George's Journal

it's nothing special really, for me anyway
Fussy git lol. I love the look m8, its simple and elegant. Its what i think makes it a winner , i always look at my tanks and find them too fussy in comparison. When i cut back on the plants i get a visit from the hair algae fairy :angry: yours always looks a picture of health.
I've learnt loads just from hearing and seeing how this tank has developed and how gf's overcome various difficulties.
I think you have inspired quite a few people to try there hand at a planted tank, me being one of them.
Even if your never happy with your aquascapes, you can take pride in the amount of people you have converted to the dark side :)

I can honestly say that fern is one, if not the best i have seen on the net.

The red of the lotus should look nice when it fills out and reaches the surface.

I do have one comment if i may, it looks like here's a hole in the scape where the plat is, and your poor anubias is lost in it. (it may just be the pic)
May be a branch with java moss like the opposing one would do the trick
it's nothing special really, for me anyway
Fussy git lol. I love the look m8, its simple and elegant. Its what i think makes it a winner , i always look at my tanks and find them too fussy in comparison. When i cut back on the plants i get a visit from the hair algae fairy :angry: yours always looks a picture of health.
Thank you everyone, it is very rewarding to hear comments like these.

Simon and RYO - Don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy with my work - just never 100% satisfied. This is the key to my constant desire to improve. Thanks for the aquascaping tips too, I agree but it's pointless me doing much now as I'm stripping the whole thing down in a few weeks, leaving it dry for my return to the UK in August when I plan (and hopefully implement) a real belting layout!!
Where you going? You gonna be near a computer at all or is it a far and distant place?

Does seem a shame to loose it all during the strip down thou, but I guess you'll have the fun of a blank canvas when you get back :)


EDIT - You'll have to weigh the java fern, it has to be some sort of record!
Very nice shot George, picture of health.
That Java fern is getting tiring!!! Cant you think of something else?
GF, where's the promised picture of your tank when it was first setup? I've been waiting for that one. :lol:

Happy third year tank anniversary. Mine would have been three in August, but alas, it will be demolished in May. :sad:
GF, where's the promised picture of your tank when it was first setup? I've been waiting for that one. :lol:

Happy third year tank anniversary. Mine would have been three in August, but alas, it will be demolished in May. :sad:
Here we go. It's a beauty eh? Only matched by my photography skills - note the TV in the reflection!

Not one true aquatic plant in there either - the joys of buying from a garden centre with clueless staff.


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The end of an era.

Most of you will know that I am soon leaving the country for 4 months (don’t ask!), so with this in mind I have stripped down my entire tank; fish, plants, hardscape, substrate, the lot.

A while back I promised that my mighty Java fern would go to jimbooo. So he came to visit and after a nice chat and some cups of tea (we’re very English you know), out came the big bucket. I soon realised that James was happy to take the lot (except substrate) from me so I watched with a tinge of sadness as he delicately removed my entire livestock from the tank, comforted by the fact that I knew they would all be well looked after and I could see their progress right here in his journals. We both did well out of the situation, a real “win win” if you will.

So I now have no tank to look after. It is a refreshing change to not need to worry about dosing, CO2, feeding, water changes etc. Although I do miss seeing a nice planted tank in the corner of my living room – very much.

Perhaps most exciting for me though is my wife’s new found interest in setting up a new layout. The tank has been somewhat a source of contention for us in the past so I took this opportunity to get her involved in the planning of a new set-up; planting, fish choice etc. To my delight she took an interest and we even looked through some of Amano’s books together for some ideas (you have no idea of the breakthrough!).

We clearly have different tastes; her favouring more traditional stem plant arrangements in a Dutch style, with me being more a Nature Aquarium style fan. However we did find some common ground and I can see us planning a layout with both elements. Those who own the ADA catalogue can see the style we both like in Gallery no. 5. I really like the open foreground and sand “shore” with the moss/Riccia covered pebbles, and stone/wood combo. It goes against some of my original intentions of HC etc. but this a small sacrifice to make to keep the other half happy. I realise that the end result may look entirely different, and no doubt will, but I intend to follow this open foreground principle, it will be easier to maintain too. I will still use ADA Aqua Soil but with some Rio-Negro sand or similar whitish sand at the front – the contrast will work well, particularly with my black backround. I’m sure oldwhitewood knows where I’m coming from here.

Fish choice is another matter entirely. My wife prefers a “fish” tank so doesn’t really relish the idea of a shoal of small single species. I’ve managed to convince her that understocking is the way forward though so at least that won’t be an issue. We left the discussion with a pair of Angelfish last night, no other fish, just shrimp. I’m also thinking now about a small shoal of Tiger barbs (not with Angels obviously), they grow to a decent size and their markings are great – a shoal of 6-8 or so would work well. Anyway it’s a long way off and no doubt many more ideas will come and go.

Exciting times though.

A huge thanks to everyone that has provided me feedback on my work so far. It is your comments and positivity that has helped me keep so well motivated. I hope to reward you with an even more beautiful tank to look at in the not-too-distant future.

Kindest regards

Me, Baby Florence and James

James grinning like a Cheshire cat as he pulls apart my pride and joy!

......the future?

As I was reading through it I was thinking "exciting times ahead" :D
Sad I'm sure to see all that hard work, dedication and countless hours of loving (back breaking) hard work being taken apart. But something to ponder over while you're away and looking foward to a new project challenge ! :thumbs:

Can't wait B)

Ps: Major breakthrough and I fully understand ! I'm still patiently & delicately chipping away at my breakthrough :lol:
lol, i'd forgotten about that "in progress" picture. A kid in a toy shop springs to mind hey!!

i do like the open forground idea. i was actually thinking of doing a simmillar thing in my rekord 60. the 180 has way too many fish in it now so i was considering gutting the rekord 60 (the 5wpg experiment is er.. not working - pics in journal soon but dont expect anything pretty lol) i was going to do a laterite/playsand substrate with lots of anubias and put the light back down to a reasonable level. move my 3 sterbai corys over to join the 2 Yoyo loaches. loose the harlequins and just keep the 5/6 glowlights. should be cheap to do apart from the anubias and a piece of cake to look after. i really cant keep on top of 3 heavily planted tanks so that will free up some time to concentrate on the 180 and your legacy... the fern and glosso.

congratulations on the breakthrough. i had a minor one last night. the misses stood and stared at the 180 for at least 15 minutes. totally lost in her own little world. at last i got some interest. she loves the fern and bigger shoal of cardinals and the platy is now "her fish". happy times ahead.

oh by the way does mrs platy have a name. i wouldn't want to confuse her by calling her the wrong thing lol

if anyone wants to follow the ferns progress you can find it in the rio180 journal in my sig.

thanks again george for a fantastic day. i'm chuffed to bits with my new layout and fish.

Very nice photos guys, and well done to jimbooo for taking everything fish and all, you could not ask for a better home thats for sure, perfect timing for you as well George.

You will be back George, who knows what nice hardscape materials you may find on the Falkland islands ;) im sure the setup will be better than ever, this sand idea seems to be taking hold, dont know about it, cant grow plants on sand and i like growing plants, anyway new challanges ahead no matter what you try, cant wait to try ADA soil myself, i think my favourite lfs for plants is going to start stocking it very soon.
What a day. Happy and sad I'm sure. I bet your brain is going a mile a minute with all the new possibilities. A blank slate is always exciting.

I like the sounds of your new layout. It should prove to be a new challenge for you. I'm happy that your wife is wanting to be a part of it. The tank is such a big part of your life (I assume with all the time you spend on it, it would have to be), it only makes sence to include her.

Now James... You realize that we will be all over you if that fern isn't at 100% forever. lol.

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