George's Journal

Thanks guys. The glosso is quite a brute - it's keeping very compact though which is good. From the other side of the room it looks like bright green velvet.

I've actually removed the newest piece of wood (jutting up from the fern's right). The whole composition looks smoother and more hill like now. When the glosso has grown enough and the sag spreads effectively under the fern (where the wood was) the illusion of a "spikey" hill will look quite effective. When I plant more Anubias around the fern's base I think it will be ready for some final photos.

One observation on the glosso is that it is forming a secondary hill like formation i.e. lower at the left and right hand sides, peaking in the centre. This is due to my 24" tubes in a 32" inch length tank. I think it looks very effective though and adds to the hill effect.

I'm tempted to show you a photo but I'm waiting a bit now so the transition will look more effective for you all. I hope you enjoy the suspense!

I'm not decided on a title yet for my AGA entry. Any ideas welcome - I'm think it has to have the word "Green" in there though.

Thanks again everyone.
No!!!! The suspence is killing me! I'm sure it looks fantastic.

As for titles...
Green Haven
Underwater Hillside
Paradise in Green

It would be easier to name it being able to look at it. ;)
the "Green eyed monster" - crap name for a tank but sums up our feelings towards it

or how about..... er sorry been thinking for 10 mins and coming up with some aweful suggestions. i'll keep quiet and await other replies.

mmm as for a title, how about "Field of Dreams" ? (because it looks like you can just lie down and relax in it :))
Doesn't have "green" in it though :/

(will ponder - though I still like your original idea).

How about "Rhapsody in Green" ?
I like that too Dubby
^^^ That is hilarious. Sounds like it should be in the script of a National Geographic episode. Or a title of one of the paintings that Bob Ross did for PBS (anyone remember him? He had that great white guy 'fro.)
Some great titles guys and girls, thanks.

Oldwhitewood - very nice but where's the autumn? :lol:

I'm liking "Old Mother Microsorium". I know there's no "green" but the Java fern is also an overwhelming feature to the layout. It is also over 2 and a half years old.
The discus always started out well, colour was good, and they were eating well, then they just slid down hill and die no matter what i did.

wow.. that doesnt sound great....
My Discus, Jojo, is doing great in my planted tank so far :)
Happy as a clam.. always swimming around, comes over to me if i move towards the tank.. eats outta my fingers... he seems quite happy.

My tank, a 50 gallon, is running nitrates at around 15ppm, phosphates 2ppm, co2(pressurized) 35 ppm, 83-84 degrees, and kh at 3-4. im running 170watts of 6700k lights, so about 3.4 wpg.
Fish in my tank, 15 Cardnals, 5 GlowLights, 3 SAE's, 1 Discus.

Hopefully all will stay as well as it is now.. the tank looks wonderful with no algae...and the plants grow like weeds B)

Some great titles guys and girls, thanks.

Oldwhitewood - very nice but where's the autumn? :lol:

I'm liking "Old Mother Microsorium". I know there's no "green" but the Java fern is also an overwhelming feature to the layout. It is also over 2 and a half years old.

:D I was trying to think of an amano-esq name, one that makes no sense at all!
Lol. How about a summery of all the feeling of aquarium owners who are like all of us who love fish, tanks, and plants? Call it “The Addiction” Ironic no? Cheesy humor the rescue again! heh.
I think I'm going to stick with "Old Mother Microsorium". It describes the layout very well.

Microsorium is the name for the Java fern family for those who didn't know.

The Java fern is the main focal point, the strongest and oldest plant in there, a sort of parent figure - hence "Mother". Visually it is also similar in texure and colour to the neighbouring Sagittaria platyphylla. The sag appears to be almost a mini version of the Java fern, almost like the fern's children - again, "Mother". Underneath the fern is the Anubias, this has a similar leaf shape to the glosso and thus repeats the larger/smaller concept as described by the fern and sag. Makes sense I hope.

I know I said I wait a while for an update but I've given in, so here we are. I don't think I really need more Anubias, what do you ladies and gentlemen think?


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