Hi-Fin Bronze Cory.

Did the lfs test your fry tank water?
I was thinking about your beaten up fry,has you have a fluval filter,it may be possible the fry could be getting sucked in ?
The fluval is in the 2ft tank and the fry are in a different tank with a sponge filter and yes the LFS did test my tank water. I took 2 samples down 1 from each tank.

Fry tank.
PH - 6.4.
Nitrite - 0ppm.
Ammonia - 0ppm.
Nitrate 20.

Adult tank.
PH - 6.4.
Nitrite - 0ppm
Ammonia - 0ppm
Nitrate - 20ppm.

All is good. Any ideas on what could have happened to the eggs that i had remove because they had gone white and fluffy in about 3 hours?

Well most of the cory fry are about 2 -3 cm long now and have all their little cory features.

Yeah they are all doing well but earlier i accidently sucked one into the bucket when doinga W/C i noticed him and moved him immediatly back to the tank.
All my guppy fry are good aswell. I noticed about 30mins ago that one of the guppy fry (even though they are only 1 week old) has black fins and black stripes on his tail! I wonder what he'll turn out like.

Well some of the cory fry are this big now _____ and have splendid fins but they still can't go in with my adult fish because they will get thrown about quite abit by the filter.

I've decided. I'm going to resurrect this thread for now and create a new one when i get the right tank. I'm going to get some different corys and have a breeding set-up specifically for corys.

Alessa x.

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