Hayleys New Cycle Log

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spray bar amended...0.10 on tank 1 and 0.35 on tank 3 for nitrites this am :).. tank 2 still being a pain :(
I've forgotten what a 0 looks like on the nitrite test now. You might have seen my post about how much ammonia I should be dosing.

Getting mighty fed up of my cycle now if I'm honest. Running out of patience for it. I'm five weeks into my cycle. I had the idea of getting a fish tank two months ago and still no fish! I think I'll probably cry when my tank is finally ready for fish. :p
I've forgotten what a 0 looks like on the nitrite test now. You might have seen my post about how much ammonia I should be dosing.

Getting mighty fed up of my cycle now if I'm honest. Running out of patience for it. I'm five weeks into my cycle. I had the idea of getting a fish tank two months ago and still no fish! I think I'll probably cry when my tank is finally ready for fish. :p
me too...end of August we got our 3 mollies....it is soooo draining (pardon the pun).
I get sooooo near....then it sky rockets again! grrr
Fortunately I've not had any big rockets since my stall, hoping not to.

I just seem to be getting the same results every day, it's getting predictable. Of course, now I'm back doing half doses of ammonia I'm hoping to see some progress.
OK...so i've had enough..and i need some more advice....my tanks keep going down to just a tad of Nitrite...then they sky rocket again??? what is going on???

here are the last 7 days for example:

Tank 1


Tank 2

2.0 - 5.0
2.0 - 5.0

Tank 3

0 - 0.10
0.25 - 1.50 (0.35)

any advice????
They are doing what mine did. They are bouncing. Mine did it for about 4 or 5 days then settled down.

Are you keeping the ammonia dose the same everytime? Because if one day you dose 1ppm more accidently it will cause your nitrite to go high again.
I'm currently dreaming of the day I have measurable nitrite *shakes fist at the heavens*
They are doing what mine did. They are bouncing. Mine did it for about 4 or 5 days then settled down.

Are you keeping the ammonia dose the same everytime? Because if one day you dose 1ppm more accidently it will cause your nitrite to go high again.
yes exact same Ammonia amount

todays reading.
Tank 1



Tank 2


Tank 3

Tank 1
------------Amm -----Nitrite -----Nitrate ------PH ----Temp----------Notes

Day 1: -----0.5 --------0 -----------0 ------- / -----------28c
Day 2: -----0.5 --------0 -----------0 ------- / -----------29c ----added 4ml Amm made it 6ppm 20% w/c reduced to 4ppm
Day 3: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / ------ 8.0 ----------28c
Day 4: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / ------ / -------------30c
Day 5: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / -------8.0 ----------30c
Day 6: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / -------8.0 ----------30c
Day 7: -----4.0 -------- 0 ---------0 ------- / ----------30c
Day 8: -----4.0 -------- 0 -------- / ------ / ------------30c
Day 9: -----4.0 -------- 0 -------- / ------7.5 ----------28c
Day 10: ----4.0 -------- 0 -------- 0 ------ / ----------28c
Day 11: ----4.0 -------- 0 -------- / ------ / ------------29c
Day 12: ----3.0 -------- 0 -------- 2.5 ----- / ----------30c
Day 13: ----3.0 -------- 0 -------- 2.5 ----- / ----------30c
Day 14: ----3.0 -------- 0 -------- 2.5 ----- /----------- /-
Day 15: ----4.0 -------- 0.25 ------2.5 ----- / ----------/ we have nitrite!
------------4.0 -------- 0.5 -------5.0 -------/----------/
Day 16: ----3.0 -------- 2.0-------5.0--------/---------- /------
------------3.0 -------- 2-5 ------20.0 -----7.4----------/ ---
Day 17: ----2.0 ---------5.0-------20.0 -----8.0----------/ ----
------------1.0 ---------5+------- 30.0 -----7.4-----------/----
Day 18: ----0.25-------- 5+--------40.0------7.4---------/----
------------0-0.25 ------5+--------40.0 -------/----------/--- Dosed with 1ml >3ppm
Day 19: -----0 ----------5+ -------40.0-------7.4 -------/ so cleared in 12 hours
------------------------ was out so just dosed to 4ppm -----------
Day 20: ----0.25-------0.25 -------30.0--------/----------/---
--------------- no pm tests but added 1ml ammonia -----------
Day 21: ----0.25 ----- 0.25 --------20.0-------- / -----------/
------------0 -----------0 -----------10 ---------/------------/-- so clears in 24 hrs dosed with 1ml Ammonia
Day 22: ----0 -----------5+ ---------80-160 ----/ ------------/ --- hmmmmmmmm
------------0 -----------0.10 -------30 ---------/-------------/--Ni was darker than 0 but not lilac Dosed with 2ml of Ammonia
Day 23: ----0 ------------5+--------80-160 -----/ ----------- / -- I'm at a loss now??? :crazy:
---------------no pm tests done -----------------------------

Day 24: --------------- no am tests done -----------------------------------
------------0 ----------- 0 ---------40------------7.4-----------/-- Double 0's Dosed with 2ml of ammonia

Day 25:-----0 -----------5.0 --------80.0 ---------/ ----------- / --------- Na not so deep red as yesterday.
------------0 ----------- 0 --------80-160----------7.4------------/------ Double 0's in 24hrs again....dosed with 2ml of Ammonia -> 4ppm
Day 26:--------------------no am tests--------------------------
------------0 ----------- 0 --------80.0 -----------8.0 -------- / ------ Double pm 0's :good: Dosed with 2ml of Ammonia -> 4ppm
Day 27:------0----------2.0---------80.0--------------/-------------/ --------- Better than day 25.
-------------0-----------0-----------10.0--------------/ -------------- / --------- Added 2.8ml to take it up to 5ppm.
Day 28:------0-----------5+----------50-110------------/ ---------------/---------- Used Nutrafin nitrate test...still not a colour on the chart. :sly: Nitrite still spiking at 12 hrs.
------------0------------0------------50-110---------/ --------------/---------- chasing its own tail! dosed with 2.8ml ammonia ->5ppm
Day 29:-----0-----------5ppm------------110------------7.4-------------30--------- Nitrite went through blue, lilac then purple...good sign isnt it?
-------------------------night tests not done..but Hubby dosed 2.8ml(grrrr)hour late----------
Day 30:----2.4-4.9-------2.0---------50-110------------7.6-------------/---------- After hubbys dosing with the wrong syringe its all messed up! Ammonia at this colour?? nitrite went slowly to 2.0. Nitrate was a ligher shade of pink.
-------------------------night tests not done due to having to dash out, but dosed 2.8ml-------------------------
Day 31:------0-----------2.0---------50-110------------7.2-------------/----------- Nitrite changed colours slowly, didnt go deep purple.
-------------0------------0-----------10(n)50(s)--------/---------------/------------ (n)= Nutrafin (s)= Salifert. DOUBLE 0's in 24hrs.Dosed 2.8ml.
Day 32:------0-----------5.0--------------75.0(s)-------6.8-------------/------------ added 3x tsp of bicarb to bump up ph to 8.0..Nitrite still up to 5 (but gradual)
------------n/t------------0--------------60.0-----------8.2------------/------ didnt test ammonia as obviously 0, nitrite down to 0 again in 24 hrs, Nitrate settling down now and ph higher due to buffering (NitrAte seems to settle more when ph is higher?? :shifty:)DOSED with 2.8ml
Day 33:------n/t---------2.0--------------n/t-----------n/t-------------/----------- Just tested Nitrite...looks a lot lower than recent mornings. :)
-------------0-------------0--------------70.0-----------8.2-----------------/--- Double 0's again in 24hrs. DOSED with 2.8ml
Day 34: -----0-----------0.50-------------70.0-------------8.0------------/----------- NitrIte great reading of 0.50 this morning, which developed v.slowly.
-------------0--------------0-------------70.0-------------8.2------------/---- Another double 0's in 24 hrs. DOSED 2.8ml
Day 35: -----------morning tests not done--------------
did some random afternoon tests to see exactly how long it is taking to process the Amm and Nitrite... test as follows...at 2pm (17hrs after dosing)
-------------0--------------0-------------100--------------8.2------------/---- double 0's
Changed around substrate and 80% waterchange. DOSED 2.8ml at 9pm
Day 36: -----0-------------5.0------------70.0-------------7.3------------/---- Nitrite spiking still in 12 hrs..added tsp of bicarb.
-----------------pm tests not done--------------------DOSED 2.8ml
Day 37: -----0-----------2.0-5.0----------70.0-------------8.0------------/---- Nitrite still high but didnt go really dark purple
-------------/--------------0---------------/--------------8.0------------/---- Double 0's in 24 hrs again! DOSED 2.8ml
Day 38: -----0--------------2.0-----------60.0-------------7.9------------/----
tests (2pm)--0--------------0-------------50.0--------------/-------------/---- DOSED 2.8ml at 9pm
Day 39:------0--------------0.25----------70.0-------------7.4------------/---- Readings taken at 11.30am
-------------0--------------0--------------5.0-------------7.6------------/---- 100% w/c added new sand substrate. i gather this is why the Nitrates are low...buffed PH with 1/2 tsp bicarb. HUBBY dosed with 2.8ml
Day 40:(S)---------no am tests done------------
-------------0---------------0------------25.0-------------8.0------------/---- wish this was my AM reading :( DOSED 2.8ml
Day41:(S)----0---------------1.5-----------30---------------7.8------------/--- was blue for ages then changed..well seemed like ages~!
---------------no pm tests done---------DOSED 2.8ml
Day42:(M)-----/--------------5+-------------/----------------7.2------------/---- *SIGH*
3.30pm:-------/--------------0.10-----------/-----------------/-------------/---- No pm tests DOSED 2.8ml
Day 43:(T)----/--------------1.5-----------50.0--------------7.0------------/---- PH buffered with Bicarb
-------------------no pm tests done DOSED 2.8ml
Day 44:(W)----0--------------5.0-----------100.0-------------7.9------------/---- Nitrite slowly rose to 5 COME ON TANK 1!!!! :( added tiny bit of bicarb
-------no pm tests done DOSED with 2.8ml
Day 45:(T)----/--------------0.75----------/-----------------7.6------------/---- PLEASEEEEEEEEE :look:
DOSED 2.8ml
Day 46:(F)----0--------------0.10----------50-110(N)---------7.8------------/---- YES! NITRITE darker blue than card but not purple. :hyper:
Day 47:(S)----/---------------5+--------------/--------------7.6------------/---- I dont believe this......what AM i doing wrong?
DOSED 2.8ml
Day 48:(S)----/--------------1.5------------/----------------7.6------------/---- and down again!! :S
FEW DAYS AWAY.....hubby dosed tanks every night 9pm
Day 54:(S)----/--------------2.0------------/----------------8.1------------/----



Day 1: --------- 4.0 ------------- 0 ----------------0 ----------------/ ------------20c---- Heater needs time to reach temp
Day 2: ----------2.0 ------------ 0 ---------------- 0 ---------------- / ------------29c---
Day 3: ----------2.0 ------------ 0 ---------------- / --------------- / ------------29c---
Day 4: ----------3.0 ------------ / ---------------- / ----------------7.5 -----------29c--
Day 5: ----------2.0 ----------- 0.50 ------------- 5.0 --------------- / ---------- 29c--
Day 6: ----------2.0 ----------- 5.0 ---------------20.0 -------------- / ------------29c--
Day 7: ----------0.25 -----------5.0 ---------------20.0 -------------- / ------------29c Nitrite SPIKE
Day 8: -----------0 --------------0 -----=----------10.0 -------------- / ------------29c dosed 2.2ml of ammonia
-----------------2.0 ------------2.0 ---------------30.0----------------/---------------/--
Day 9: ----------1.0 ------------2-5 ---------------80.0----------------/---------------/--
-----------------0.25-------------5 ----------------80-160 -------------/ ---------------29c
Day 10: ---------0 --------------0 -----------------20 --------------- / --------------
Day 11: ---------0.25----------- 2-5 --------------- 40.0 ------------6.3 ----------- Ph drop to 6.3..due to dosing every 12 not 24 >8.0 dosed with 2ml ammonia
Day 12: --------0.25----------- 5.0 ---------------80-160--------------7.3 ------------/ Dosed 2ml Amm > 2ppm
-----------------0---------------2-5 ---------------80.0 ------------- 8.0 ------------/-- Dosed 2ml Amm > 2-3ppm
Day 13: -------0.25 -------------n/t ---------------80.0 --------------7.4 ------------/
----------------0---------------- 0 ----------------80.0 -------------- 8.0 ------------/ so its clearing 3-4ppm in 24 hrs Dosed 1.2ml Amm > 3ppm
Day 14: --------0 --------------0.25--------------- 80.0 --------------7.4 ------------/ pm not done as was out- not dosed
Day 15: --------0 ---------------0 -----------------80.0 --------------8.0 ------------/ added 1.2ml Amm
Day 16: --------0 --------------2.0 ----------------80-160 ------------- / -------------/
----------------0 ---------------0 -----------------80-160 -------------8.0-------------/ Dosed with 2.7ml of Amm >4ppm
Day 17: -------1.0---------------5+ ----------------80-160--------------- / --------------/--
---------------0-----------------5+ ----------------80-160 -------------- / ------------/-- dosed with 2.5ml of Amm
Day 18: ------0.25 --------------5+ ----------------80-160 -------------7.4 -----------/ at a loss now.....dunno whats happening.
-----------------------------------------------no pm tests done-------------------------------
Day 19: ------------------------------------------------no am tests done-------------------------------
--------------0 ----------------- 0 ---------------- 80 ---------------- 8.0 ------------/-- Double 0's Dosed with 2.5ml of Ammonia

Day 20: -----0.5-----------------5.0--------------- 160.0 ----------------/----------- ---/-- Re-checked with new Nutrafin test kit..and was def the darkest pink.
----------- 80% water change done,dechlor in, redosed to 4ppm with 2.5ml of Ammonia-------------- post tests Ni=0.50--------Na=40----will see what it does tomorrow now.
Day 21:---------------------------------------no am tests done----------------------------
-------------0-------------------0.25----------------80------------------8.0------------/------ VAST improvement :good: Dosed with 2.5ml of Ammonia -> 4ppm
Day 22:-----0.25-------------------5+---------------80-160----------------/ ---------------/------ another odd reading :no:
-------------0---------------------0-----------------80.0-----------------/ --------------/------ added 3.6ml of ammonia to take it up to 5ppm.
Day 23:------0---------------------5+---------------50-110----------------/-----------------/------ Nitrate at higher end of scale.
-------------0--------------------1.0---------------10.0------------------/-----------------/------ ???? dosed with 3.6ml of Ammonia-> 5ppm
Day 24:------0--------------------5.0--------------110.0-----------------6.6-------------29----- ...plummeted again to 6.6...Added 2tsp of bicarb to bump ph up.....
----------------pm not done...but hubby dosed 3.6ml :grr: hour late------------------------
Day 25:------0--------------------5.0--------------50-110----------------7.4------------/----- Nitrate lighter shade of pink.Nitrite went through lilac to purple.
---------------- pm tests not done due to having to dash out, but dosed 3.6ml-------------------------------
Day 26:------0---------------------5+--------------50-110----------------7.4-------------/----- Nitrite changed quickly to medium purple.
-------------0---------------------0-------------20.0(n)70(s)-------------/-----------------/---- (n)=Nutrafin (s)=Salifert :unsure: dosed 3.6ml
Day 27:------0---------------------5+--------------75.0(s)---------------7.6-------------/---- nitrite still spiking.
-------------0---------------------0---------------50.0------------------8.0----------------/---- Double 0's again in 24 hrs, NitrAte settled with higher PH. DOSED with 3.6ml
Day 28: ----n/t--------------------5+---------------n/t-------------------n/t------------/---- Just tested Nitrite
-------------0-------------------0.10---------------100-------------------7.4----------------/---- Nitrite slightly darker blue than card. DOSED with 3.6ml
Day 29: -----0--------------------5+----------------100-------------------6.4------------/---- PH plummeted again...added 2tsps of bicarb to up it again.
-------------0--------------------0.10--------------50.0------------------8.1--------/---- PH stable. NitrAte halved from last night but NitrIte STS (stayed the same)DOSED with 3.6ml
Day 30: -------------morning tests not done------------------
did some random afternoon tests to see exactly how long it is taking to process the Amm and Nitrite... test as follows...at 2pm (17hrs after dosing)
Nitrites spiking. Changed around substrate and 80% waterchange.DOSED 3.6ml at 9pm
Day 31: -----0---------------------5+---------------100.0-----------------7.2--------/---- Added tsp of bicarb
------------------no pm tests done-------DOSED 3.6ml------
Day 32: -----0---------------------5+---------------100.0------------------7.4--------/---- Nitrite spiking still.
Double 0's in 24 hrs again!!! DOSED 3.6ml
Day 33: -----0---------------------5.0--------------100.0------------------7.6--------/----
2pm tests----0---------------------2-5--------------50.0--------------------/---------/----
DOSED 3.6ml at 9pm
Day 34:(F)---0---------------------5.0--------------100.0------------------6.6--------/---- Tests done at 11.30am boosted ph.
-------------0---------------------2.0--------------30.0---------------------7.3--------/---- 100% w/c done last night, replaced all sand substrate. Filter packed up overnight...bought replacement this am and added OLD cartridge..circu seems stronger. Hope this is what has been messing tank up.! HUBBY dosed 3.6ml added 1/2 tsp bicarb to buff PH
Day 35:(S)--------no AM tests done-------------
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 34:(S)---0---------------------5.0----------------80.0-------------------7.8--------/----
--------------- No tests done-------------DOSED 3.6ml
Day 35:(M)---/----------------------5+------------------/--------------------7.4-------/-----
3.30pm: -----/------------------0.50-1.0----------------/---------------------/--------/---
-- No pm tests DOSED 3.6ml
Day 36:(T)---/------------------2.0-5.0----------------60.0------------------7.0-------/-----
--------------------no pm tests done DOSED 3.6ml
Day 37:(W)---0-------------------5+--------------------70.0------------------6.6-------/----- Nitrite spike again :-( boosted with bicarb
------------no pm tests done DOSED 3.6ml
Day 38:(T)---/-------------------5+--------------------/---------------------7.6-------/------- Nitrite spike again
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 39:(F)---0------------------2.0-5.0---------------50-110(N)--------------7.8-------/------- Nitrite still purple
Day 40:(S)---/--------------------5+-------------------/---------------------7.2-------/------- What is going on??????
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 41:(S)---/-------------------2.0-------------------/---------------------7.2-------/------- and down again? :X
FEW DAYS AWAY..hubby dosed every night at 9pm
Day 47:(S)---/-------------------5+--------------------/---------------------7.4-------/-------

Tank 3
--------------------Amm ------------Nitrite -----------Nitrate -------------ph---------temp

Day 1: -------------0 ---------------0 -------------------0 ------------------ / ----------- / ---- no heater as yet
Day 2: ------------3.0 --------------0 ------------------ 0 ------------------ / ----------- / no pm dose
Day 3: ------------3-4 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ---------------- / ----------- 30c -- heater in and working...no pm dose
Day 4: ------------3-4 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ----------------7.4 ---------- / -- pm no change....no dose
Day 5: ------------3-4 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ---------------- / ----------- / -- no change
3-4 0 0.25 8.0 no change except PH ....No dose
Day 6: ------------3.0 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ----------------7.4 ---------- / --- Amm def dropped to 3ppm
-------------------------------------pm tests not done--------------------------------
Day 7: ----------------------------am tests not done--------------------------------
-------------------3-4--------------0.12------------------5.0-----------------7.4-----------/---- WE HAVE NITRITE!!!! Ni in between 0-0.25ppm NO DOSE
Day 8: ------------2.0 ------------ 0.35 --------------- 10.0----------------- / ----------- / -- Ni was def in between 0.25 and 0.5ppm...good rise in Na too.
-------------------2.0 ------------- 2.0 --------------- 20.0---------------- 7.4------------- / -- Behaving atm!!!
Day 9:-----------------------------no am tests done----------------------------
------------------0.50---------------20.0----------------10.0-----------------8.0-------------/------ Ammonia down ..... Nitrite up!!! :good: NOT DOSED
Day 10:-----------0.25 --------------2.0-----------------20-40---------------- /-------------- / ----
-------------------0 ----------------0.25----------------50.0-----------------/--------------/---- Added first dose of Ammonia!!!!! :hyper: 2.4ml to take it to 5ppm.
Day 11:-----------4.0----------------2.0----------------50-110----------------/---------------/----- tested with Nutrafin Nitrate...on lower side of in between the two colours!
---------0.6(NF)2.0(api)?-------------5+ ---------------50-110----------------/---------------/----- 2 different ammonia readings with 2 diff tests...choice is yours??? NOT DOSED
Day 12:------------0------------------5+-----------------110-----------------7.4------------30---- second 0 for Ammonia in 24 hrs.
--------------------------hubby dosed 2.4ml(wrong syringe + 1hr late)--------------------------
Day 13:-----------0.6-----------------5+----------------50-110---------------7.2--------------/--- hubby used wrong syringe, so may not be correct dose.

photos taken this morning of tests , day 30, day 25 and day 13!!

------------------------pm tests not done due to having to dash out, but dosed 2.4ml------------------------
Day 14:-----------0------------------5+-----------------50-110----------------7.4--------------/-----

Nitrite spiking straight away, Nitrate went dark purple. more pics taken of tests.
------------------0-----------=-----0.10 -------------110(n)50?(s)-------------/--------------/------- DOSED 2.4ml Ammonia
Day 15:-----------0----------------2.0-5.0--------------75(s)-----------------7.2-------------/---- added bicarb to up pH -> 7.8 Nitrite changed very slowly
------------------0------------------0------------------50.0------------------8.2-------------/---- FIRST DOUBLE 0's....IMPRESSED! :hey: NitrAte settled as well.DOSED with 2.4ml
Day 16:----------n/t-----------------5+-----------------n/t-------------------n/t------------/---- Just tested Nitrite.
------------------0------------------0------------------5.0-------------------8.2-------------/---- Double 0's again, NitrAte weird reading. DOSED with 2.4ml.
Day 17:-----------0---------------2.0-5.0---------------70.0------------------8.0------------/----
------------------0------------------0------------------50.0------------------8.2--------/---- Double 0's Again tonight, so clears in 24hr as well now.DOSED with 2.4ml.
Day 18:-----------------------morning tests not done------------------
did some random afternoon tests to see exactly how long it is taking to process the Amm and Nitrite... test as follows...at 2pm (17hrs after dosing)
------------------0------------------0------------------50.0-------------------8.2-------/---- double 0's DOSED 2.4ml at 9pm
Day 19:-----------0------------------2.0----------------70.0-------------------8.0-------/---- Nitrite went no further than light purple...PH fine
---------------------no pm test done.....DOSED 2.4ml at 9pm---------
Day 20:-----------0------------------1.5----------------60.0-------------------8.0-------/---- Nitrate still falling bit by bit. was Very light Purple....yayyy
------------------/-------------------0-------------------/--------------------8.0-------/---- DOUBLE 0's in 24 hrs DOSED 2.4ml 9pm
Day 21:-----------0------------------2.0----------------50.0-------------------8.0-------/----
2pm test----------0-------------------0-----------------50.0--------------------/--------/---- DOSED 2.4ml at 9pm
Day 22:-----------0-------------------1.10--------------80.0-------------------8.2-------/---- test done at 11.30am Nitrite between blue and lilac.
------------------0-------------------0-----------------70.0-------------------7.9-------/---- close now Tank 3...well done! HUBBY dosed 2.8ml (by mistake) :grr:
Day 23:(S)-----------no am tests done----------
------------------0-------------------0-----------------60.0-------------------8.0-------/---- DOSED 2.4ml
Day 24:(S)--------0-----------------0-0.10--------------50.0-------------------7.8-------/---- BEST RESULT YET!! :drool:
----------------no pm tests done-------------------DOSED 2.4ml
Day25:(M)---------0-------------------1.5----------------/---------------------7.8-------/---- :( FGS!! :angry:
3.30pm: ----------/--------------------0-----------------/----------------------/--------/---- pm tests not done DOSED 2.4ml
----------------------no pm tests done DOSED 2.4ml
Day27:(W)---------0-------------------2.0---------------80.0-------------------7.6-------/---- going back up again!!!!! :grr: :sly: added small amount of Bicarb
----------no pm tests DOSED with 2.4ml
Day28:(T)---------/-------------------0.50--------------/----------------------7.6-------/---- Nitrite down again.
DOSED 2.4ml
Day29:(F)---------0-------------------0.35-------------50-110------------------7.8-------/---- NITRITE between 0.25 and 0.50....keep it up!!
Day30:(S)---------/------------------0.25-0.50---------/-----------------------7.6-------/---- hmmmmmmmmmmmm
DOSED 2.4ml
Day31:(S)---------/-------------------0.25---------------/---------------------7.6-------/---- best reading yet.
FEW DAYS AWAY......hubby dosed everynight at 9pm

all spaced out..hope this is clearer!!!!
Tank 1
------------Amm -----Nitrite -----Nitrate ------PH ----Temp----------Notes

Day 1: -----0.5 --------0 -----------0 ------- / -----------28c
Day 2: -----0.5 --------0 -----------0 ------- / -----------29c ----added 4ml Amm made it 6ppm 20% w/c reduced to 4ppm
Day 3: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / ------ 8.0 ----------28c
Day 4: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / ------ / -------------30c
Day 5: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / -------8.0 ----------30c
Day 6: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / -------8.0 ----------30c
Day 7: -----4.0 -------- 0 ---------0 ------- / ----------30c
Day 8: -----4.0 -------- 0 -------- / ------ / ------------30c
Day 9: -----4.0 -------- 0 -------- / ------7.5 ----------28c
Day 10: ----4.0 -------- 0 -------- 0 ------ / ----------28c
Day 11: ----4.0 -------- 0 -------- / ------ / ------------29c
Day 12: ----3.0 -------- 0 -------- 2.5 ----- / ----------30c
Day 13: ----3.0 -------- 0 -------- 2.5 ----- / ----------30c
Day 14: ----3.0 -------- 0 -------- 2.5 ----- /----------- /-
Day 15: ----4.0 -------- 0.25 ------2.5 ----- / ----------/ we have nitrite!
------------4.0 -------- 0.5 -------5.0 -------/----------/
Day 16: ----3.0 -------- 2.0-------5.0--------/---------- /------
------------3.0 -------- 2-5 ------20.0 -----7.4----------/ ---
Day 17: ----2.0 ---------5.0-------20.0 -----8.0----------/ ----
------------1.0 ---------5+------- 30.0 -----7.4-----------/----
Day 18: ----0.25-------- 5+--------40.0------7.4---------/----
------------0-0.25 ------5+--------40.0 -------/----------/--- Dosed with 1ml >3ppm
Day 19: -----0 ----------5+ -------40.0-------7.4 -------/ so cleared in 12 hours
------------------------ was out so just dosed to 4ppm -----------
Day 20: ----0.25-------0.25 -------30.0--------/----------/---
--------------- no pm tests but added 1ml ammonia -----------
Day 21: ----0.25 ----- 0.25 --------20.0-------- / -----------/
------------0 -----------0 -----------10 ---------/------------/-- so clears in 24 hrs dosed with 1ml Ammonia
Day 22: ----0 -----------5+ ---------80-160 ----/ ------------/ --- hmmmmmmmm
------------0 -----------0.10 -------30 ---------/-------------/--Ni was darker than 0 but not lilac Dosed with 2ml of Ammonia
Day 23: ----0 ------------5+--------80-160 -----/ ----------- / -- I'm at a loss now??? :crazy:
---------------no pm tests done -----------------------------

Day 24: --------------- no am tests done -----------------------------------
------------0 ----------- 0 ---------40------------7.4-----------/-- Double 0's Dosed with 2ml of ammonia

Day 25:-----0 -----------5.0 --------80.0 ---------/ ----------- / --------- Na not so deep red as yesterday.
------------0 ----------- 0 --------80-160----------7.4------------/------ Double 0's in 24hrs again....dosed with 2ml of Ammonia -> 4ppm
Day 26:--------------------no am tests--------------------------
------------0 ----------- 0 --------80.0 -----------8.0 -------- / ------ Double pm 0's :good: Dosed with 2ml of Ammonia -> 4ppm
Day 27:------0----------2.0---------80.0--------------/-------------/ --------- Better than day 25.
-------------0-----------0-----------10.0--------------/ -------------- / --------- Added 2.8ml to take it up to 5ppm.
Day 28:------0-----------5+----------50-110------------/ ---------------/---------- Used Nutrafin nitrate test...still not a colour on the chart. :sly: Nitrite still spiking at 12 hrs.
------------0------------0------------50-110---------/ --------------/---------- chasing its own tail! dosed with 2.8ml ammonia ->5ppm
Day 29:-----0-----------5ppm------------110------------7.4-------------30--------- Nitrite went through blue, lilac then purple...good sign isnt it?
-------------------------night tests not done..but Hubby dosed 2.8ml(grrrr)hour late----------
Day 30:----2.4-4.9-------2.0---------50-110------------7.6-------------/---------- After hubbys dosing with the wrong syringe its all messed up! Ammonia at this colour?? nitrite went slowly to 2.0. Nitrate was a ligher shade of pink.
-------------------------night tests not done due to having to dash out, but dosed 2.8ml-------------------------
Day 31:------0-----------2.0---------50-110------------7.2-------------/----------- Nitrite changed colours slowly, didnt go deep purple.
-------------0------------0-----------10(n)50(s)--------/---------------/------------ (n)= Nutrafin (s)= Salifert. DOUBLE 0's in 24hrs.Dosed 2.8ml.
Day 32:------0-----------5.0--------------75.0(s)-------6.8-------------/------------ added 3x tsp of bicarb to bump up ph to 8.0..Nitrite still up to 5 (but gradual)
------------n/t------------0--------------60.0-----------8.2------------/------ didnt test ammonia as obviously 0, nitrite down to 0 again in 24 hrs, Nitrate settling down now and ph higher due to buffering (NitrAte seems to settle more when ph is higher?? :shifty:)DOSED with 2.8ml
Day 33:------n/t---------2.0--------------n/t-----------n/t-------------/----------- Just tested Nitrite...looks a lot lower than recent mornings. :)
-------------0-------------0--------------70.0-----------8.2-----------------/--- Double 0's again in 24hrs. DOSED with 2.8ml
Day 34: -----0-----------0.50-------------70.0-------------8.0------------/----------- NitrIte great reading of 0.50 this morning, which developed v.slowly.
-------------0--------------0-------------70.0-------------8.2------------/---- Another double 0's in 24 hrs. DOSED 2.8ml
Day 35: -----------morning tests not done--------------
did some random afternoon tests to see exactly how long it is taking to process the Amm and Nitrite... test as follows...at 2pm (17hrs after dosing)
-------------0--------------0-------------100--------------8.2------------/---- double 0's
Changed around substrate and 80% waterchange. DOSED 2.8ml at 9pm
Day 36: -----0-------------5.0------------70.0-------------7.3------------/---- Nitrite spiking still in 12 hrs..added tsp of bicarb.
-----------------pm tests not done--------------------DOSED 2.8ml
Day 37: -----0-----------2.0-5.0----------70.0-------------8.0------------/---- Nitrite still high but didnt go really dark purple
-------------/--------------0---------------/--------------8.0------------/---- Double 0's in 24 hrs again! DOSED 2.8ml
Day 38: -----0--------------2.0-----------60.0-------------7.9------------/----
tests (2pm)--0--------------0-------------50.0--------------/-------------/---- DOSED 2.8ml at 9pm
Day 39:------0--------------0.25----------70.0-------------7.4------------/---- Readings taken at 11.30am
-------------0--------------0--------------5.0-------------7.6------------/---- 100% w/c added new sand substrate. i gather this is why the Nitrates are low...buffed PH with 1/2 tsp bicarb. HUBBY dosed with 2.8ml
Day 40:(S)---------no am tests done------------
-------------0---------------0------------25.0-------------8.0------------/---- wish this was my AM reading :( DOSED 2.8ml
Day41:(S)----0---------------1.5-----------30---------------7.8------------/--- was blue for ages then changed..well seemed like ages~!
---------------no pm tests done---------DOSED 2.8ml
Day42:(M)-----/--------------5+-------------/----------------7.2------------/---- *SIGH*
3.30pm:-------/--------------0.10-----------/-----------------/-------------/---- No pm tests DOSED 2.8ml
Day 43:(T)----/--------------1.5-----------50.0--------------7.0------------/---- PH buffered with Bicarb
-------------------no pm tests done DOSED 2.8ml
Day 44:(W)----0--------------5.0-----------100.0-------------7.9------------/---- Nitrite slowly rose to 5 COME ON TANK 1!!!! :( added tiny bit of bicarb
-------no pm tests done DOSED with 2.8mlFEW DAYS AWAY.....hubby dosed tanks every night 9pm
Day 54:(S)----/--------------2.0------------/----------------8.1------------/----
Day 45:(T)----/--------------0.75----------/-----------------7.6------------/---- PLEASEEEEEEEEE :look:
DOSED 2.8ml
Day 46:(F)----0--------------0.10----------50-110(N)---------7.8------------/---- YES! NITRITE darker blue than card but not purple. :hyper:
Day 47:(S)----/---------------5+--------------/--------------7.6------------/---- I dont believe this......what AM i doing wrong?
DOSED 2.8ml
Day 48:(S)----/--------------1.5------------/----------------7.6------------/---- and down again!! :S
FEW DAYS AWAY.....hubby dosed tanks every night 9pm
Day 54:(S)----/--------------2.0------------/----------------8.1------------/----



Day 1: --------- 4.0 ------------- 0 ----------------0 ----------------/ ------------20c---- Heater needs time to reach temp
Day 2: ----------2.0 ------------ 0 ---------------- 0 ---------------- / ------------29c---
Day 3: ----------2.0 ------------ 0 ---------------- / --------------- / ------------29c---
Day 4: ----------3.0 ------------ / ---------------- / ----------------7.5 -----------29c--
Day 5: ----------2.0 ----------- 0.50 ------------- 5.0 --------------- / ---------- 29c--
Day 6: ----------2.0 ----------- 5.0 ---------------20.0 -------------- / ------------29c--
Day 7: ----------0.25 -----------5.0 ---------------20.0 -------------- / ------------29c Nitrite SPIKE
Day 8: -----------0 --------------0 -----=----------10.0 -------------- / ------------29c dosed 2.2ml of ammonia
-----------------2.0 ------------2.0 ---------------30.0----------------/---------------/--
Day 9: ----------1.0 ------------2-5 ---------------80.0----------------/---------------/--
-----------------0.25-------------5 ----------------80-160 -------------/ ---------------29c
Day 10: ---------0 --------------0 -----------------20 --------------- / --------------
Day 11: ---------0.25----------- 2-5 --------------- 40.0 ------------6.3 ----------- Ph drop to 6.3..due to dosing every 12 not 24 >8.0 dosed with 2ml ammonia
Day 12: --------0.25----------- 5.0 ---------------80-160--------------7.3 ------------/ Dosed 2ml Amm > 2ppm
-----------------0---------------2-5 ---------------80.0 ------------- 8.0 ------------/-- Dosed 2ml Amm > 2-3ppm
Day 13: -------0.25 -------------n/t ---------------80.0 --------------7.4 ------------/
----------------0---------------- 0 ----------------80.0 -------------- 8.0 ------------/ so its clearing 3-4ppm in 24 hrs Dosed 1.2ml Amm > 3ppm
Day 14: --------0 --------------0.25--------------- 80.0 --------------7.4 ------------/ pm not done as was out- not dosed
Day 15: --------0 ---------------0 -----------------80.0 --------------8.0 ------------/ added 1.2ml Amm
Day 16: --------0 --------------2.0 ----------------80-160 ------------- / -------------/
----------------0 ---------------0 -----------------80-160 -------------8.0-------------/ Dosed with 2.7ml of Amm >4ppm
Day 17: -------1.0---------------5+ ----------------80-160--------------- / --------------/--
---------------0-----------------5+ ----------------80-160 -------------- / ------------/-- dosed with 2.5ml of Amm
Day 18: ------0.25 --------------5+ ----------------80-160 -------------7.4 -----------/ at a loss now.....dunno whats happening.
-----------------------------------------------no pm tests done-------------------------------
Day 19: ------------------------------------------------no am tests done-------------------------------
--------------0 ----------------- 0 ---------------- 80 ---------------- 8.0 ------------/-- Double 0's Dosed with 2.5ml of Ammonia

Day 20: -----0.5-----------------5.0--------------- 160.0 ----------------/----------- ---/-- Re-checked with new Nutrafin test kit..and was def the darkest pink.
----------- 80% water change done,dechlor in, redosed to 4ppm with 2.5ml of Ammonia-------------- post tests Ni=0.50--------Na=40----will see what it does tomorrow now.
Day 21:---------------------------------------no am tests done----------------------------
-------------0-------------------0.25----------------80------------------8.0------------/------ VAST improvement :good: Dosed with 2.5ml of Ammonia -> 4ppm
Day 22:-----0.25-------------------5+---------------80-160----------------/ ---------------/------ another odd reading :no:
-------------0---------------------0-----------------80.0-----------------/ --------------/------ added 3.6ml of ammonia to take it up to 5ppm.
Day 23:------0---------------------5+---------------50-110----------------/-----------------/------ Nitrate at higher end of scale.
-------------0--------------------1.0---------------10.0------------------/-----------------/------ ???? dosed with 3.6ml of Ammonia-> 5ppm
Day 24:------0--------------------5.0--------------110.0-----------------6.6-------------29----- ...plummeted again to 6.6...Added 2tsp of bicarb to bump ph up.....
----------------pm not done...but hubby dosed 3.6ml :grr: hour late------------------------
Day 25:------0--------------------5.0--------------50-110----------------7.4------------/----- Nitrate lighter shade of pink.Nitrite went through lilac to purple.
---------------- pm tests not done due to having to dash out, but dosed 3.6ml-------------------------------
Day 26:------0---------------------5+--------------50-110----------------7.4-------------/----- Nitrite changed quickly to medium purple.
-------------0---------------------0-------------20.0(n)70(s)-------------/-----------------/---- (n)=Nutrafin (s)=Salifert :unsure: dosed 3.6ml
Day 27:------0---------------------5+--------------75.0(s)---------------7.6-------------/---- nitrite still spiking.
-------------0---------------------0---------------50.0------------------8.0----------------/---- Double 0's again in 24 hrs, NitrAte settled with higher PH. DOSED with 3.6ml
Day 28: ----n/t--------------------5+---------------n/t-------------------n/t------------/---- Just tested Nitrite
-------------0-------------------0.10---------------100-------------------7.4----------------/---- Nitrite slightly darker blue than card. DOSED with 3.6ml
Day 29: -----0--------------------5+----------------100-------------------6.4------------/---- PH plummeted again...added 2tsps of bicarb to up it again.
-------------0--------------------0.10--------------50.0------------------8.1--------/---- PH stable. NitrAte halved from last night but NitrIte STS (stayed the same)DOSED with 3.6ml
Day 30: -------------morning tests not done------------------
did some random afternoon tests to see exactly how long it is taking to process the Amm and Nitrite... test as follows...at 2pm (17hrs after dosing)
Nitrites spiking. Changed around substrate and 80% waterchange.DOSED 3.6ml at 9pm
Day 31: -----0---------------------5+---------------100.0-----------------7.2--------/---- Added tsp of bicarb
------------------no pm tests done-------DOSED 3.6ml------
Day 32: -----0---------------------5+---------------100.0------------------7.4--------/---- Nitrite spiking still.
Double 0's in 24 hrs again!!! DOSED 3.6ml
Day 33: -----0---------------------5.0--------------100.0------------------7.6--------/----
2pm tests----0---------------------2-5--------------50.0--------------------/---------/----
DOSED 3.6ml at 9pm
Day 34:(F)---0---------------------5.0--------------100.0------------------6.6--------/---- Tests done at 11.30am boosted ph.
-------------0---------------------2.0--------------30.0---------------------7.3--------/---- 100% w/c done last night, replaced all sand substrate. Filter packed up overnight...bought replacement this am and added OLD cartridge..circu seems stronger. Hope this is what has been messing tank up.! HUBBY dosed 3.6ml added 1/2 tsp bicarb to buff PH
Day 35:(S)--------no AM tests done-------------
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 34:(S)---0---------------------5.0----------------80.0-------------------7.8--------/----
--------------- No tests done-------------DOSED 3.6ml
Day 35:(M)---/----------------------5+------------------/--------------------7.4-------/-----
3.30pm: -----/------------------0.50-1.0----------------/---------------------/--------/---
-- No pm tests DOSED 3.6ml
Day 36:(T)---/------------------2.0-5.0----------------60.0------------------7.0-------/-----
--------------------no pm tests done DOSED 3.6ml
Day 37:(W)---0-------------------5+--------------------70.0------------------6.6-------/----- Nitrite spike again :-( boosted with bicarb
------------no pm tests done DOSED 3.6ml
Day 38:(T)---/-------------------5+--------------------/---------------------7.6-------/------- Nitrite spike again
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 39:(F)---0------------------2.0-5.0---------------50-110(N)--------------7.8-------/------- Nitrite still purple
Day 40:(S)---/--------------------5+-------------------/---------------------7.2-------/------- What is going on??????
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 41:(S)---/-------------------2.0-------------------/---------------------7.2-------/------- and down again? :X
FEW DAYS AWAY..hubby dosed every night at 9pm
Day 47:(S)---/-------------------5+--------------------/---------------------7.4-------/-------

Tank 3
--------------------Amm ------------Nitrite -----------Nitrate -------------ph---------temp

Day 1: -------------0 ---------------0 -------------------0 ------------------ / ----------- / ---- no heater as yet
Day 2: ------------3.0 --------------0 ------------------ 0 ------------------ / ----------- / no pm dose
Day 3: ------------3-4 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ---------------- / ----------- 30c -- heater in and working...no pm dose
Day 4: ------------3-4 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ----------------7.4 ---------- / -- pm no change....no dose
Day 5: ------------3-4 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ---------------- / ----------- / -- no change
3-4 0 0.25 8.0 no change except PH ....No dose
Day 6: ------------3.0 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ----------------7.4 ---------- / --- Amm def dropped to 3ppm
-------------------------------------pm tests not done--------------------------------
Day 7: ----------------------------am tests not done--------------------------------
-------------------3-4--------------0.12------------------5.0-----------------7.4-----------/---- WE HAVE NITRITE!!!! Ni in between 0-0.25ppm NO DOSE
Day 8: ------------2.0 ------------ 0.35 --------------- 10.0----------------- / ----------- / -- Ni was def in between 0.25 and 0.5ppm...good rise in Na too.
-------------------2.0 ------------- 2.0 --------------- 20.0---------------- 7.4------------- / -- Behaving atm!!!
Day 9:-----------------------------no am tests done----------------------------
------------------0.50---------------20.0----------------10.0-----------------8.0-------------/------ Ammonia down ..... Nitrite up!!! :good: NOT DOSED
Day 10:-----------0.25 --------------2.0-----------------20-40---------------- /-------------- / ----
-------------------0 ----------------0.25----------------50.0-----------------/--------------/---- Added first dose of Ammonia!!!!! :hyper: 2.4ml to take it to 5ppm.
Day 11:-----------4.0----------------2.0----------------50-110----------------/---------------/----- tested with Nutrafin Nitrate...on lower side of in between the two colours!
---------0.6(NF)2.0(api)?-------------5+ ---------------50-110----------------/---------------/----- 2 different ammonia readings with 2 diff tests...choice is yours??? NOT DOSED
Day 12:------------0------------------5+-----------------110-----------------7.4------------30---- second 0 for Ammonia in 24 hrs.
--------------------------hubby dosed 2.4ml(wrong syringe + 1hr late)--------------------------
Day 13:-----------0.6-----------------5+----------------50-110---------------7.2--------------/--- hubby used wrong syringe, so may not be correct dose.

photos taken this morning of tests , day 30, day 25 and day 13!!

------------------------pm tests not done due to having to dash out, but dosed 2.4ml------------------------
Day 14:-----------0------------------5+-----------------50-110----------------7.4--------------/-----

Nitrite spiking straight away, Nitrate went dark purple. more pics taken of tests.
------------------0-----------=-----0.10 -------------110(n)50?(s)-------------/--------------/------- DOSED 2.4ml Ammonia
Day 15:-----------0----------------2.0-5.0--------------75(s)-----------------7.2-------------/---- added bicarb to up pH -> 7.8 Nitrite changed very slowly
------------------0------------------0------------------50.0------------------8.2-------------/---- FIRST DOUBLE 0's....IMPRESSED! :hey: NitrAte settled as well.DOSED with 2.4ml
Day 16:----------n/t-----------------5+-----------------n/t-------------------n/t------------/---- Just tested Nitrite.
------------------0------------------0------------------5.0-------------------8.2-------------/---- Double 0's again, NitrAte weird reading. DOSED with 2.4ml.
Day 17:-----------0---------------2.0-5.0---------------70.0------------------8.0------------/----
------------------0------------------0------------------50.0------------------8.2--------/---- Double 0's Again tonight, so clears in 24hr as well now.DOSED with 2.4ml.
Day 18:-----------------------morning tests not done------------------
did some random afternoon tests to see exactly how long it is taking to process the Amm and Nitrite... test as follows...at 2pm (17hrs after dosing)
------------------0------------------0------------------50.0-------------------8.2-------/---- double 0's DOSED 2.4ml at 9pm
Day 19:-----------0------------------2.0----------------70.0-------------------8.0-------/---- Nitrite went no further than light purple...PH fine
---------------------no pm test done.....DOSED 2.4ml at 9pm---------
Day 20:-----------0------------------1.5----------------60.0-------------------8.0-------/---- Nitrate still falling bit by bit. was Very light Purple....yayyy
------------------/-------------------0-------------------/--------------------8.0-------/---- DOUBLE 0's in 24 hrs DOSED 2.4ml 9pm
Day 21:-----------0------------------2.0----------------50.0-------------------8.0-------/----
2pm test----------0-------------------0-----------------50.0--------------------/--------/---- DOSED 2.4ml at 9pm
Day 22:-----------0-------------------1.10--------------80.0-------------------8.2-------/---- test done at 11.30am Nitrite between blue and lilac.
------------------0-------------------0-----------------70.0-------------------7.9-------/---- close now Tank 3...well done! HUBBY dosed 2.8ml (by mistake) :grr:
Day 23:(S)-----------no am tests done----------
------------------0-------------------0-----------------60.0-------------------8.0-------/---- DOSED 2.4ml
Day 24:(S)--------0-----------------0-0.10--------------50.0-------------------7.8-------/---- BEST RESULT YET!! :drool:
----------------no pm tests done-------------------DOSED 2.4ml
Day25:(M)---------0-------------------1.5----------------/---------------------7.8-------/---- :( FGS!! :angry:
3.30pm: ----------/--------------------0-----------------/----------------------/--------/---- pm tests not done DOSED 2.4ml
----------------------no pm tests done DOSED 2.4ml
Day27:(W)---------0-------------------2.0---------------80.0-------------------7.6-------/---- going back up again!!!!! :grr: :sly: added small amount of Bicarb
----------no pm tests DOSED with 2.4ml
Day28:(T)---------/-------------------0.50--------------/----------------------7.6-------/---- Nitrite down again.
DOSED 2.4ml
Day29:(F)---------0-------------------0.35-------------50-110------------------7.8-------/---- NITRITE between 0.25 and 0.50....keep it up!!
Day30:(S)---------/------------------0.25-0.50---------/-----------------------7.6-------/---- hmmmmmmmmmmmm
DOSED 2.4ml
Day31:(S)---------/-------------------0.25---------------/---------------------7.6-------/---- best reading yet.
FEW DAYS AWAY......hubby dosed everynight at 9pm

all spaced out..hope this is clearer!!!!
Tank 1
------------Amm -----Nitrite -----Nitrate ------PH ----Temp----------Notes

Day 1: -----0.5 --------0 -----------0 ------- / -----------28c
Day 2: -----0.5 --------0 -----------0 ------- / -----------29c ----added 4ml Amm made it 6ppm 20% w/c reduced to 4ppm
Day 3: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / ------ 8.0 ----------28c
Day 4: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / ------ / -------------30c
Day 5: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / -------8.0 ----------30c
Day 6: -----4.0 -------- / -------- / -------8.0 ----------30c
Day 7: -----4.0 -------- 0 ---------0 ------- / ----------30c
Day 8: -----4.0 -------- 0 -------- / ------ / ------------30c
Day 9: -----4.0 -------- 0 -------- / ------7.5 ----------28c
Day 10: ----4.0 -------- 0 -------- 0 ------ / ----------28c
Day 11: ----4.0 -------- 0 -------- / ------ / ------------29c
Day 12: ----3.0 -------- 0 -------- 2.5 ----- / ----------30c
Day 13: ----3.0 -------- 0 -------- 2.5 ----- / ----------30c
Day 14: ----3.0 -------- 0 -------- 2.5 ----- /----------- /-
Day 15: ----4.0 -------- 0.25 ------2.5 ----- / ----------/ we have nitrite!
------------4.0 -------- 0.5 -------5.0 -------/----------/
Day 16: ----3.0 -------- 2.0-------5.0--------/---------- /------
------------3.0 -------- 2-5 ------20.0 -----7.4----------/ ---
Day 17: ----2.0 ---------5.0-------20.0 -----8.0----------/ ----
------------1.0 ---------5+------- 30.0 -----7.4-----------/----
Day 18: ----0.25-------- 5+--------40.0------7.4---------/----
------------0-0.25 ------5+--------40.0 -------/----------/--- Dosed with 1ml >3ppm
Day 19: -----0 ----------5+ -------40.0-------7.4 -------/ so cleared in 12 hours
------------------------ was out so just dosed to 4ppm -----------
Day 20: ----0.25-------0.25 -------30.0--------/----------/---
--------------- no pm tests but added 1ml ammonia -----------
Day 21: ----0.25 ----- 0.25 --------20.0-------- / -----------/
------------0 -----------0 -----------10 ---------/------------/-- so clears in 24 hrs dosed with 1ml Ammonia
Day 22: ----0 -----------5+ ---------80-160 ----/ ------------/ --- hmmmmmmmm
------------0 -----------0.10 -------30 ---------/-------------/--Ni was darker than 0 but not lilac Dosed with 2ml of Ammonia
Day 23: ----0 ------------5+--------80-160 -----/ ----------- / -- I'm at a loss now??? :crazy:
---------------no pm tests done -----------------------------

Day 24: --------------- no am tests done -----------------------------------
------------0 ----------- 0 ---------40------------7.4-----------/-- Double 0's Dosed with 2ml of ammonia

Day 25:-----0 -----------5.0 --------80.0 ---------/ ----------- / --------- Na not so deep red as yesterday.
------------0 ----------- 0 --------80-160----------7.4------------/------ Double 0's in 24hrs again....dosed with 2ml of Ammonia -> 4ppm
Day 26:--------------------no am tests--------------------------
------------0 ----------- 0 --------80.0 -----------8.0 -------- / ------ Double pm 0's :good: Dosed with 2ml of Ammonia -> 4ppm
Day 27:------0----------2.0---------80.0--------------/-------------/ --------- Better than day 25.
-------------0-----------0-----------10.0--------------/ -------------- / --------- Added 2.8ml to take it up to 5ppm.
Day 28:------0-----------5+----------50-110------------/ ---------------/---------- Used Nutrafin nitrate test...still not a colour on the chart. :sly: Nitrite still spiking at 12 hrs.
------------0------------0------------50-110---------/ --------------/---------- chasing its own tail! dosed with 2.8ml ammonia ->5ppm
Day 29:-----0-----------5ppm------------110------------7.4-------------30--------- Nitrite went through blue, lilac then purple...good sign isnt it?
-------------------------night tests not done..but Hubby dosed 2.8ml(grrrr)hour late----------
Day 30:----2.4-4.9-------2.0---------50-110------------7.6-------------/---------- After hubbys dosing with the wrong syringe its all messed up! Ammonia at this colour?? nitrite went slowly to 2.0. Nitrate was a ligher shade of pink.
-------------------------night tests not done due to having to dash out, but dosed 2.8ml-------------------------
Day 31:------0-----------2.0---------50-110------------7.2-------------/----------- Nitrite changed colours slowly, didnt go deep purple.
-------------0------------0-----------10(n)50(s)--------/---------------/------------ (n)= Nutrafin (s)= Salifert. DOUBLE 0's in 24hrs.Dosed 2.8ml.
Day 32:------0-----------5.0--------------75.0(s)-------6.8-------------/------------ added 3x tsp of bicarb to bump up ph to 8.0..Nitrite still up to 5 (but gradual)
------------n/t------------0--------------60.0-----------8.2------------/------ didnt test ammonia as obviously 0, nitrite down to 0 again in 24 hrs, Nitrate settling down now and ph higher due to buffering (NitrAte seems to settle more when ph is higher?? :shifty:)DOSED with 2.8ml
Day 33:------n/t---------2.0--------------n/t-----------n/t-------------/----------- Just tested Nitrite...looks a lot lower than recent mornings. :)
-------------0-------------0--------------70.0-----------8.2-----------------/--- Double 0's again in 24hrs. DOSED with 2.8ml
Day 34: -----0-----------0.50-------------70.0-------------8.0------------/----------- NitrIte great reading of 0.50 this morning, which developed v.slowly.
-------------0--------------0-------------70.0-------------8.2------------/---- Another double 0's in 24 hrs. DOSED 2.8ml
Day 35: -----------morning tests not done--------------
did some random afternoon tests to see exactly how long it is taking to process the Amm and Nitrite... test as follows...at 2pm (17hrs after dosing)
-------------0--------------0-------------100--------------8.2------------/---- double 0's
Changed around substrate and 80% waterchange. DOSED 2.8ml at 9pm
Day 36: -----0-------------5.0------------70.0-------------7.3------------/---- Nitrite spiking still in 12 hrs..added tsp of bicarb.
-----------------pm tests not done--------------------DOSED 2.8ml
Day 37: -----0-----------2.0-5.0----------70.0-------------8.0------------/---- Nitrite still high but didnt go really dark purple
-------------/--------------0---------------/--------------8.0------------/---- Double 0's in 24 hrs again! DOSED 2.8ml
Day 38: -----0--------------2.0-----------60.0-------------7.9------------/----
tests (2pm)--0--------------0-------------50.0--------------/-------------/---- DOSED 2.8ml at 9pm
Day 39:------0--------------0.25----------70.0-------------7.4------------/---- Readings taken at 11.30am
-------------0--------------0--------------5.0-------------7.6------------/---- 100% w/c added new sand substrate. i gather this is why the Nitrates are low...buffed PH with 1/2 tsp bicarb. HUBBY dosed with 2.8ml
Day 40:(S)---------no am tests done------------
-------------0---------------0------------25.0-------------8.0------------/---- wish this was my AM reading :( DOSED 2.8ml
Day41:(S)----0---------------1.5-----------30---------------7.8------------/--- was blue for ages then changed..well seemed like ages~!
---------------no pm tests done---------DOSED 2.8ml
Day42:(M)-----/--------------5+-------------/----------------7.2------------/---- *SIGH*
3.30pm:-------/--------------0.10-----------/-----------------/-------------/---- No pm tests DOSED 2.8ml
Day 43:(T)----/--------------1.5-----------50.0--------------7.0------------/---- PH buffered with Bicarb
-------------------no pm tests done DOSED 2.8ml
Day 44:(W)----0--------------5.0-----------100.0-------------7.9------------/---- Nitrite slowly rose to 5 COME ON TANK 1!!!! :( added tiny bit of bicarb
-------no pm tests done DOSED with 2.8ml
Day 45:(T)----/--------------0.75----------/-----------------7.6------------/---- PLEASEEEEEEEEE :look:
DOSED 2.8ml
Day 46:(F)----0--------------0.10----------50-110(N)---------7.8------------/---- YES! NITRITE darker blue than card but not purple. :hyper:
Day 47:(S)----/---------------5+--------------/--------------7.6------------/---- I dont believe this......what AM i doing wrong?
DOSED 2.8ml
Day 48:(S)----/--------------1.5------------/----------------7.6------------/---- and down again!! :S
FEW DAYS AWAY...so hubby just dosed tanks
Day 54:(S)----/--------------2.0------------/----------------8.1------------/----
--------------/---------------0-------------/----------------8.3------------/---- dosed 2.8ml
Day 55:(S)----/--------------1.5------------/----------------8.1------------/---- Lower again.
DOSED 2.8ml



Day 1: --------- 4.0 ------------- 0 ----------------0 ----------------/ ------------20c---- Heater needs time to reach temp
Day 2: ----------2.0 ------------ 0 ---------------- 0 ---------------- / ------------29c---
Day 3: ----------2.0 ------------ 0 ---------------- / --------------- / ------------29c---
Day 4: ----------3.0 ------------ / ---------------- / ----------------7.5 -----------29c--
Day 5: ----------2.0 ----------- 0.50 ------------- 5.0 --------------- / ---------- 29c--
Day 6: ----------2.0 ----------- 5.0 ---------------20.0 -------------- / ------------29c--
Day 7: ----------0.25 -----------5.0 ---------------20.0 -------------- / ------------29c Nitrite SPIKE
Day 8: -----------0 --------------0 -----=----------10.0 -------------- / ------------29c dosed 2.2ml of ammonia
-----------------2.0 ------------2.0 ---------------30.0----------------/---------------/--
Day 9: ----------1.0 ------------2-5 ---------------80.0----------------/---------------/--
-----------------0.25-------------5 ----------------80-160 -------------/ ---------------29c
Day 10: ---------0 --------------0 -----------------20 --------------- / --------------
Day 11: ---------0.25----------- 2-5 --------------- 40.0 ------------6.3 ----------- Ph drop to 6.3..due to dosing every 12 not 24 >8.0 dosed with 2ml ammonia
Day 12: --------0.25----------- 5.0 ---------------80-160--------------7.3 ------------/ Dosed 2ml Amm > 2ppm
-----------------0---------------2-5 ---------------80.0 ------------- 8.0 ------------/-- Dosed 2ml Amm > 2-3ppm
Day 13: -------0.25 -------------n/t ---------------80.0 --------------7.4 ------------/
----------------0---------------- 0 ----------------80.0 -------------- 8.0 ------------/ so its clearing 3-4ppm in 24 hrs Dosed 1.2ml Amm > 3ppm
Day 14: --------0 --------------0.25--------------- 80.0 --------------7.4 ------------/ pm not done as was out- not dosed
Day 15: --------0 ---------------0 -----------------80.0 --------------8.0 ------------/ added 1.2ml Amm
Day 16: --------0 --------------2.0 ----------------80-160 ------------- / -------------/
----------------0 ---------------0 -----------------80-160 -------------8.0-------------/ Dosed with 2.7ml of Amm >4ppm
Day 17: -------1.0---------------5+ ----------------80-160--------------- / --------------/--
---------------0-----------------5+ ----------------80-160 -------------- / ------------/-- dosed with 2.5ml of Amm
Day 18: ------0.25 --------------5+ ----------------80-160 -------------7.4 -----------/ at a loss now.....dunno whats happening.
-----------------------------------------------no pm tests done-------------------------------
Day 19: ------------------------------------------------no am tests done-------------------------------
--------------0 ----------------- 0 ---------------- 80 ---------------- 8.0 ------------/-- Double 0's Dosed with 2.5ml of Ammonia

Day 20: -----0.5-----------------5.0--------------- 160.0 ----------------/----------- ---/-- Re-checked with new Nutrafin test kit..and was def the darkest pink.
----------- 80% water change done,dechlor in, redosed to 4ppm with 2.5ml of Ammonia-------------- post tests Ni=0.50--------Na=40----will see what it does tomorrow now.
Day 21:---------------------------------------no am tests done----------------------------
-------------0-------------------0.25----------------80------------------8.0------------/------ VAST improvement :good: Dosed with 2.5ml of Ammonia -> 4ppm
Day 22:-----0.25-------------------5+---------------80-160----------------/ ---------------/------ another odd reading :no:
-------------0---------------------0-----------------80.0-----------------/ --------------/------ added 3.6ml of ammonia to take it up to 5ppm.
Day 23:------0---------------------5+---------------50-110----------------/-----------------/------ Nitrate at higher end of scale.
-------------0--------------------1.0---------------10.0------------------/-----------------/------ ???? dosed with 3.6ml of Ammonia-> 5ppm
Day 24:------0--------------------5.0--------------110.0-----------------6.6-------------29----- ...plummeted again to 6.6...Added 2tsp of bicarb to bump ph up.....
----------------pm not done...but hubby dosed 3.6ml :grr: hour late------------------------
Day 25:------0--------------------5.0--------------50-110----------------7.4------------/----- Nitrate lighter shade of pink.Nitrite went through lilac to purple.
---------------- pm tests not done due to having to dash out, but dosed 3.6ml-------------------------------
Day 26:------0---------------------5+--------------50-110----------------7.4-------------/----- Nitrite changed quickly to medium purple.
-------------0---------------------0-------------20.0(n)70(s)-------------/-----------------/---- (n)=Nutrafin (s)=Salifert :unsure: dosed 3.6ml
Day 27:------0---------------------5+--------------75.0(s)---------------7.6-------------/---- nitrite still spiking.
-------------0---------------------0---------------50.0------------------8.0----------------/---- Double 0's again in 24 hrs, NitrAte settled with higher PH. DOSED with 3.6ml
Day 28: ----n/t--------------------5+---------------n/t-------------------n/t------------/---- Just tested Nitrite
-------------0-------------------0.10---------------100-------------------7.4----------------/---- Nitrite slightly darker blue than card. DOSED with 3.6ml
Day 29: -----0--------------------5+----------------100-------------------6.4------------/---- PH plummeted again...added 2tsps of bicarb to up it again.
-------------0--------------------0.10--------------50.0------------------8.1--------/---- PH stable. NitrAte halved from last night but NitrIte STS (stayed the same)DOSED with 3.6ml
Day 30: -------------morning tests not done------------------
did some random afternoon tests to see exactly how long it is taking to process the Amm and Nitrite... test as follows...at 2pm (17hrs after dosing)
Nitrites spiking. Changed around substrate and 80% waterchange.DOSED 3.6ml at 9pm
Day 31: -----0---------------------5+---------------100.0-----------------7.2--------/---- Added tsp of bicarb
------------------no pm tests done-------DOSED 3.6ml------
Day 32: -----0---------------------5+---------------100.0------------------7.4--------/---- Nitrite spiking still.
Double 0's in 24 hrs again!!! DOSED 3.6ml
Day 33: -----0---------------------5.0--------------100.0------------------7.6--------/----
2pm tests----0---------------------2-5--------------50.0--------------------/---------/----
DOSED 3.6ml at 9pm
Day 34:(F)---0---------------------5.0--------------100.0------------------6.6--------/---- Tests done at 11.30am boosted ph.
-------------0---------------------2.0--------------30.0---------------------7.3--------/---- 100% w/c done last night, replaced all sand substrate. Filter packed up overnight...bought replacement this am and added OLD cartridge..circu seems stronger. Hope this is what has been messing tank up.! HUBBY dosed 3.6ml added 1/2 tsp bicarb to buff PH
Day 35:(S)--------no AM tests done-------------
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 34:(S)---0---------------------5.0----------------80.0-------------------7.8--------/----
--------------- No tests done-------------DOSED 3.6ml
Day 35:(M)---/----------------------5+------------------/--------------------7.4-------/-----
3.30pm: -----/------------------0.50-1.0----------------/---------------------/--------/---
-- No pm tests DOSED 3.6ml
Day 36:(T)---/------------------2.0-5.0----------------60.0------------------7.0-------/-----
--------------------no pm tests done DOSED 3.6ml
Day 37:(W)---0-------------------5+--------------------70.0------------------6.6-------/----- Nitrite spike again :-( boosted with bicarb
------------no pm tests done DOSED 3.6ml
Day 38:(T)---/-------------------5+--------------------/---------------------7.6-------/------- Nitrite spike again
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 39:(F)---0------------------2.0-5.0---------------50-110(N)--------------7.8-------/------- Nitrite still purple
Day 40:(S)---/--------------------5+-------------------/---------------------7.2-------/------- What is going on??????
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 41:(S)---/-------------------2.0-------------------/---------------------7.2-------/------- and down again? :X
AWAY FOR A FEW DAYS..hubby dosed tanks at 9pm daily.
Day 48:(S)---/--------------------5+-------------------/---------------------7.4-------/-------
DOSED 3.6ml
Day 49:(S)---/--------------------5+-------------------/---------------------7.8-------/-------
DOSED 3.6ml

Tank 3
--------------------Amm ------------Nitrite -----------Nitrate -------------ph---------temp

Day 1: -------------0 ---------------0 -------------------0 ------------------ / ----------- / ---- no heater as yet
Day 2: ------------3.0 --------------0 ------------------ 0 ------------------ / ----------- / no pm dose
Day 3: ------------3-4 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ---------------- / ----------- 30c -- heater in and working...no pm dose
Day 4: ------------3-4 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ----------------7.4 ---------- / -- pm no change....no dose
Day 5: ------------3-4 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ---------------- / ----------- / -- no change
3-4 0 0.25 8.0 no change except PH ....No dose
Day 6: ------------3.0 --------------0 ------------------ 2.5 ----------------7.4 ---------- / --- Amm def dropped to 3ppm
-------------------------------------pm tests not done--------------------------------
Day 7: ----------------------------am tests not done--------------------------------
-------------------3-4--------------0.12------------------5.0-----------------7.4-----------/---- WE HAVE NITRITE!!!! Ni in between 0-0.25ppm NO DOSE
Day 8: ------------2.0 ------------ 0.35 --------------- 10.0----------------- / ----------- / -- Ni was def in between 0.25 and 0.5ppm...good rise in Na too.
-------------------2.0 ------------- 2.0 --------------- 20.0---------------- 7.4------------- / -- Behaving atm!!!
Day 9:-----------------------------no am tests done----------------------------
------------------0.50---------------20.0----------------10.0-----------------8.0-------------/------ Ammonia down ..... Nitrite up!!! :good: NOT DOSED
Day 10:-----------0.25 --------------2.0-----------------20-40---------------- /-------------- / ----
-------------------0 ----------------0.25----------------50.0-----------------/--------------/---- Added first dose of Ammonia!!!!! :hyper: 2.4ml to take it to 5ppm.
Day 11:-----------4.0----------------2.0----------------50-110----------------/---------------/----- tested with Nutrafin Nitrate...on lower side of in between the two colours!
---------0.6(NF)2.0(api)?-------------5+ ---------------50-110----------------/---------------/----- 2 different ammonia readings with 2 diff tests...choice is yours??? NOT DOSED
Day 12:------------0------------------5+-----------------110-----------------7.4------------30---- second 0 for Ammonia in 24 hrs.
--------------------------hubby dosed 2.4ml(wrong syringe + 1hr late)--------------------------
Day 13:-----------0.6-----------------5+----------------50-110---------------7.2--------------/--- hubby used wrong syringe, so may not be correct dose.

photos taken this morning of tests , day 30, day 25 and day 13!!

------------------------pm tests not done due to having to dash out, but dosed 2.4ml------------------------
Day 14:-----------0------------------5+-----------------50-110----------------7.4--------------/-----

Nitrite spiking straight away, Nitrate went dark purple. more pics taken of tests.
------------------0-----------=-----0.10 -------------110(n)50?(s)-------------/--------------/------- DOSED 2.4ml Ammonia
Day 15:-----------0----------------2.0-5.0--------------75(s)-----------------7.2-------------/---- added bicarb to up pH -> 7.8 Nitrite changed very slowly
------------------0------------------0------------------50.0------------------8.2-------------/---- FIRST DOUBLE 0's....IMPRESSED! :hey: NitrAte settled as well.DOSED with 2.4ml
Day 16:----------n/t-----------------5+-----------------n/t-------------------n/t------------/---- Just tested Nitrite.
------------------0------------------0------------------5.0-------------------8.2-------------/---- Double 0's again, NitrAte weird reading. DOSED with 2.4ml.
Day 17:-----------0---------------2.0-5.0---------------70.0------------------8.0------------/----
------------------0------------------0------------------50.0------------------8.2--------/---- Double 0's Again tonight, so clears in 24hr as well now.DOSED with 2.4ml.
Day 18:-----------------------morning tests not done------------------
did some random afternoon tests to see exactly how long it is taking to process the Amm and Nitrite... test as follows...at 2pm (17hrs after dosing)
------------------0------------------0------------------50.0-------------------8.2-------/---- double 0's DOSED 2.4ml at 9pm
Day 19:-----------0------------------2.0----------------70.0-------------------8.0-------/---- Nitrite went no further than light purple...PH fine
---------------------no pm test done.....DOSED 2.4ml at 9pm---------
Day 20:-----------0------------------1.5----------------60.0-------------------8.0-------/---- Nitrate still falling bit by bit. was Very light Purple....yayyy
------------------/-------------------0-------------------/--------------------8.0-------/---- DOUBLE 0's in 24 hrs DOSED 2.4ml 9pm
Day 21:-----------0------------------2.0----------------50.0-------------------8.0-------/----
2pm test----------0-------------------0-----------------50.0--------------------/--------/---- DOSED 2.4ml at 9pm
Day 22:-----------0-------------------1.10--------------80.0-------------------8.2-------/---- test done at 11.30am Nitrite between blue and lilac.
------------------0-------------------0-----------------70.0-------------------7.9-------/---- close now Tank 3...well done! HUBBY dosed 2.8ml (by mistake) :grr:
Day 23:(S)-----------no am tests done----------
------------------0-------------------0-----------------60.0-------------------8.0-------/---- DOSED 2.4ml
Day 24:(S)--------0-----------------0-0.10--------------50.0-------------------7.8-------/---- BEST RESULT YET!! :drool:
----------------no pm tests done-------------------DOSED 2.4ml
Day25:(M)---------0-------------------1.5----------------/---------------------7.8-------/---- :( FGS!! :angry:
3.30pm: ----------/--------------------0-----------------/----------------------/--------/---- pm tests not done DOSED 2.4ml
----------------------no pm tests done DOSED 2.4ml
Day27:(W)---------0-------------------2.0---------------80.0-------------------7.6-------/---- going back up again!!!!! :grr: :sly: added small amount of Bicarb
----------no pm tests DOSED with 2.4ml
Day28:(T)---------/-------------------0.50--------------/----------------------7.6-------/---- Nitrite down again.
DOSED 2.4ml
Day29:(F)---------0-------------------0.35-------------50-110------------------7.8-------/---- NITRITE between 0.25 and 0.50....keep it up!!
Day30:(S)---------/------------------0.25-0.50---------/-----------------------7.6-------/---- hmmmmmmmmmmmm
DOSED 2.4ml
Day31:(S)---------/-------------------0.25---------------/---------------------7.6-------/---- best reading yet.
FEW DAYS AWAY...hubby dosed tank at 9pm
DOSED 2.4ml
Day39:(S)---------0-------------------0.10---------------/---------------------8.3-------/---- was blue for ages, then turned lilac.
DOSED 2.4ml

all spaced out..hope this is clearer!!!!

Most reactions
