George's Journal

Wowzers George, Its great to come back to the forums after a long time and see your journal still going strong. Might i say that your journal in particular has inspired me a great deal. The carpeted glosso looks great, no Amazing!!! but i especially enjoy how committed you've remained to the Java Fern that grows in the back of your tank. By far the best Java fern i have ever seen! Pretty soon thats the only plant you'll have room for :)
Those are the luckiest Cardinals in the world!
Thank you very much RedShark.

It is my privilage to have the opportunity to inspire and it fills me with a sense of pride to know that my efforts have a postive influence for others in this wonderful hobby.
What better way to start the New Year? A new layout of course!

I have gone from the triangular to the mound composition. It doesn’t look too great I admit but I’m hopeful for the future.

I actually had a minor BGA outbreak, pretty much unnoticed due my lack of attention over the last few days. The glosso was well-infested, I’m assuming because I let it get so thick, circulation around the plant was very limited. Fortunately it only spread to my Crinum and a few Java fern leaves. So I binned my Crinum and cleaned off 50 or so healthy glosso plantlets and re-planted. I’ve cleaned the tank meticulously, dosed 400mg Maracyn and extra KNO3 (I need an NO3 kit really!) I’ve also upped CO2 to 35ppm to give the plants the upper hand in any potential algae due to the reduced bio-mass.

I’ve thinned out the sag considerably too, just kept the healthiest plants. It will fill out in no time and improve the mound effect. The tank actually looks great from the left and right now as the sag acts as a foreground to the fern and Anubias.

There’s two pieces of wood, one either side of the fern with Anubias attached to both, and moss on the right too. The glosso is in between the woods and should be easier to keep under control. I’m still very tempted to try out HC in its place though.

Anyway, I quite like the new look. It’s nice and simple and really shows off my fern. Future plans are unconfirmed, nothing too drastic – less is more sometimes!

Lovely! Nice and simple and that fern looks spot on

Where are you getting the Maracyn from? can you buy it over the counter?
so the process starts again. this is another reason why i love planted tanks. if we were from the fake plant gang we'd easily set up the tank and still be looking at the same layout a year later.

good luck with the new aquascape george. i'm sure it will be beautiful.
George... it's been 10 days.... on with the updates! lol

Hope things are looking good in there, not that I have any doubts at all.
George... it's been 10 days.... on with the updates! lol

Hope things are looking good in there, not that I have any doubts at all.

hows the glosso doing george, a nice update pic.
Timely reminders. Thank you.

Some background into my recent activities -

I’ve been heavily influenced by Neil’s (oldwhitewood) outright enthusiasm for ADA products and their outstanding commitment to design in terms of both aesthetics and function. Consequently I ordered the ADA catalogue from (whom I highly recommend too – great product range and fantastic service). The Nature Aquarium gallery within the catalogue is nothing short of inspiring and in my opinion many of the aquascapes knock the original Nature Aquarium World book’s layouts for six.

Anyway the sheer beauty of the tanks and running gear led to me becoming increasingly discontent with my own equipment. Unfortunately I’m no rich man so I had to think about creating a look similar (we’re talking invisible equipment here, not artistic layout) without spending the hundreds needed on the ADA hardware. Oldwhitewood’s tank is a good example but I wanted to take it a step further and have no equipment showing at all.

So obviously out came the massive Juwel internal filter, a great filter but a total eyesore really and space waster, taking up approx. 100mm x 100mm x 500mm of precious potential planted space. Also it created a fair bit of surface agitation with my Fluval 204 and the Juwel powerhead flowing from the same output.

The next decision was to figure out how I wanted to set up the Fluval 204 external filter’s output. I narrowed it down to two options; an Eheim lily pipe or spray bar. I’ve heard very good things about the lily pipe so decided to paint it black (non-toxic, waterproof acrylic paint) to blend in with my background (Eheim filter accessories are green normally). I fitted it and it looked ok and it provided a nice flow but still detracted from the aquascape; my wife’s words were “what’s that trumpet doing in the tank!”

So the spray bar was also painted black and fitted. This looked less obvious as I positioned it horizontally on the right side glass, flowing across the tank to the left. However the flow was too intense. I drilled out the holes an extra 1mm each but still the flow was too much with the plants being blown about and my tetras in hiding behind the fern out of the way. I tried all sorts of positions and angles to no avail.

My next option was to position the spray bar vertically, something that I read about but never really considered. Hey presto, it works a treat! Not only does it provide ideal flow around the perimeter of the tank (where it is needed as it is where detritus collects in my sag and glosso) but it can be totally hidden from view behind my fern. I have painted the filter inlet black, the spray bar black, the heater is already black and the CO2 hose I’ve shrouded in black PVC/rubber tubing as with the substrate heater cable.

In summary then I have virtually invisible equipment, leaving me to enjoy just the plants and fish without distraction.

Here’s a diagram for you. Photos to follow soon (I promise!)

edit - Anyone who vists the Aquabotanic site might see a surprise. Kudos tank for January 2006!

If you get a bit of spare cash you might want to try a hydor inline heater ive just got one and am happy with it!! also is that the juwel heater if so are they fully submersable because i thought they weren't?
Isn't that funny... I have been thinking about doing the same with my filter output for about a month now. Where I have it set up, after about 3 days, the evaporation gets below the flow, and it makes an aweful racket. I gets tons of debris right around my sword, so the flow would correct that. I'm glad to hear that it works.
Some good ideas there George

I hate those Juwel internal filters i really do, auctually i think its more a hate of Juwel tanks, if you think about it they are totally unsuitable for planted tanks, big ugly internal filter in the corner, hoods totally inpractical for adding extra tubes lets face it they dont exactly come equipped for our purposes, but yet loads of us are useing them, anyway good move on the filter........get rid of it.

I like the black idea as well must check that out, black equipment makes much more sense i definatly do not like the green spraybar and intake, i also need to get rid of my Hagen ladder i think i will make an inline reactor, i like the glass difusers but its still something in the tank, and an inline Hydor heater is definatly on the cards as well.

Well done on tank of the month over at AB it deserved it.............
Hey George, I feel pretty chuffed that I have played some minor part with my ruthless promotion of ADA, but you're right their catalogue is really inspiring. It's great to see how he's moved on in terms of aquascape design. The bare sany foregrounds in particular are totally at odds with what he was doing in NAW in the early 90s, when I first read that I couldn't consider a tank without a planted foreground full of low growers, but then Amano springs these bare foregrounds on us and they look great.

Looking forward to seeing the piccies also.

With regard to the critique of the Juwel tanks you have to put them in perspective. For the money they're bloody good tanks in terms of construction. Of course its a major ball ache to convert them for a high tech planted tank, the two main issues being the uncompromising hoods they have and also the huge internal filter. But as a jack of all trades tank you can't really beat a juwel.

One exception to this is I've seen some great ehiem tanks, very simple classy design and they give you their external filter with the package too.

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