With regard to the critique of the Juwel tanks you have to put them in perspective. For the money they're bloody good tanks in terms of construction. Of course its a major ball ache to convert them for a high tech planted tank, the two main issues being the uncompromising hoods they have and also the huge internal filter. But as a jack of all trades tank you can't really beat a juwel.
One exception to this is I've seen some great ehiem tanks, very simple classy design and they give you their external filter with the package too.
Sorry oldwhitewood not to nitpick but i cant agree, these boards are littered with the dead bodies of crappy Juwel tanks, when you take away the crappy filter (IMO) the crappy heater (which in my Juwel tank allways overheated) the crappy hood which cannot be easily modified, the crappy lights the tanks come with, what exactly are you left with, what are the redeeming qualties about these tanks.......5 pieces of glass stuck together with black silicone (which personally i dont like either)