Fish Crazy
The Glosso carpet looks amazing mate. Love the big bunch of Java fern too.
I would either find some protruding bits of bogwood and cover them with moss, so they jut out towards you (replacing the sag) or carry on with anubias across the left hand side also.
I'm pretty certain it's Mayaca fluviatilis now (nice one Antonet!) - link. I'm thinking that Micranthemum umbrosum might look good instead.
I would either find some protruding bits of bogwood and cover them with moss, so they jut out towards you (replacing the sag) or carry on with anubias across the left hand side also.
That is an excellent idea. I can just imagine it, three or four bigger bits of the wood (replacing the sag) jutting out in several directions. That would look awesome IMO.
I think the idea is to create something like an upturned nest of roots covered in moss, I think it would really tie stuff together. George we both think you should do this nowget cracking mate...
I wholeheartedly agree mate.I think the idea is to create something like an upturned nest of roots covered in moss, I think it would really tie stuff together.
Well, I am a bit late but I agree. I love my tank that is a wild overgrowth of plants on 1/3 and very bare of plants on the other 2/3. The bare part has a very strong current and the planted part is "protected" by a barrier of rock and bogwood, very natural looking...Wow! It doesn't look too good now, but it should look better soon. It may just be the areas I've experienced nature in, but too me an overgrown tank seems to be more natural than any of Takashi Amano's tanks. I'm going for a natural look in my 10 gallon tank, and I allow the plants to do almost whatever they want; including lots of stuff that goes against some of the common design principles of nature aquariums, like allowing stem plants to grow up to the front glass, not using short foreground plants and not using rocks. Personally, I think there's something to be said for an aquascape with nothing but plants and wood on gravel or sand; it looks VERY natural in my opinon.
Takashi Amano's tanks seem more like paintings than nature to me. I'd take a tank completely full to the brim with plants and a population of guppies living and breeding in the tank over a carefully maintained aquascape with Discus. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like to own a natural discus tank with nothing but a single pair of Discus, but I'd like to see the full spectrum of fish and plant life in my aquarium.
I also don't trim dead leaves unless I have a nutrient problem; it saves a huge amount of time and adds to the natural appearence of the tank. I do remove them from the top once they've detatched, however.
I may try some limited aquascaping once my 70 gallon tank is set up; I plan to plant the back 3-4" of the tank with a solid wall of Vallisinarea, broken up by a large clump of some kind of red stem plant like Rotala. The sides of the tank will be fully planted, with plants like pennywort, anubais and Java Fern. If I use a carpet plant it will be Water Sprite and allowed to grow to about 8-10".
I wholeheartedly agree mate.I think the idea is to create something like an upturned nest of roots covered in moss, I think it would really tie stuff together.
Long-term I would like to move the fern more centrally to start the basis of a mound compostion. Any Nature Aquarium fan knows that this is the most challenging of scapes to implement successfully. Thankfully my Juwel Rio 125 tank has suitable dimensions with its 32" length and 20" height.
I would cut down the wood that is attached to the fern to a bare minimum, just enough to keep the fern secure. Then buy a new piece of wood i.e. (ignore the plants, I'm just after the wood).
The fern would sit in the center of the (preferbly Willow) moss covered wood. Anubias (petite as Andy says) would be planted all around the base, possible with some small slate to act as a shoreline, maybe with some hairgrass or similar highlights then a carpet of HC. That's got to be a winner eh?
Not until next summer though.
I knew I could count on your support mate. Have you got that ADA catalog BTW? Aquaessentials sell them I believe.Sounds like an excellent idea sir, go for it.
I'm not overhauling just yet Simon.I like the sound of that can't wait to see the progress.
Your right about the java fern, its looking a litle big, and is starting to make your tank look smaller than it is, and i was never a fan of the glosso it just didnt work, glad you come to your sence's mate.
Good luck