Fish Crazy
What are you trying to say about my water params.... I don't see any fishes growing arms
What are you trying to say about my water params.... I don't see any fishes growing arms
What are you trying to say about my water params.... I don't see any fishes growing arms
trying to say that although you think it might have problems, it probably hasn't
Hang on a minute, what was that that just rushed across the front of your tank, a glowing hermit crab
Seffie x
Two of the sun coral heads were out this morning So I will get the phyto tomorrow & after lights out will do coke bottle trick.
Going shopping to that Covenry Aquatics tomorrow. I wll put my mini shopping list on here later & wll hopfully tease with photos tomorrow. ONly if you ask nicely...
I did notice that YF is getting a brittle star for his tank. Are they OK for my nano? I would only want a small one. Are they easy to keep & would I give them extra food? Mnay thanks in advance.
Right shooping list for tomorrow:
DT Live Marine Phytoplankton - Help with Sun Coral, 2 head out so far (but not fully )
New Ear flakes - because my fish are snobs
Fresh Brime shrimp (treat)
Corals (one of these hopefully)
Duncan Coral
I am waiting to replace my pistol shrimp...
Fish, hopefully one of the folowing:
Royal Gramma
Flameback AngelFish
Pygmy Cherub
Green Coral Goby (because I like them)
Flasher Wrasse.
Final part is the selling price of the Citrinis Goby for YF.
That will be my tank fully stocked then.
I did put down K2 drops.. Don't remeber why. Can anyone else suggest why, I remeber reading it on the forum...