Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

:lol: Don't worry dear, its called old age and it happens to us all!
i got some cuc well just 4 hermit crabs here is some pics. i think i have a serpant star. i can see some orage and black legs. its very small tho.

i have orded online the rest of my cuc 5 nassarius,5 cerith snals,2 hermits,1 mexican turbo snail,5 astrea snails and 1 peppermint shrimp. later on i will buy another one and a cleaner shrimp.







i got some cuc well just 4 hermit crabs here is some pics. i think i have a serpant star. i can see some orage and black legs. its very small tho.

i have orded online the rest of my cuc 5 nassarius,5 cerith snals,2 hermits,1 mexican turbo snail,5 astrea snails and 1 peppermint shrimp. later on i will buy another one and a cleaner shrimp.

Great pics Harry! Oh wow I didn't know what a Serpent Star was but I just looked it up and realised that I've got a couple of them! I just thought they were a pile of wriggling tentacles. lol!
How did you know when your tank was ready for a CUC? Did you have to wait until the levels were all right?
Yup Nat. Wait until your tank has cycled and the ammonia and nitrite are zero and nitrates are below 10ppm (A 50% water change after your tank has cycled will help kick the nitrates). This is the time to add your CUC. They'll help remove any remaining organic matter on the rocks and algae that begin to bloom due to the nitrates that were created as the tank cycled.

Don't worry if your glass and sand develops lots of purple/slime. Its common and the CUC will get to work on it eventually.
do you think that 5 nassarius,5 cerith snals,1 mexican turbo snail and 5 astrea snails is too many snails? also i dont have any shells for my hermits because i forgot to pick up some when i was in rce. i also whent to seapets for some shells but they were to big. so will my hermits be ok with out any shells for a little bit? i might find some in the coral gravel tho.

last Qs when can i add coral or fish? 2 weeks?
do you think that 5 nassarius,5 cerith snals,1 mexican turbo snail and 5 astrea snails is too many snails?

yes at the moment - keep the 5 nass, 5 ceriths, 1 turbo and get 2 astrea

also i dont have any shells for my hermits because i forgot to pick up some when i was in rce. i also whent to seapets for some shells but they were to big. so will my hermits be ok with out any shells for a little bit? i might find some in the coral gravel tho.

Have you got a beach near you?

last Qs when can i add coral or fish? 2 weeks?

You can add your first fish or coral after the tank is fully cycled - there is some debate about which should be added first. I added a pair of juvie clowns first

Seffie x
my hermits are staying in there shells :unsure: so i put some food in but they still just in there i know they are not dead because i can see them moving. its like they are scard of something. then suddanly a small crab came out that i havnt seen before. i have pics of it. could it be the crab that i saw thats maving the hermits do this?





Harry, remind me how long the hermits have been in your tank? And how long did you acclimatise them for?

Seffie x
about 1 day. i acclimatise them for an hour. they were fine when i put them in and when i whent to bed.
Hermits are fine there more nocternal. i should be getting my stuff i orded online tomoz :good:
lol the only things that i can see thats alive in my tank is my unknown coral thing, purple algea and what i can only describe as grass.
i have got my cuc :hyper: they came at 8:15am and i leave for school at 8:30 so i just floated them in the tank and i cut holes in the bag as well. then when i get back from school i put them in a bucket with there water and a pipe and a tap on the end to acclimatis them. i did this for an hour for the snails and crabs. but i left the peppermint shrimp for 2 hours. :good: all is fine. i just need to get some shells quick. i would just like to say that reefstock is very good place to buy your cuc because the delivery is only £6.95 for small orders on cuc. unlike other places that are £15. i will post some pics up soon. :good:

















in 1-2 years time i will upgrade this tank. it will be a juwel rio 240 with my tropical tank as a sump wich is 100L that makes the tank 340L :hyper: anyway back to my real buchit. i have some bubble algea :shout: need a emerald crab. but i have no money. :shout:

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