Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

as i was moving my coral on a rock a nocked 2 rocks over :crazy: so i put them back sort of the right place. and then i sore a massive white aptaisa. so i heated the soldering iron up and hit it twice and i hit some other very small brown ones. then 5 mins later it came out again :grr: so im going to use my dads soldering iron its 40W and heats over 250 degrees unlike my one it only heats to 180. then lets see that little sh*t thinks of that :devil:
i am going to have a sump :hyper: dont know when but here is the plan.
i will buy an External filter or make a overflow box. i will fill the filter with live rock rubble and rowa phos. (if i buy a filter.) so the filte will take the tank water down to the sump. so it gos through the filter and out into the sump. the first part of the sump there will be the skimmer and then 3 baffles. then the fugium. then lastly the return with a pump pumping the water back to the tank. the sump will be small its my old 40L tank but it will add about 30L to my tank. so 120L + 30L = 150L :hyper:
plus i will add lots of live rock to my sump and tank but the rock will be cycling in a big bucket for 3 or 4 weeks.
Hi Harry,

I totally wouldn't do the external filter thing. If you were to place the filter hose in the display tank too low or it slipped without you noticing, and there was a power cut, then the filter would syphon the water off down to that level, which in most likelihood would cause your sump to overflow. Just stick with a good brand of overflow box, if you can't get the tank drilled.
I agree, too much of a risk to be honest. :crazy: Stick with an overflow box, or if you can getting the tank drilled would be your best bet. Sumping is a great idea though, hides equipment and increases water volume.
BTW Ive been watching your thread closely and have really enjoyed it. Im currently trying to setup my own reef so have learnt a few things. Keep up the good work! :good:

ok well my dad said that he might make me a overflow box because they cost loads (£89 -£230) are they noisy?
They can be noisey, although it is possible to retrofit a durso to some of them.

Connecting a sump up can be a real PITA! This is why I suggested right at the beginning of this thread about doing the sump first, that way you can get the tank drilled, before adding your rock and livestock.
well i was going to but then i thourght it will be too much money having a sump and i didnt have the idear of using my blue tank untill i got my rock in :grr: but next time i do have a tank it will have a sump and it will be drilled. i might buy a small pump insted of using a overflow box.
i have just read this journal because i am setting up my rio 125 as a marine set up and this has helped me a lot i think i might start my journal up now :)
well i was going to but then i thourght it will be too much money having a sump and i didnt have the idear of using my blue tank untill i got my rock in :grr: but next time i do have a tank it will have a sump and it will be drilled. i might buy a small pump insted of using a overflow box.

You either need a drilled tank or an overflow box. You can't use a pump to draw water from the tank to deliver it to a sump as you'd need a return pump that returns the water to the display tank that is pumping EXACTLY the same amount of water up as is coming down.

Even if you had two identical 1500LPH pumps, the one pulling the water out of the tank has gravity on its side and may drain up to the rated 1500LPH. The one pushing water back up into the tank is fighting against gravity and so may only return 1000LPH. This means your sump will overflow very quickly.
thank for every thing :good: at the moment my tank is full of algea. but on saterday i will be buying water and a siphon for a water chage. and have my water tested i know my tank is cycled but just wanted to be sure. then i can buy some of my cuc there and order the rest online.
A syphon for water changes! You snob Harry!! The rest of us just have a bit of hose and get a gob full of saltwater and fish poop lol :p
Speak for yourself AK :p no fish poop going in my mouth :lol: sometimes though I think it might come out of it :blush:

Seffie x

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