Gazza Nano Log - Salty Fun

Helle is cracking. I just wanted to get mushroom happ first bt nearl there :hyper:

I am starting to hint about the bgger tank. :hyper: :shout:
Hi, I am going to have to get some more clean up crew. I think my Hawk fish is enjoying snails too much....

I feed my fish when I get in about 5.30. How often do you guys fed your fish? When I feed all three of them feed well, but I am thinking of having to do an extra feed so that Hellie the hawkfish does not eat many more snails... what do you guys think?
That is a risk with hawkfish I am afraid. As you say the only thing you can do is try to keep him well fed so that he does not take some very tasty snacks from your tank.

Seffie seems to have been reasonably lucky with hers.

You could try to split your feedings so that you feed in a morning before you go out and when you come home later.

I do feed more than once a day myself but am constantly feeding different things to the tank. It really does depend on what fish you have as to what and how often you feed them, plus keeping an eye on water stats so that you are not feeding too heavy to cause bad water quality.
Lesson learned... It was a fish I had on my list that I was not too sure about but the wife got it anyway.

I will teach her how much food to feed & will do it twice a day going forward.

Well will have to see if I can get shares in a snail company...
Don't beat yourself up, it was going to be hit and miss with them, whilst one will be fine another may not, same goes with lots of marine fish.

You may still be able to get a good balance, the snails may have been weakened by the changes in salt, they are very sensitive to change, leaving Mr Hawkfish to caapture easy prey. See other post for more.
Thanks TI, also thanks for help with the mushroom.

Everything else looks good. Now searching the web for some good snail deals :rolleyes:
HI All, I thought I would do an update on the tank. Tank appearance & new additions.

I have changed my rock formation.


Here is Helle

My new Ric. I have not placed him yet. I have a mini shelf you maybe able to see & this will hopefull be his home in the next couple of days. Excuse the sand, I am getting some more CUC this week to help.

My new Zoa. Not yet placed

My mini zoa garden (all 2 of them :blink: ), still got to decide where to put them.

Now the new addtions.. There names are Wallace & grommit (named by my little girl, may be able to name something in my own tank one day). Its a Sulphur Goby (not even an inch long) & pistol shrimp pair.




Now one with Grommit in, but still nervous. Wallace was taking food on the first day :good:

What I would like fish ise would be one or two of the following, if I am allowed size wise:
Coral Goby
Green Coral Goby
Bangaii Cardinal

Any other ideas welcome

Coral wise:
Hairy Mushroom (thanks Tina for the idea)
Sun coral
Couple more Zoa
Couple more rics
Candy Cane

Not too sure what esle yet but researching is all the fun.
Lovely shrimp goby pair, he started cicking all night yet??,lol..I see the landscaping already been started,lol
Ric will be stunning once settled, nice bright orange outer ring to contrast against your zoas..
Love the scarlet hawk too...mine never gets peace as the female clown hates him, literally!!! Can't show it's face without her charging into terminator mode,lol...
Nice aquscaping to, allowing various defined levels for attaching your stock to suit their light buy milliput now i guess
Used Multiputty toput it all together. I knen I would be getting the shrimp & goby.

Yes he has started to landscape, the best part is that I have one part of LR by tself at the front & they seem to have taken that up as their home. Not too sure how long that will last though.
Wallace is popping out all the time. Was worried about him not eating but today he was eating frozen food :yahoo: :drinks:

I have moved Ric to the shelf day before yesterday & he seems happy. The wife got me a turkey baster, it bout a foot long, not too sure how much food Ric will eat but I think I am going to get another smaller one. However I did feed him & it was cool. :drool: Will have to get more rics for the shelf & I blame buddyboy for that expense.... :hyper:

Get the rest of my CUC tomorrow. so hopefully some of the algae will disappear.

Not seem a hairy mushroom I like but will keep looking.
As most of you know Gromit died this week..

Yesterday I become the proud owner of a Hairy mushroom (thanks Tina, he is called hairy) & a sun coral (wil be call sunny). I am worried about the sun coral. It has not come out yet. So I don't know if he is a duff one or not. Not too sure where I will place them yet.

However bar low calcium which I am working on everything else seems fine. Zoas are great, Ric is doing well. I fed the hairy mushroom today which was cool. Nem & mow are great & running all round the tank. Hellie is great. He owns the tank (thanks Seffie AKA Marine mum). So not doing too bad.

I may get another pistol shrimp soon because Wallace looks grumpy, I mean grumpyer... May look at one more fish not too sure what yet, suggstions welcome. maybe a couple more corals, not too sure yet. I do lik th look of the Ozzie Duncan.

Pictures soon.
My sun Coral took a week before it started showing heads and even now after another 2 weeks it only pops out on occasions its getting better, I started feeding mine under moonlights then I split my feed every night to give it time to open takes a bit of pateince ;)
Brilliant thanks Morri. The issue for people who buy them on line is, that they wil have to wait a week or so to make sur vrything is OK. Wel anticipation is half the fun :hyper:

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