How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

3 female fighters
9 neons
1 male fighter
9 platys
2 catfish
1 corydorah
4 swordtails
3 rtbs
6 red eye tetras
5 zebra danios

my Total = 43

running total = 7226
Estimate of 250 goldfish in the pond + 6 koi and 2 golden awf-258 :lol: .Do shrimp count?
I'll have to wright this out..
peacock goby's x 2
Ottos x 3
bn's x 2
guppy's x 34
platy's x 6
discus x 4
rainbowfish x 1
cory x 1
zebra danios x 2
golden barb x 1
congo tetra x 1
common plecs x 2
syno's x 3
raphael cats x 2
oscar x 1
peasei x 1
silver dollars x 4
senegal bichir x 1
clown loach x 1
parrot cichlids x3
Grand total=7226+332=7558
1 Glowlight Tetras
5 Black Neon Tetras
2 Dwarf Gouramis 2 Peppered Corys
1 Otocinclus
4 Panda Corys
3 Platys
2 Cory Punctatus
1 L001 Gold Spot Pleco
4 Baby Bristlenose Plecos
6 Corydoras Habrosus
3 Sparkling Gouramis

Total: 32

Would have been more if not for a ridiculously persistant bout of whitespot!

Anyway current total: 7597
8 rummynose tetras
6 glowlight tetras
6 neon rainbowfish
2 cockatoo dwarf cichlids

My Total = 22

Running Total: 7746
including my new fish from my post ages ago

11 fish since then so the running total is : 7758
30 tetras (various), 12 adult plecs (various), 3 Corys, 1 Farlowella, 2 Tiger Barbs, 50+ Bristlenose plec fry !!! ;)

Call it 100 in all ;)

Total = 7874

Most reactions
