at mo)
Grand total 9293
I have 3 swordtails, 14 neon tetras and 2 yoyo loaches,
my total 19

running total 9385
3 Neon Tetras
3 Albino Corys
6 Copper Harlequins
1 Male Guppy
4 Female Guppy's
1 Bristlenose Plec
29 Guppy Fry
1 Pentazora Barb

Total = 48

Running Total 9503
i have

6xstebia corys
9xblack corys with the ones i get in a few days
13 xpepperd corys
13x bronze corys
3xglass catfish
30ish endlers
2x neon tetras

in 4 tanks

total = 93

running total 9619

Most reactions
