Hi-Fin Bronze Cory.

Tank sounds good,although i would try to keep the temp down to 26 degrees,28 is at the top end of their temp range...

Has you only have 2 corys,you must have one sex of each,otherwise you wouldn't have had fry :)

How are they doing?
I've lost about 2 fry so far. :) They like to hide near the sponge filter that i made for them. You only see 1 or 2 but if you move the filter they come out bombarding you!
My adult corys are doing great happy go lucky corys they are.

Well been away for a couple of days and i get back to more cory fry! The second batch of eggs has hatched. I had no-one to feed my fish while i was away but they are all doing great, in the time i was gone only 1 cory fry died. All the others have cute little cory faces now except the newer ones. I hope more survive. (touchwood)

Here are some of the best pics i could get.

Adult cory.

Cory fry 1.

Cory fry 2.

50 - 100.
It's alot i'll tell ya.
My corys haven't laid anymore eggs.... yet. You really can tell the difference between the new ones and the older ones.

Also would baby brine shrimp be ok for the fry?

Ok i'll give them flake for the rest of this week then i'll get some baby brine shrimp for them.
They certainly are keeping me busy i'm expecting eggs everyday when i come home from school. :lol:

Well what i said earlier played back on me. When i come home i find more eggs! My mum thinks i'm putting fertility drugs for fish in the tank.
Btw the ornatment in the fry pics is a small half buried plant pot.

Well i'm down to about 20-30 fry again because the younger ones dies. Could the older ones have had a go at the younger ones? They looked kinda beaten up.
If the older ones did it what should i do when the new eggs hatch?


My other eggs have hatched so i need to know what to do ASAP. I don't want to risk my new babies being killed again if it was the older ones.

The age difference of yours will be ok,has they're barely a week apart,have you tested water stats lately on fry tank?
IT isn't uncommon for young cory fry to die but has you've lost quite a few it may be worth checking the water to be on the safe side :)

And keeping the bottom clean is important,has young fry are more likely to die from bacterial infections if theres a build up...
I will have my water tested tommorow at my LFS and i know they use a liquid test because they always show me the results. I am a local at my LFS and they are really nice to me for this once i remember going in with a £4.20 budget and ended up spendig £6.30 but because i was a local they said just pay £4 for it all. They test my water for free and everything i also got 3 plants for £3 when usually they are about £2.75 each.

Well hopefully going to the LFS today.
Will get some baby brine shrimp and other small foods.

Got some baby brine shrimp and a bag of adult brine shrimp for my adult guppies and corys.
I also noticed my corys spawning again so i left them alone and was going to collect the eggs in when i got home. However when i got home all the eggs were white and fluffy so i'm guessing he forgot to fertilise them or something. They always spawn infront of the filter outlet so they get plenty of flow.


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