Gazza Nano Log - Salty Fun

What are you trying to say about my water params.... I don't see any fishes growing arms :sick:

:rofl: :rofl: trying to say that although you think it might have problems, it probably hasn't :p

Hang on a minute, what was that that just rushed across the front of your tank, a glowing hermit crab :rolleyes:

Seffie x

What are you trying to say about my water params.... I don't see any fishes growing arms :sick:

:rofl: :rofl: trying to say that although you think it might have problems, it probably hasn't :p

Hang on a minute, what was that that just rushed across the front of your tank, a glowing hermit crab :rolleyes:

Seffie x


Pictures shortly... National Geographic is coming round tomorrow... :hyper:
Just been reading some threads,my temp is 25 degrees, which may be to low. SHould I raise the temp?
:band: Two of the sun coral heads were out this morning :hyper: So I will get the phyto tomorrow & after lights out will do coke bottle trick.

Going shopping to that Covenry Aquatics tomorrow. I wll put my mini shopping list on here later & wll hopfully tease with photos tomorrow. :shifty: ONly if you ask nicely...

I did notice that YF is getting a brittle star for his tank. Are they OK for my nano? I would only want a small one. Are they easy to keep & would I give them extra food? Mnay thanks in advance.
:band: Two of the sun coral heads were out this morning :hyper: So I will get the phyto tomorrow & after lights out will do coke bottle trick.

Going shopping to that Covenry Aquatics tomorrow. I wll put my mini shopping list on here later & wll hopfully tease with photos tomorrow. :shifty: ONly if you ask nicely...

I did notice that YF is getting a brittle star for his tank. Are they OK for my nano? I would only want a small one. Are they easy to keep & would I give them extra food? Mnay thanks in advance.

:thumbs: Great stuff! Looking forward to seeing pictures. Trips to the LFS are a highlight, I bought my fiancee a dress during the week - it has bought me a ticket to go shopping to my lfs tomorrow. LOL!

Not sure about Brittle Stars, they look great but I get the feeling they could be vulnerable to other tank mates. That is just from looking at them though, I don't really know anything about them.
Right shooping list for tomorrow:

DT Live Marine Phytoplankton - Help with Sun Coral, 2 head out so far (but not fully :unsure: )
New Ear flakes - because my fish are snobs

Fresh Brime shrimp (treat)

Corals (one of these hopefully)
Duncan Coral

I am waiting to replace my pistol shrimp...

Fish, hopefully one of the folowing:
Royal Gramma
Flameback AngelFish
Pygmy Cherub
Green Coral Goby (because I like them)
Flasher Wrasse.

Final part is the selling price of the Citrinis Goby for YF.
That will be my tank fully stocked then.

I did put down K2 drops.. Don't remeber why. Can anyone else suggest why, I remeber reading it on the forum...
Do you mean KZ drops. I use Korallen Zucht LPS amino acid drops and Jennybugs uses the KZ Concentrate amino acid drops. Not all LFS sell these, I get mine from ebay. If you are going to Midland Reef, they may stock it.
Garry, the brittle stars in the nano are the tiny ones that you get on live rock - not the bigger ones, they are likely to starve to death

Seffie x

Right shooping list for tomorrow:

DT Live Marine Phytoplankton - Help with Sun Coral, 2 head out so far (but not fully :unsure: )
New Ear flakes - because my fish are snobs

Fresh Brime shrimp (treat)

Corals (one of these hopefully)
Duncan Coral

I am waiting to replace my pistol shrimp...

Fish, hopefully one of the folowing:
Royal Gramma
Flameback AngelFish
Pygmy Cherub
Green Coral Goby (because I like them)
Flasher Wrasse.

Final part is the selling price of the Citrinis Goby for YF.
That will be my tank fully stocked then.

I did put down K2 drops.. Don't remeber why. Can anyone else suggest why, I remeber reading it on the forum...

HI All, back from Coventry. A nice little store. NO pictures yet but I have got a nice Aussie Duncan, 1 Head for £4.50 yes £4.50... on ebay for £9 :shout: Also got a nice 4 head hairy mushroom with additional mushroom on it as well for £20 yes £20. UNfortunetly no fish. :unsure:
Come on we are all waiting :rolleyes:

You sure got some bargains, would be very happy to come home with those tomorrow

Seffie x

Its a cracking shop, small but every fish looked healthy & I wanted to buy them all (I was a very good boy), alo th corals are great. They have a tank that is coral fr £20 thats it :good: & they were very helpful.

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