Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

I would say a tiny amount - looks like you might be having a very small mini cycle

Seffie x
Glad to see this is going well.

Sorry didnt post about where i heard it earlier as i forgot my login#!!

When i was there sunday they didnt have much live rock at all, but probably coz you took it all.

I rember going in and getting my 22kg, took ny on most of the tank!!

my tank is going thourgh a bit of a tough time latley,

this i think was due to my shi**y bulbs i got with ym luminiare.

100 on bulbs later and im happy.

keep us updated.

P.S if your down RCE this weekend could you let me know if they have any cleaner shrimp in as all of mine have disapperead?
tthanks reading your journel is really helping

good to here it pampy :good: i carnt go to rce because of the snow. its about 20cm thick. its ok because i was off school today.
im getting lots of algae all over the rocks and a tiny bit on the sand. im going to order most of mu cuc online when the time is right
Hi Harry,

I've just been having a read through your journal, I've learnt a lot whilst reading through it! I've got the same tank as you, but haven't got much equipment yet. I'm just wondering how you're finding the TMC V2 400 Skimmer? I can't decide which skimmer to get at the moment as it's going in my bedroom I need a quiet one! ^-^
my tank is in my room too. the skimmer is a very good one with a big cup on it so it lasts about 3 weeks without emptying it. but thats without fish and coral. the skimmer is quite noisy but once you have let it bed in its ok. it still makes a noise but i can still sleep with it. its cheap. i got it for £65 i would recomend a Deltec MCE300 External Skimmer because only 2 pipes go in the tank. the v2 skim has a big pump that stays in the tank with a big pipe so its a bit of an eyesore.
but the deltec costs more than the v2.
deltec costs £132.99 new
http://www.aquatic-store.co.uk/marine/view/1220 link for deltec.
i am going to have a sump so the skimmer should be more quiet then.

link for v2 http://www.reefstore.co.uk/cart/V2Skim-400-Protein-Skimmer.-pr-16181.html its a bit more expensive than the one i got its £69 i got it for £65 new
look what i found under my skimmer pump :hyper:




Freebies are always nice, unless its a nuisance crab or spider mites.. then its not so nice lol.
i think my tank has finished cycled :hyper: but i carnt add any thing because i carnt get to rce for more salted ro water and non salted ro water for a big water change. (i have some non salted water for top up anyway.) the snow has made both of are cars snowed in and are lane has not grite on it :crazy:
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
ph 8.1-8.2
nitrate 2
How are you finding the V2 400 skimmer? Im unsure what skimmer to go for with my 125litre, the only thing that puts me off about yours is the sheer size of the pump. :unsure:
the skimmer is ok.

good points
its not very noisy,big collection cup,cheap,easy to install,it can be hung on the back of the tank or side and it can be put in a sump or inside the tank,you can hide the pump with liverock quite easly.

bad points
the pump has to be in the aquarium or sump,the pump is big,the thing could be a little less noisy.(i can sleap with it but im a heavy sleaper.),the collection cup is hard to take off when you first get it,the pipe that conects the pump to the skimmer is big and fat and it is allways on show.

if you not going to have a sump then you will need to cut the back lid on the juwel tank or any other tank to fit the pipes and the skimmer holder on or just leave it untill you get the sump like me. hope this helps

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