George's Journal

MMM don't seem to be seeing any of your pics for some reason m8 :-(
I know what you mean about fiddling with camera settings, for some reason my white balance works better on light bulb setting rather than fluorescent (might be the orange colour of the plant tubes)
My biggest head ache is getting a full tank shot especially with the smaller tank, and keeping the thing still when not using a flash (the camera is only the size of a pack of cards so wont fit on a tripod)
Good but i think your fern would be a better subject :)

What about a close up of your glosso.
I fancied a change from green. ;)

MMM don't seem to be seeing any of your pics for some reason m8 :-(
I know what you mean about fiddling with camera settings, for some reason my white balance works better on light bulb setting rather than fluorescent (might be the orange colour of the plant tubes)
My biggest head ache is getting a full tank shot especially with the smaller tank, and keeping the thing still when not using a flash (the camera is only the size of a pack of cards so wont fit on a tripod)
Try an ironing board mate.
It looks good - the bubble are captured well and the texture of the leaf, I think it may be a little better if you could soften the edges very slightly (not too much). Especialy in the bottom right area.

Good pic though - I like it :thumbs:
hi george, first of all wow. your tank is great i love how its evolved.

my semiplanted tank needs some co2 and since i dont have money for presurised ive started to make a diy one. well i saw back in your diagram that you co2 hose is connected to your filter intake. Why is that? does it help it dispurse it? like a difuser?

thanks alot
Yes! update us on this please, im running a similar experiment and so far it seems to be working even if the bubbles dont go around the tank too much. (im not using a canister filter so cant blow the bubbles around the tank too much)

Wow look at those bubbles go !
Oh my goodness, gf! That lily looks great over the glosso. Great contrast, I love it! The tank looks great after your blackout! Can you even see the substrate anymore? I can't see it in your last picture.

I am officially requesting another full tank shot. :nod:

Let us know how the new diffuser works for you.
New diffuser looks tidy gf! B) -very 'ADA', but more sensibly priced I think!

Let us know how it performs, and I'd second the request for an updated full tank shot! (when you get a sec) :nod:
Thanks everyone. Full-tank shot coming soon but it's nothing special really, for me anyway. I can't stop planning my next layout already.

I'll be writing a seperate thread for the CO2 experiment. It should be pretty neat, I'm looking forward to it.

Solomon - 700th reply to this thread. Congrats!!

For everyone's interest my tank will be exactly 3 years old next week. I'll post my first ever photo of it for a giggle on its "birthday".

I find it quite mad how much I've learnt in this time. I didn't even know how a filter worked, let alone doing CO2 diffusion experiments. I wonder what the next 3 years will hold?

Thanks again everyone for your input. Appreciated as always.
Stunning! -my favourite thing about this tank is the way the light looks. It always has a look of depth and everything is in proportion to the size of the tank.

This thread is huge now, and I have to admit I've read through the whole thing about three times since I discovered this site about a month ago. I'd say it has been without doubt the single most educational and informative source for me. I've learnt loads just from hearing and seeing how this tank has developed and how gf's overcome various difficulties.

I just hope my tank doesn't look too much like a rip off when it gets going!

Keep up the good work gf -I'm learning!! :thumbs:
I think you have inspired quite a few people to try there hand at a planted tank, me being one of them.
Even if your never happy with your aquascapes, you can take pride in the amount of people you have converted to the dark side :)

I can honestly say that fern is one, if not the best i have seen on the net.

The red of the lotus should look nice when it fills out and reaches the surface.

I do have one comment if i may, it looks like here's a hole in the scape where the plat is, and your poor anubias is lost in it. (it may just be the pic)
May be a branch with java moss like the opposing one would do the trick

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